Portuguese Africa Thread

Post pics of the Portuguese Presence in Africa, mainly of the Portuguese Overseas War (1961-1971)

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Nobody cares about Portugal

Nobody cares about Portugal

Nobody cares about Portugal

We did it Reddit.


I do care about my little brother
Pls no bully


Há um não sei que nesta cidade
Côr em seus jardins com ar contente
Um jeito de sorrir
Por bem que só por si atrái

Há um não sei que nesta cidade
Que nos faz pensar alegremente
O cheiro bom que terra tem
Depois que a chuva cai

Lourenço Marques
Minha flor, meu garriço
O teu nome não sei que faz
Só sei que traz feitiço

Lourenço Marques
Meu amor, meu elevo
Boa sorte que tu me dás
É a que traz o trevo

Lourenço Marques
Quem te deixa cidade
Que veneno não sei lhe dá
só sei que traz saudade

I care OP.

Is Portuguese Macau fine too? ^^

Angola é nossa, Furriel Pepe.



Ó pátria mãe
Por ti dou a vida
Há sempre alguém
Que não te quer perdida

Ó pátria mãe
Reza a Deus por nós
Há sempre alguém
Nunca estamos sós

Ó pátria eu vou partir
Por essas terras de além
Quem sabe se torno a vir
Só Deus sabe e mais ninguém

Despedida armargurada
Com mil tristezas sem fim
Daquela que é minha amada
E tanto chora mim

It is, hopefully one day we will together fighting the sino-commitern to reunite Korea and take back Macau

I care about Portugal, but only becuase I want to fuck Portuguese vag.

>Wanting to fuck a hibrid between feminism and pseudo-feminity

Cant blame you, American women really are that bad i now know.

OP this ain't plebbit -r7pottugal, ptchan
This ain't a photo spam board. This is to discuss current events and politics. You have to discuss "Portuguese Presence in Africa, mainly of the Portuguese Overseas War (1961-1971)"

Nevertheless have a photo.
Don't be a novoviado next time.

Hey PortoFags, what's your internet like? All the normies here are freaking out about repealing "muh net neutrality" and people are saying portugal has no net neutrality laws.

Is your internet nigger tier or is it okay?

Moçambique, Moçambique é Portugal
Querida mãe mando-te este aerograma
Para dizer que está tudo bem
Que me diverti à grande
E dei tiros à esquerda e tiros à direita
Cacei animais ferozes e também alguns nativos
E trouxe um macaquinho de estimação

Ao partir p'r'ó Ultramar deixo no cais
A acenar os pais, irmãos, os avós
Lenços brancos a acenar sem saber
Se é p'ra voltar ou morrer pela Nação
Lenços brancos a acenar sem saber
Se é p'ra voltar ou morrer pela Nação
Faz-se as juras à partida darmos pela Pátria
A vida com orgulho e altivez
Porque quem nos quer roubar
Sabes que tem de lutar porque tu és português
Porque quem nos quer roubar
Sabes que tem de lutar porque tu és português

Vou-me embora Moçambique
(Moçambique é Portugal!)
Vou voltar p'rá minha terra
Mas outro qualquer que fique te guardará Moçambique
De quem te quer fazer guerra (os turras!)
Vou, mas levo em pensamento
O tempo que lá cumpri
Mas se a Pátria precisar
Eu voltarei p'ra lutar e até p'ra morrer por ti

Ah! Quem não 'teve lá não sabe o que era bom
Era tiro, era balázio, era mina, era bomba, era bazuca... bum!
E os gajos íam todos pelo ar aos bocadinhos
Eram assim os comandos
Uma coisa qu'anda a fazer falta à juventude de agora
Que anda por aí pelas Docas... acredita!

>muh salazar was a facist
>muh salazar was racist n shiet

Fuck /his/, they have dug their own hole along side leftypol
This thread > half of Sup Forums threads to say the least, and shit has been calm even with the black porn shit recently

Paneleiro Novato*

they're stupid as shit. the EU has NN laws... What we have is mobile data to certain apps parted, which is handy as fuck

Our Internet is better than the USA, and we have NN enforced by the EU. That image spread around by brainlets refers to zero-rating.

There are 3 main ISPs competing.

Its pretty good if a bit overpriced. The nation is small and out of the way of big natural disasters so the infrastructure is solid around bit cities.

And even in the interior its pretty stable.

As for that net neutrality bullshit its typical pol kneejerking, the image that was around is for mobile access.


We have net neutrality enforced by EU as some tuga user.

The mobile phone company now a subsidiary to French company Altice - probably found a loophole or the National Communications Authority still hasn't noticed to MOBILE PHONE INTERNET.

EXCLUSIVE TO ADDITIONAL MOBILE DATA packages after a plafond of Free 10 GB.

(((ANACOM - National Communications Authority))) the meme supervising organism is checking if it complies with net neutrality or not.

You can see it IN PIC RELATED is only related to mobile phone extra data packages

Soldado que vais p’ra guerra
Ao deixares a tua terra
E o cantinho de teu lar

Quantas mágoas te consomem
Não choras porque és um homem
E é feio um homem chorar

Quantas mágoas te consomem
Não choras porque és um homem
E é feio um homem chorar

Por isso a guitarra amiga
Nunca abandona o soldado
Transforma a dor em cantiga,
Que é o seu fado.

E diz em tom plangente
Com orgulho e altivez
Que o mais valente
É o soldado português

Quando à noite, na caserna
A luz triste da lanterna
N’essa meia claridade

Parece uma voz distante
O segredo d’uma amante
O carpir de uma saudade

Parece uma voz distante
O segredo d’uma amante
O carpir de uma saudade

Tu foste, ó guitarra querida,
Quem inspirou o soldado
A dar pela Pátria a vida,
Que é o seu fado.

E nas horas de incerteza,
Minha doce companheira
Tu és o hino,
És a bandeira portuguesa



I wish I could experience Lourenço Marques. Alas, all we have nowadays is shitty Maputo to remind ourselves that there once was a legendary city where there is now just a burnt out shell.



I wish we had kept the white triangle, that part of África would have been bleached by now and would go from deserted areas and pre historical civilizations to a place of cities made of marble, able to put the best european and american towns to shame

>If i care with the demands of the humble, it's not by partidarian set backs that hinder me, it's as result of my consciens as a ruler

Lourenço Marques
>impying that a lot of users don't go there from here
these boards shouldn't be echo chambers nor containment boards. So the views opposite to your own don't get transmitted and they will always keep their dogmatic leftist view of the world being gommunist faggots with dildos or something.
> that part of África would have been bleached by now
Because average Brazil mullato (with average IQ rounding up 81 points), Cabo Verde and São Tomé and Príncipe are high IQ citizens and their societies a marble to behold, racemixing degenerate. Even the Albanian proxy was right about it yesterday on contrary to you.

I haven’t been to Luanda, but I’ve been to Maputo. It is heart wrenching to see how what could easily have been one of the most beautiful cities in the world has turned into a ginormous dump. If only you guys could’ve held on to Mozambique for a few more years or if decolonization happened more organically instead of overnight.

The absolute fucking state of Sup Forums, I cant believe how far this dumpster fire has fallen

Portugal did incredible things in Africa, its a shame they folded so quickly though when (((they))) put the heat on. More pics of Portugese controlled niggerland pls.

Whites never really had the true population mass to do that, Africa will remain nignog and burn in jihad slowly. Until the Chinese just wipe it all someday.

This. Africa had a future with no Africans.

>marble to behold

Iberian culture is the only one that understands true honor

And you call us "le 56%"?

We will reclaim it all again someday friend. But it will not be here probably fucking Mars.

I believe in The fifth Empire.

>tfw no Goa

>Go to his, see this, sudenlly remember how they act like pseudo intelectuals, exept when showing their red level
>Implying we would race mix instead of having our own babies while black natality rates dropped


There were few niggers back then

Anything for Greatest Ally.

I don’t mind that places like Mozambique or Angola are majority black. It’s just that it feels like so much architecture and history are merely being squandered. Walking through the streets of Maputo you are confronted by a feeling of complete lost grandeur. The new buildings that have been constructed after the civil war are soulless and horrible. That city should be a world heritage site, not a place with derelict crumbling colonial masterpieces and cheap Chinese skyscrapers.

O Adamastor.


I've been meaning to buy and read

The fabric of terror;: Three days in Angola - 1965

It was a best seller in Rhodesia all throughout the Bush wars. it talks about how the blacks murder/raped the population en masse after Portugal gave up Angola in one day.

It says 1000s of people where cut head to toe in saw mills by the blacks.

I know that MANY Portuguese escaped to Rhodesia for safety and lived there uitil it's fall in 1980, then they moved onto South Africa.

One of the saddest and most unknown eras of history and one of the most important. It was the initial fall of the white man in Southern Africa.

God bless all those Portuguese Soldiers and their families.

>mfw the dude on pic looks like a classmate i used to go to high school with

Those refugees were vilanized here

We were a casualty of the cold war. America didnt exactly help.

But the true perpetrator is already dead and was fuck his soul to hell. History will be righted someday again.

Macau is beautiful, its a shame most of the population dont even consider us at all. Portuguese traces are exactly like old Roman ruins.

Portuguese civilising ideal is similar to the the American exceptionalism, exploring the frontier and conquering the distance, a shame how such a good Christian civilisation came crashing down.

hello inferior countryboy that colonized mine but it turned out that my country is now the world 7th largest economy

Angola e nossa, furriel pepe.

OP I cant tell the Portuguese from the Africans in your pic. Africans are slightly darker yes?

Fuck deep state, they wanted more power and for that the policy is to destabilize the world. Africa was better under White rule and that's that's champ.

we didn't colonize your country, western africans did
we just offered free boat rides

> saudade

Arremacho, de que curso és tu?
Aqui anda um do 219°.

É bom ver que anda por aqui mais malta da nossa a ver o que realmente se passa.

Every road there is named in Portuguese, every shop has Portuguese in its name, and it's filled with churches. I lived near it for years, and visiting it was the closest thing I had from home.
I remember one time I was visiting it with my girlfriend at the time, we tried to go in a church but she was stopped and berated by an old lady for having shorts too short. Felt good

How are the retornados seen in Portugal nowadays? It must’ve been quite something to leave a place where your family has lived for generations almost overnight and with absolutely no possessions and to return to metropolitan Portugal only to be vilified.

Wake up morron, a portuguese earns as much as any of you apes in a week than you working an entire year, and we are considered poor compared to Benelux or nordic countries

tu sabe que a maioria da população brasileira é branca né?

That's right, you can't tell Africa from Portugal, only comunists say they could.
You're not a comunist, are you?

The Brazilians are all over Mozambique and Angola making a quick buck and trying to out elbow the Chinese.

o que faz sentido visto que Portugueses nem dois milhões eram e Portugal e mandaram 4 milhões de pretos para aí

lmao classic portuguese

always talking about themselves

that looks comfy af.

how did we let it go

kek porco europeu imundo, ta putinha porque sabe que seu império ruiu fodidamente pra um bando de "macacos"?

Ainda estudo, mas já me decidi a tentar as forças especiais quando acabar o curso, não quero imigrar

Kek, fuck you guys.

40% is white there for not being a majority and it is self-identifying census. the pardos are the relative majority


47% da população é branca, e pelo menos pardos ainda são parcialmente brancos

pardos ainda são melhores do que os sandniggers que estao entrando na europa

>ele realmente acha isso
O Brasil é no máximo 30% branco. O resto é um monte de pardo claro que prefiria ser branco.

Depends if you are a filthy commie with a phony notion of empathy they are racists
If it's the other way around they are treated like unfortunnate brothers whose troubles are long gone and buried under nostalgy

somente 43% é pardo

Portugal is in Europe. You retards are even stupider than Americans. At least Americans know America is in America.

But you hate Catalonia

Sim, como esta

se tu parar pra analisar, voce vai perceber que a maioria das pessoas sao realmente brancas, a não ser que tu viva em uma fodendo Osasco da vida

He means the portuguese colonies in africa you fingolian.

Porque é que as tuas compatriotas aqui são umas valentes badalhocas? Comi uma que acabou com o namorado de propósito para a ocasião, papei outra que andava sozinha, o resto são de verdade putas

Sempre que vejo as telenovelas Brasileiras é 90% branco. Mais branco do que as series Americanas, mas não fasso ideia de que forma os não-brancos são representados.

Pedro I do Brasil is as respected here as should be there.
Our strength is in Brazil and Brazil also had an Empire, and maybe someday will have it again.

Does not bode well for Brazil as well since most comments in pol are from self loathing college age neo marxist fuck ups.

This kind of in-fighting is about as retarded as it gets, especially because it's using an autistic, foreign criteria. What's the point of arguing whether you are slightly whiter (again according to foreign autists' standards) when according to those same standards you yourself are a worthless piece of shit, anyway?

Some of the Portuguese here have simply not ever gone back to Mozambique or Angola after the war ended. They say that the memories are still to painful and that they can’t face what they have lost. I can certainly understand that.

47% não é maioria, e "brancos" vêm da opinião de quem quer ser branco, e não é preciso ler um livro de história pós colonial do Brasil para perceber que toda a gente queria ser branco.

>pardos ainda são melhores do que os sandniggers que estao entrando na Europa
Também já pensei dessa forma, mas era antes de saber que o número de homicídios no Brasil é maior do que o número de homicídios na Europa e norte de África combinados. Depois disso já não tenho bem a certeza.

Its called divide and parcel.


The coastal areas of Angola and southern Mozambique were predominantly Portuguese due to Portuguese migrants flooding in after WWII

In fact the Apartheid government assumed that after the Carnation Revolution that the colonists in Angola and Mozambique would declare their own UDIs like Rhodesia and continue the war

But the soldiers listened to the communists and thus the Portuguese left for Europe, which also doomed Rhodesia and empowered Botha towards his goal of deposing Vorster during Muldergate leading to the fall of South Africa 20 years later

Chinese will never wipe it out because niggers revolt against them much faster than against Europeans. Turns out if you only staff your mines and factories in Africa with chink colonists and undercut native African businesses while taking over their cities they throw you out. Europeans ruled Africa for 100 years because nignogs benefited from European civilization and were employed by them. Europe is getting swarmed with nigs looking for gibs and work because they are unable to provide it themselves and the flight of whites from africa robbed niggers of their employers.


ainda bem que a gente conseguiu evoluir a língua portuguesa

>Portuguese traces are exactly like old Roman ruins

Eh, that's an exaggeration. The fact that the whole centre of the city is still essentially Portuguese style and all the street signs are in Portuguese will keep it mentally unique.

Because of Portuguese weakness, it never developed the same political culture that Hong Kong did, but this does have a silver lining.

Macau is so unthreatening that it's quite likely that it will preserve the subtle freedoms it currently enjoys. So no noisy rallies, but you can still find uncensored news magazines in Macanese stores and watch overseas television without any problems.

It will never be what it was, but it is still I think something quite special. Besides whatever social differences there are, it feels much more relaxed and easy-going than Hong Kong, so combined with the aesthetically pleasing nature of the architecture it's a great place to just hang out. It'd be a great place I think for for example a writer to stay.

If you don't mind roughing it a little, hostels there are surprisingly cheap, as are the little Chinese restaurants on the sidestreets. Portuguese food is also quite reasonable.

The absolute cucks just handed Macau over for no reason. At least the British had a reason to cede Hong Kong back, but the Portuguese government didn't, Macau was Portugal

The government of Angola was building Luanda back up when oil prices were high and inviting Europeans to come and help them develop. I assume it's gone to shit now that oil is down.

>being salty about retards

Just ignore them

shut up and become a part of brazil again

>maioria das pessoas sao realmente brancas,
Tá maluco? Sou de Porto Alegre (que, tudo bem, é uma cidade grande e sempre vai ter muito preto) e, a não ser que eu fique sempre nos mesmos círculos da classe alta/média-alta, é facil ver que nem aqui no "sul branco" a maioria da população é branca. O Brasil tem exatamente o mesmo problema do le 56%, só que pior, porque é ainda mais pardo e ainda mais iludido sobre as próprias estatísticas racias.

Pode ser uma surpresa, mas as novelas não são uma representação fiel da realidade. É que nem pegar uma seleção de futebol pra dizer qual a raça de um país.

They didn't cede it back, they just gave it independence. They became part of China on their own


>fifth reich

Elon Musk, NASA and ESA are going to dump niggers all over space and doom humankind and there's nothing anyone can do to stop him