A "voter" admitted, on camera on FOX 10, that they flew millennials across the country into Alabama to vote

A "voter" admitted, on camera on FOX 10, that they flew millennials across the country into Alabama to vote.

They captured the Reddit posts demanding African American voters in Mississipi, Georgia, Alabama felons, etc. to vote Jones in.

"We came here from different parts of the country to campaign and vote and we got Jones elected. WOOOOO!"

I repeat: They just admitted to committing a felony on camera.

Other urls found in this thread:


True if Big!

>Reddit posts

Why do you think these are important, and why are you referring to posts not being deleted as being “captured?”

How is this different than dems calling out Collusion? Bunch of sore losers.

We have circumstantial evidence? They have nothing?

The difference is there's no evidence of collusion. Here we have plenty of evidence.

except there are voter id laws in alabama so how would these nogs even vote?

link to the video


It doesn't matter what laws are passed as long as all of the poll workers are leftists

The machines are digital, democrats working the polls probably had a list of dead voters/etc., and working with the bussed in people to log them in as someone else basically.

>on FOX 10

AHAHAHAHAHA the desperation

Thanks I linked the wrong post number in my reply

Basically this. Especially if the machines are digital. Although if the actual voting machine requires a magnetic swipenof your ID maybe not. But if you do the ID shit with a poll worker and then they send you to a booth with "your" info in it....fraud central

then go prove it. all there is now is plebbitors asking people to commit felonies. no evidence it actually happened

Multiple (non-joking) Reddit posts and this video evidence constitutes enough to start an investigation. Glad to see you agree, if we could open the investigation formally we could "prove it" as you say.

>no evidence it actually happened
People who were not registered to vote were voting, 30K in fact. That alone is enough margin for error by far.

during the 2016 election conservative poll watchers were getting kicked out of polling stations by democrats

PSA: If you wish to report this or any other suspicious activity, this is the website to report it.

>Sup Forums taking the reddit bait and drinking their koolaide this hard

L O L they are making fools out of you guys but keep going this is fucking hilarious

and how are you going to get someone to open an investigation? if plebbit has taught anyone anything, its that being a bitch and crying about something on the internet has no real affect on the real world. start as many online petitions as you want, it does not change anything.

Bump. Shit's unacceptable.

>American whites are now ruled by niggers who vote as one group

Isn't it time you stopped using democracy?

and you have evidence that they voted?

Hi, Alabama voter here.
When I went to vote, I had give my license people up front, they verified it was me, because ya know my picture is on it. Then they marked my name off on the roster.

How would some random people from Georgia and Tennessee be able to vote if they're not residents of the state and lack a state license?

You're fucked.

You guys are the most paranoid retards on the face of our flat earth.

Breitbart follows more or less the same philosophy as Aleksandr Dugin, Infowars has him on the show, Richard Spencer’s wife is his protege, and half of Trumps inner circle has lied about meetings with Russians while Putin and others continually praise Donald? Pure coincidence.

Low voter turnout for a man widely believed to date 14 year olds, likes Putin and speaks Russian well, blacks don’t vote for a man who’s online supporters have tons of open racists and fascists and has downplayed slavery? MUH LIBERULS RIGGED IT

But the only shills you faggots worry about are Shareblue. Not government propaganda in the 24/7 pro trump thread, not Cambridge analytica, and not the FSB.

You guys are really aiming for the gold medal in the cuck Olympics.

>democrat run polling station
>don't check ID
>assign random name on register to each voter
>justify it cause you're fighting the ebul cheebo benibo

The people who cast the mind of the voting herd decide

Following because I didn't get enough of your disappointment on election night. This is the gift that keep on giving, stay butthurt Moore fans.

>you're all paranoid!
the ironing

If true big

They go to a polling place where the workers help them cheat. Someone has a list of names and addresses of people they know are still registered despite being dead or moved away, and when a fraudulent voter comes in, they use one of those identities. That's one way, there are others.

Its like all you have left, in face of evidence, is ad hominem. It's precious, dear.

>Sup Forums is effectively neutralized
>posted in 2013


>It was on Reddit
>It must be true!
You're one gullible fuckwit.

That doesn't make any sense. They're not registered to vote in Alabama

Report your findings to the Moore camp.

dem lies

It's a conspiracy. We won, the libtards just won't admit it! They cheated! REEEEEEEEE

How does one know it's a democrat polling station lmao. Almost all of North Alabama is Republican to the extent that some people can't take local office as a Republican because there's too many and have to run as Democrats.

Maybe not everyone in the state wanted to vote for Roy Moore. Maybe half the state didn't want to be associated with voting for Doug or Moore. I know this as a fact because several people I know IRL said they weren't voting because Jones was for Abortion and that Moore's conduct and current accusations prevent them from voting for him.

Less of a camp at this point, more of a lone cowboy sittin by the fire.

That's what I meant.

Student ID'S can be used to vote in Alabama lol how hard you think those are to make.

The alt-right has direct connection to Russian political strategists and ideology and you guys seriously believe they aren’t involved in some of what’s happening?

Get real. You think the CIA are the only intelligence agency arming and supporting divisive movements abroad? You realize Dugin literally wrote a book on how to do this to America and now we have antifa and alt-right factions, both have evidence of Russian connections and both mirror strategy written by the Russian with the most clear connections to figures in the bigger alt-right movement?

You niggers would never ignore this if it was George Soros. You only downplay it because you agree with it. Christ, Dugin uses a chaos magic sigil as the symbol or Eurasianism and Kek the Chaos God is a huge meme, Evola is widely read- the parallels are transparent.

Nobody is saying Russia hacked the election, I doubt most of this is illegal in any way. But this is the same shit the CIA does in other countries. You’d have to be a god damn fool to think American fascists don’t have outside actors helping them and promoting their movement.

Sup Forums wouldn't be Sup Forums if it wasn't a flaming pile of shit.
That's half the fucking point of it.

So the Dems made thousands of fake IDs. Then what? You still have to be on the voter roll. What happens when the actual voter shows up to vote? Are you implying hat they printed out thousands of fake IDs for just the dead voters still on the roll then "bused" people to the locations where those specific dead people were on the voter rolls?

I'm honestly trying to figure out how you think the conspiracy went down.

You don't need an Alabama ID, you only need a state ID (doesn't matter which state). They exploited this loophole.

>implying the only choice is between our internal jewish masters or russian masters

I reject that false dialectic

That is clearly photoshopped. There is no fucking screenshot software in the world that is that pixelated.

It is a requirement to have a state ID to the state you are voting in. Are yoi high this morning?

You need to be on the voter roll and your address needs to match, otherwise they'll hand you a provisional ballot. One time I argued for about ten minutes because I had an Alabama ID and I was on the roll but my address didn't match, they barely let me vote (2016).

Lax enforcement in thirteen districts reporting over 300% compared to their actual population.

>greater % black voter turnout in an off year special election than the 2008 presidential election
>more black voters came out to vote between two old white guys then came out to vote for the first black president

Nothing to see here!

Sure kid

Why try to win Alabama in a presidential? They're bound to go deep red. Alabama senate seat was winnable this time, and it required the black vote, so a concerted effort was made to get black Alabamians to the polls. Cry about it.

Why are leftys so afraid of an investigation into voter fraud? Wouldn’t it put the rumors to bed or are they afraid?

Just a bunch of sore loser conspiracy theorists, which is hilarious, since that's what they call the Dems every time they mention collusion.

Why are right so afraid of an investigation into collusion? Wouldn’t it put the rumors to bed or are they afraid?


this is why you niggers need voting ID's
the votign ID has your address and district on it, you can only vote in your district, no going across state or across the city to vote
fuck even the lazy ass mexican indios got their voting id's, get your shit together

Let the butthurt flow through you

post your face when it comes out that this was some genius conservtards mater plan to make the left look bad

there already is an investigation into collusion and its found it (but on the dems' side)

We have voter ID laws and voter rolls at the precincts. The system works just fine Pablo.

People locally know which precincts are heavily one party or the other. Mine is 70% Republican, consistently year after year. That's probably not slanted enough that you could get the workers to help with fraud, and they always have at least one Democrat working. But some precincts are 90% or more one way and have trouble getting anyone from the other party to work. And if you had 2 Democrats and 1 GOP NeverTrumper, they could go nuts with it.

That's why it *could* happen. Have to wait and see if it did.

although the last part of the video is from the 2008 election, it still has relevancy

>implying an inner city polling station that is 90+% black isn't guaranteed a democrat station

This is the correct response to your reddit spaced drivel.

>inner city
I'm fucking dying over here.

Not once did I say it was either/or you fucking illiterate. I voted for Donald over Hillary and I would do it again.

But that doesn’t mean this board and the greater right wing movement isn’t full of its own shills.

Try posting anything even remotely against the boards consensus and see how many people call you shill. It is a dangerous level of paranoia and an echo chamber almost directly mirroring Reddit but of course representing the opposite.

You guys are emotionally controlled by people who don’t give a fuck about you- and while you understand how desire can be used to dominate people this site is collectively oblivious to how hatred, disgust, and tribalism are used for the same purposes. The threats posed by Pride and Wrath are just as bad as Greed and Lust.

wew you're so new and retarded I physically cringed.

You have no argument and I’ve been here longer than you.

The fact that you think there needs to be an argument to address the fact that you have no understanding of board culture, or the fact that your little self important rant about controlled opposition is anything other than common knowledge here shows how you're from Reddit and need to leave.

>implying roy "I fuck teenage girls" moore didn't ship in rednecks from adjacent states

You guys are fucking dumbasses. "ONLY THE OTHER GUYS DO THE BAD STUFF, WE'RE PERFECT AND GUILT FREE" Yeah that's why you lost. Get fucked you redneck pieces of trash.

Nice evidence you have there, buddy.


>pic of reddit user is evidence of bussing in loads of people from out of state

Lol, you're such a dumbass it hurts.

We have video evidence and testimonials you fucking retard. Where do they find you losers?

What the fuck does your rhetoric have to do with the damned violation of our voting laws, kike?

They've been investigation this entire time, you goat raping sand nigger.

I'm sure I'll see your damning video evidence on Fox News this very evening.

I see the money hasn't run out yet, but it must feel weird calling someone stupid while shitposing on Sup Forums for scraps.

Yeah yeah yeah

fucking read it you stupid twats and accept that running an accused pedophile against a bog standard democrat is what lost alabama for the republicans. stop being sore losers and accept that you fucked up

Plenty of people here buy completely into the pro-Russia shit and are totally ignorant to how much Dugin influence there is in so many people that have been called /ourguy/.

The delusion here that Roy Moore could not have lost when there are a dozen reasons why is indicative of the greater problem. That this board has been engaged in the exact type of subversion Yuri Bezmenov warned of, but because it’s flavor is nationalistic instead of Marxist people are by and large oblivious.

Run a better candidate next time.

Seriously though fuck off back to where you came from. This is one thread about potential voter fraud, no one is saying that is the only reason he lost. He lost because this piece of shit feminist jew society takes any sexual accusations as unadulterated proof. Even so, If Trump does his usual string of rallies in favor of Moore then he would've won easily, but Don didn't figure he had the political capital to go near the OBVIOUS BULLSHIT sexual allegations.

No one is buying your
>fellow Trump supporter
shtick either. Kill yourself.

>they all voted just once

They're already breaking the law an expecting to destroy the evidence /which/ /is/ /actually/ /procedure/ as soon as the vote is over, why not have everyone submit multiple votes into a delinquent polling station.

That's a well crafted strawman argument you have there.

ITT the voter fraud was that they scanned the same vote several times, as they did in Detroit.

Remember when Alex Jones was saying Trump’s approval rating polls were fixed and he had tons of support? Where do you see any evidence of that outside of here and media outlets directly shilling for his administration?

Investigate voter fraud, you won’t find shit. Your evidence is thinner than the evidence he fucked teenagers. You people are just as detached from objective reality as the progressives. And you can scream about Jews, feminists and Reddit all you want but you look like a stupid spoiled child bitching when mommy takes the toys away. You dehumanize your enemies but think your dispshit buddies are moral paragons. Or worse yet, you know better and argue in bad faith because you don’t care about the truth and just care about winning.

Cry more pussy.

>dems actually took court case to alambama supreme court to save voting records in case there were allegations of abuse or a recount post election
>the (republican) alabama supreme court told them fuck you they get thrown out immediately like always
>this proves the dems cheated

because screenshots from reddit and people larping about how the black folk being helped to the polls since they don't own cars are obviously from out of state is totally trustworthy and admissable evidence right

Do you have the video?

eh, just because they did that doesn't prove they couldn't have done the fraud, maybe it was a double-bluff, maybe it was a separate group of Dems trying to head off another Trump-style swing and didn't know about the fraud

what matters is whether or not the allegations of fraud can be proven

# also, you might be a bot

Trump let them do it. They've exposed their obvious methods of voter fraud (more nigs showed up to vote for Jones than they did for Obama... Yea fucking right) and now they're going to pay. Do you actually think trump doesn't know what's going on?

Friendly reminder that the Dems petitioned the state court to ensure that voting records were preserved in the instance a recount was called for, and that it was republicans and the conservative Supreme court that told them to fuck off. So no recounts for you you stupid fucks.

If you look at that reddit guys username and read his other posts you'll see he's just a troll.

