Ookami Shounen

>tfw Chapter 23 is out and we have no translation thread


I hope everything becomes daijoubu

>that middle right Botan
My heart

bump for interest

IT'S OUT? Damn me, I thought it was next week.

Yep. Going to commence dump soon.

Ripper finished, proceeding with dump.



















And that's the end of this chapter. Next one on March 10th.

I love you so much.

>SFX: school bell
>Where are you going today?
>How about karaoke?
>I heard the Japanese test will be stricted
>are you kidding me...
>who else you asked?
>wanna have another study session?

>Slow down, Botan. Your pace is too fast.
>Sorry, I got carried away.
>Don't burn out all your strength on warming up.

btw, I can't sneak on work to do this, be back in one hour.

>Since then,
>From: Botan; Autumn POP making
>From: Botan; A problem on library council
>From: Mom; when going home today...
>From: Central District Library; New addition to our collection
>From: Botan; You okay?
>From: Mom; Help~
>I've been unable to see Botan

>I have to return her mail.
>Botan, sorry...
>I have a reason for this,
>I tried to see him once again
>When I went to Kurashiki Old Book Shop
>I realised it.

Aw shucks, I'm just some user with a ripping program. You're the one who makes the wait between volume scanlations bearable by keeping us up to date with monthly translations.

Takagi, Kaguya and now this.

I'm overjoyed.


can you make a break every after panel? it will make reading easier

I love you too~

Of course, I was a bit distracted that I forgot the usual drill.

>I tried to see him once again
I meant her; Botan.

>That pathway...

>That corner...

>Even that library...

>And whenever I was near Botan...

>SFX: Clench

>no matter where I am...
>there is always his footsteps
>I've always get reminded to him

>snubbing Botan

>No matter what
>everything seems to remind me

>Oh, so.

>Are you okay?

>I—I'm fine.
>Are you sure? That's great then.

>Lucky me. I got dumped by a schoolgirl.
>Why you...

>That was

>This is...
>the fortress for my weary body.

>How peaceful.

>The lined plushies are my soldiers.

>This is my fortress.
>My own Sherwood.

>This seems childish
>but I'm not.

>I wonder if he..
>if Itsuki-san also the same (Hold it, she knows she's a he, right?)

>Lucky me! I got dumped by a schoolgirl
>Why you...

>He wanted to get close to me?
>Then again, I gave him the chance.
>There is no merit what-so-ever in getting close with me.

>There are reasons
>why I want to trust him and why I shouldn't trust him.

>The old me would have
>think like this drily (dry-ly?)

>The one who have crumbled this tens of years worth of thorny-vine ridden fortress of mine
>was him, so it's his fault.

>Does this means, since he was so sincere
>I was changing, little by little?

>Why are you even think about it, Princess?
>You can't let yourself be fooled!

>You can't trust such a man!

>Has the thought of you getting scared whenever you're with him ever crossed your mind?
>There has to be!

>Maybe there has.

>For once, we had a handholding lesson.
>Since he wouldn't let go of my hand, there was this moment when I was quite scared
>See? He's a liar, a beast!
>A boy who cried wolf! (Roll credits)

>But I...

>She's suffering.
>Poor thing.

>But there is one way.

>The same way Aoi-chan has been!

>The same way...
>I've always been?

>Forget everything!
>Think of nothing ever happened!


>A dream...

>My uniform's all wet

>What a strange moment.

>Should I really just think nothing ever happened?
>Call this number?

These pictures are broken

They work fine for me.

Try some re-saved versions.


Yeah, it was my connection wont load it properly.

>The reminder alert startled me.

>Today's the return due date.
>10th September
>Return 2 books to school library

>That library,
>doesn't have self-return boxes.


>Should I call Botan?
>Nope, I still can't today.

>Aoi! Dinner!

>Yes! I'm coming!

>When there is no one.
>That's it. I will return the books at lunch break when no one's there.

>And then I will
>return to my reserved place

>Or so I thought.

>In the end
>I postponed returning it for a week

>The clerk isn't here

>There isn't anyone here, right?

>Then I suppose I can read some books

>Since... this might be the last time I'm here.

The author starts to shoehorn the main girl after Botan's arc.
Botan's gonna lose, isn't she?

kill me now

>best girl won't win
I hate forced first girl wins

It's hard to say for sure, namo's done a good job of keeping the audience in suspense over who Itsuki's going to end up with. I think it's also important to remember that Tokujira's central to the manga's plot; it was indirectly due to her that Itsuki started crossdressing, it was her decision to start interacting with fem!Itsuki, and it was because of her that Botan and Itsuki first met. In a way, the story is just as much about Tokujira overcoming her androphobia as it is about Itsuki building a castle of lies. Focusing a few chapters on her makes sense, and doesn't necessarily imply that she'll be the one to win the bowl.

Who am I kidding, no matter how much I hope she wins, Botan's going to lose ;-;

Thank you!

Botan will win. Just you wait, ye of little faith.

>OP pic features best girl
>it's a main girl chapter

Goddamnit, OP! You liar!

>its a chapter about literally who girl

You can count instances of first girl doesn't win on one finger.

Why is Botan so much of a best waifu material? She deserves to win the trap.

Author better not screw this up. Botan's win is set up quite naturally and is right there. Actually liking the MC for who he is and not for what he was pretending to be unlike the thorn queen.

Can Sup Forums use meme magic with this so best Girl Botan would win

Soon enough you'll need two fingers for that.

>Actually liking the MC for who he is
Her coming to terms so easily with the whole crossdressing double-identity thing is actually a major flag for her losing if you think about it.

At least MC reacted better when Botan kissed him than the lesbian kiss. Fuck the author for making me hope that there's a chance.

This chapter didn't imply anything, but I don't know guys. I just have this feeling Botan isn't going to win.

We better pack our bags and go home.

if get, botan lose in a True Tears style

>tfw Botan's victoy is looking shakier and shakier
Fucking namo, how can he even think about making her lose.

>cross dressing
Dropped, like a turd into a toilet bowl

>We better pack our bags and go home.
Botan will win you fucking Tokijura falseflagger.

>We better pack our bags and go home.
I'm going to ride the Botan train and go down with it when it inevitably crashes user.

Don't forget to wipe your ass.

I shit clean

If Botan wins, I could cry tears of joy.
And if she doesn't win, I'll cry bloody tears.