Meanwhile, in Burgerland

>Meanwhile, in Burgerland...

When the American is told he'll go to prison if he doesn't contribute the downie demographics, the American claps.

This is the power of Christianity.

Damnit Crowder...

for what purpose, muh fee fees? Healthy baby abortion still ok tho right

>Murdering babies is good for society.

You people need to go.

>My body my rules!

Would you about your baby if he were to become a gay Democrat?

Well you gotta start somewhere, think of it like the thin edge of the wedge.

The left does this all the time and it works REALLY WELL for them.

>having more downs syndrome is good for society
God damnit

>Murdering babies is good for society.
Unless you want a society filled with retards and niggers.

What if you just move to another state, for an ultrasound, abort it if it's a downie, then move back to Ohio without telling anybody?

we don't discriminate against babies
kill all of them

Aborting retards (white retards and regular niggers) was the only reason to abort????????

that legislation is more retarded than the downies that it would force people to have

Down syndrome babies are worth 2 niggers if they're white. Libs think 1 tiny microbacteria on a rock in space is life but here they push afterbirth abortions. Kys leftist homo.

There is absolutely nothing inhumane about eugenics. Do people think that retards would be happy they were born if they understood what they were?


>wants more welfare leeches


Down syndrome babies literally are not human. The church did kill these births before 1600s counter reformation


Why not criminalize all babies?

Exactly; this was the explicit purpose of Planned Parenthood

Thank you for not aborting me.

>checking for downs

nigga you need an amniocentesis for that shit, its very invasive and can even cost you a heathy baby




How come Row v. Wade doesn't cover that?

Downies are nice though. My liquor store has a high functioning downie cash register. And a turbo retard downie gave me a hung and told me he loved me once before playing bball with his nignog handler. Good times



The only way I would agree with aborting a downy is post natal. The pre natal test is not foolproof amd the abortion should have to wait until the child proves its a downy.

> the only person who was ever nice to me had the iq of a seashell

It is, actually. Most of the babies that are aborted are niggers.
Removing them = good for society
Easy huh?

I see that burgers are following Poland

We should also abort kids that dont function well at school. They disrupt the learning environment of others and drastically inhibits our societies.

How the fuck does that neocon think this is a win? This is literally bringing downies who will live a fucking miserable life onto the Earth.

Having ppl take responsibility for their degenerate, evil society by making them take care of and not murder the innocent product of their chemical poisoning

I'm sure killing babies results in a stronger, more responsible society

Downies, lovely as they are should all have been aborted.

They are nothing but a drain on society, a prison for family members, leading a life of confusion and agony while acting like retarded little children for 50 years with no break in that schedule.

>source: my girlfriend's retarded little half brother


They are not miserable, their selfish uncaring unloving unworthy parents are miserable as they should be for letting this degenerate society continue

Ppl who make fun of innocent down syndromed children go to the pit forever

Post natal abortion is the true red pill.
Give every child 1 chance to prove its worth. All abortions should take place at the age of 1 after a panel of judges decides wether the kid stays with the parents, becomes a ward of the state as an asset or gets aborted.

even this is allowed in islam, infact abortion in the entirety of the first trimester is acceptable, just frowned upon by people



They're a Litmus test for who's going to burn

Do you think they enjoy being the rejects of society? Most parents aren't selfish, they just can't deal with raising a downie who is a complete and utter chore to raise.

>my body my rules
Is a liberal argument
Is a conservative argument

Are you trying to draw a correlation? Because they are not correlated.

They don't know that almost everyone around them is evil

It's okay you just have to be a shitty parent so social services take your kid away.

Murdering unborn children to simply get out of responsibility, great stuff

Loss. I live in Ohio and have a downie cousin. This is an abomination of a law.

It's not even my girlfriend's fault, but who's gonna look after the retarded fucker after her fat fuck mum dies? Her, which means in turn me, which I REALLY don't wanna fucking do, can you still throw these fuckers in a mental ward?

Should I sacrifice them to Ba'al Hammon or Tanit?

When Liberals have to decide between supporting abortion and supporting euthanasia.

We could be using them for research and stem cells.

Fuck Kikestians. Their religion is a disease. They will make a hell out of this world because they feel heaven awaits them when they die.

100% this, but unironically

wondering if kid in picture is
>a caucasian downy
>an asian downy
>or just asian

80% of down syndrome babies are born to women over 35

Just look at your childhood photos and compare.

Never murder babies, full stop

Except we can't screen for those unlike for mongs during pregnancy
Why are conservatards so utterly dumb?

What are you, 8?
>they're evil
Go back to plebbit faggot

Crowder is such a fag. Who listens/watches his show. It isn’t funny, it i isn’t edgy, it is Ben Shapiro’s talking points from a guy who isn’t even a Jew.

>Almost as if old fucking hags shouldn't be having kids

Maybe those parents should have lived better, ate better and used less recreational toxins.
Downy parents deserve their fate, they obviously did something wrong to deserve it.
If the parents chose the selfish way out, they both need to be sterilized as they either carry the gene or cant stay off the toxins long enough to produce a healthy baby.

>western women have kids later and later in life
>wait for career, wait for mortgage, wait for no reason
>have kids in the human evolutionary shadow
>increases chances of all defects\diseases by 200%-5000%
>now you can abort only healthy ones

its like someone's trying to force the next generation of westerners to be all sick and retarded .

I've never felt comfortable dooming somebody to an existence of nothingness. They may come out with Down Syndrome in such a way that they will never be able to do anything themselves, and they will be an absolute burden on their family, and they'll all secretly hope they died as quickly as possible.

Why would you want a person to be born into a life where they shit themselves for 60 years? Where they can't feed themselves their entire life? When they don't even know WHO or WHAT they are?

They're called mongoloids for a reason lol

And the rate of birth of down syndromed children is increasing all the time, just like cancers are too

Don't worry, your doctors have no idea why

good. abortion is murder. furthermore, downies are objectively better than most americans
>willing to work
>family oriented
>possess mong strength when angered

Wait a minute, does it mean you can only abort healthy kids ?

Post natal you fucking retard. The downy test doesn't work, all 4 of my nieces failed the pre natal test. So far they seem normal. The oldest is 13 and seems normal.
Post natal abortions and I will not argue against it.

Absolutely this.

I will not look after the downie when fat-fuck girlfriend's mum dies, I'll make him homeless, I don't give a fuck about mong bongs.

It undoubtedly makes for a stronger society. No society has been powered by or empowered by retards.

So it's legal to abort a baby but not if it's got Down's?

Japan has the highest maternal age at 1st birth in the world

>killing babies for having a genetic disability
Guess you should've been euthanized at birth too user

Quran permits abortion if a fetus is less than 120 days old, especially when a deformation or an incurable disease is present.
Further proof that the Quran is God's flawless creation.

>they want you to have downie babies
fuck. that.

Yeah but you have hijabs and brown skin so we're okay thanks

christianity is a disease

I used to play basketball with a guy with down syndromed, he was like 50, he was nice and happy

These ppl deserve life

The only reason ppl advocate killing them is because the parents are irresponsible selfish human scum who don't really care about the child's quality of life but their own instead

Sad how people shill for anything if it profits them.

>These ppl deserve life
then you can raise all the downies you want, just leave me out of it

More proof that Muslims are satanic

Why do cuckristians hate themselves ?

RIP japan then

Found the inbred canuck


People living where I am are extremely poor, my gfs family have begged me for loans before because they spend all they have on that retard, fuck you.

If it's one thing Ohio needs, it's more permanent dependents to suckle on the public tit.

Ever heard of eugenics before?

Luke dies. Leia doesn't die. Yoda returns. Snoke dies.

Americans actually want more retards so they don't have to feel bad about their own incompetence

Selfish? You cannot imagine the hell that taking care of a downie for 50 years puts on a family. A lot of the time Down syndrome is very extreme and the person has the functionality of a baby not a happy 10 year old


>Says this while voting for a pedophile

Well thanks for the hindsight pal but it's not like they can time travel to stop that shit.
It's also not always that.

what the fuck , fucking pro- life cucks