Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Dirty Edition

Jamaica coalition is kill.
FDP won't do the Jamaica Jive.
Grüne & CSU almost french kissing each other.
SPD now getting ready for big coalition
Presicuck Steinmeier inviting usual suspects for anudda 4 year big coalition of doom

>news in german

>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)

>fake Höckecaust memorial trolled


>Jewtube videos (commentary, AfD shitposting and aesthetics):

>Kraut/pol/ OP dump

>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

>old thread

Other urls found in this thread:ündel



Brave new World

it's ridiculous





best thing is to flood it with complaints about antifa and die Linke tweets

What would stop anybody from reporting left wing or islamic rhetoric? Could be useful for our side aswell, these companies rather delete content preemptively than face charges.

They're shifting to make the delete process manual and the people who end up in charge of that shit are usually gender studies SJWs.

>They're shifting to make the delete process manual and the people who end up in charge of that shit are usually gender studies SJWs.

Still we can flood their system to slow them down.

There's probably more productive things you can do with your life to help our people.

Right, I don't take part in this shit show, I just read Sup Forums and wait for the inevitable breakdown of the system.


Man, I'm really bugged out about the EU army thing. The next twenty years will be fucking terrible and things will only get worse.

didnt they just say to have a joint command aside from nato?

It's just bureaucratic nonsense that'll lead to nothing, like most of the EU. Even if it gets built, an army of trannies, mongrels, sjws and feminists wont be a great tool to pacify the population.

Damn for the first time in years I was in the pedestrian zone because I had a dentist appointment. Drunken homeless people and shitskins everywhere. This is really saddening

I would recommend to use a vpn

Did you hear a single word of german? I had an ophthalmologist (Augenarzt) appointment and heard around 20 different languages, none of them were german.

30% german, the rest where foreigner.

Hey, fellow Autistanon.

I'd suck her pussy empty, damn.

Hey ho

Are you doing anything to improve yourself in the new year?

So far I didn’t plan anything specific.

Wanna workkk out?
Gotta be strong to not get niggered by achmed. :^)

Then why not Kampfsport?
Working out is for looking good, not fighting off Achmed :^)

The most useless shit ever.
Good luck with your faggy karate move whem Achmed stabs you in the back when you are not watching

I did that in the past but now I got knee problems. I trained not correctly and injured myself.

good luck with your bench presser move when achmed stabs you

>implying being shape matters at all
Cant win a fight when the other party isnt fighting.

t. Fetti

I don't really have much time, in the future, best I can do is work out at home.
What are yout goals?
Mine are:
1)Get fit, up to 88Kg or more
2)Learn about electronics
3)Make a habit of reading
4)Start drawfagging
5)Start making concise plans for my future jobs/career path
6)Develop a positive outlook on life, through reading and acceoting nihilistic reality
(good albeit Oy-vey-tending work by Mitchell
7)Stop being a Deprifag

The most crucial thing that leads to injury over the long term is not stretching, as the msucles grow the relative length ot the myo-tendonal unit shortens, you end up with imbalances and too much pressure coming from the Patella (Kneecap) onto the joint, it's what happened to me. Did you try physio?

>He thinks he gets gains from martials arts
Do highly intensive workout if you want to look buff just for show, because your roundhouse kick wont stop a truck from rolling over your dead body.

what if you accumulate 40 tons of muscle mass? checkmate.

>Get fit, up to 88Kg or more
kek I would have to lose 20kg to reach that

>Did you try physio?
Nope I went to the orthopedist in June, he x-rayed my knee and gave me a prescription for knee bandages. The constant pain is gone now but when I but pressure on it the pain comes back.

Last week I tried it again, after 20 knee bends I had pain for 2 days. I would love to start jogging again but I’m afraid that would fuck up the knee even more.

If you live in a metropolitan area there is bound to be a gym near you, usually as a beginner you will only go ttwice a week, and what are 2-3 hours twice a week user. Also proper work out equipment is very expensive, but maybe youre loaded and it's not a problem.
You will also be training in a group, which helps some people with staying motivated and meeting new people is always a good experience.
But if you're that set on bodybuilding don't let me stop you.
Looking good is for women faggot.
>better lock myself in the basement and cower before my new muslim overlords

Yeah, don't jog, it is bad for the knees, when you are still overweight and can't get a grip on proper running technique.

I really advise you to make sure you stretch your knee, if you cant put your feet on the groud and touch them with the palms, then you aren't flexible enough.
You need to think of it this way: the stronger the muscles on the back of your leg get, the tighter they pull the joint, same thing with the muscles at the front, that give you that nice swoop under the shorts in summer, heck, back when I was sorta-fit, I just added 73Kg->76Kg, girls noticed, kek.

Knee stuff:

Stretch. That. Joint. And. The. Surrounding. Tendons./ Muscles.

Intimidation is half the game :^)
I might do it, if I manage to make time in the new year, but I will be a busy dude by then, I jave a lot of stuff planned, see .


go swimming and "cycle" your legs in the water, brother, and try leg extensions with no weight or super low weight. focus on contracting all the muscles.

It helped me a lot in my life, especially witrh discipline and shit like that (although I also blew out my knee, meniscus, hind acl and sideband RIP)

Guys I'm a dual citizen.

White, college educated, married (white, college educated) no kids, conservative.

Never lived in Germany and am about 90% set on moving there next year.
Started getting tons of paperwork done and 15months savings.

I'm like a1 german but learning and will pay at least some at private if there's too many refugees at VHS.

Do you think I'll have a really hard time?

Lived for a decade in USA as a kid and I fucking hate this country.

Also considering Leipzig so our savings last longer.

I lost a lot of weight a couple of years ago with jogging.

>2010 115kg
>2011 95kg
>2012 82kg
>2013-2015 80-90kg
>2016 90-95kg
>2017 97-109kg

But I agree with you, right now jogging would be most likely overkill for my knee. I need to strengthen it more before I can do it again.

I’m way too shy to show myself in public only in swimming shorts.

do you speak german?
are your parents german?

>Do you think I'll have a really hard time?
Not at all, some cultural difference will be strange in the beginning but everything else should be a piece of cake.

I really want to see you get better, so here are my instructions on exactly what you could do (even right this moment) to help your knees:
(You can also be creative, there are several positions that can be used to stretch tendons around the knee, think and you will come up with your own excercises, but remember: viel hilf nicht viel.)
Don't overdo the excercises in intensity, doing it regularily beats tearing a tendon.

Keep your back nice and straight, you should be feeling the stretch in your butt and a little lower:

Use a foam roll, I bought one at aldi for 20Eur, fucking expensive. You can use a wooden dowel, if you are hardcore, in muscle rolling, there is indeed the exception, that pain means gain, just get into different positions and rroll the thing all over your quads, calfs, hamstrings etc.:

Also a nice one, you should be feeling it in the band of the knee and towards your bottom:

Thee classic calf-stretch, self explanatory, or not quite, have a straight back and straighten/extend youur knee, then slowly go closer to the wall and feel the stretch in your achilles tendon and in the lower parts of your leg:

Also a nice one, just do it, you don't even have to get out of bed:

Another good one, helps your back a littler too, if you do this one a lot, make sure to counter it with the one coming up next...

I think everyone gets used to praying 3 times a day really quickly

Why no kids tho

>married in us
> can i ples com germoney

I am counting on you to get better and improve your health!
Promise to me you'll do it, next time I am in the threads, I'll check up on ya, okay? We can be buddies!
Come on man, I wanna see you make it to 88Kg at a lean body! You can do it!
How tall are you?
Weisst du, eine sache die du auch probieren kannst, ist die Beine stramm zu halten wie eun soldat, bloß nicht im Stehen, sondern sitzend und dann mit den Händen zu den Füßen reichen.
Mir ist neuerdings aufgefallen, dass man nur einmal lebt, ich habe mir den festen vorsatz gemacht, so gut zu leben wie es nur geht, dazu gehört auch ein fitter Körper. Willst du dich mir anschließen, ich investiere gerne die Zeit, wenn ich dir damit helfen kann.

>do you speak german?
A1 but have 4 months till the "planned" move. My profession is 100% English dominated (aviation)
>are your parents german?
Obtained citizenship through ancestry. No known family in Germany, other than Facebook with same last name.

I've was in germany for 2 weeks and loved it. Is leipzig a cool city? I've been to Dresden and they're both cheap af but Dresden seems like too many older people idk..


Idk we're both kind of young. Said we'd wait at least till 30
I ain't asking for permission you twat. I'm a citizen like it or not. Also lived in US as a kid married here in hue

Loosing weight is easy. Just cut down on food. If you want to remain slick and lean then start lifting weights. This will increase your muscle mass much faster than jogging leading to a higher metabolism meaning you can eat more before your weight is increased.

I will try these out. Thanks user, what I should mention too is that my knee makes cracking noises when I move it from an bent to straight position.

>How tall

>dazu gehört auch ein fitter Körper
Dieses Jahr war einfach nur Scheiße, im Januar habe ich mir beim Sport den Nacken ausgerenkt, im Februar hatte ich die Grippe, im März fingen meine Knieprobleme an. Als das Knie im Juli etwas besser wurde konnte ich für knapp eine Woche wieder leicht trainieren, dann bekam ich eine Virusinfektion in den Nebenhöhlen und Mittelohren. Seitdem leide ich unter Tinnitus und Atemproblemen. Die Atembeschwerden sind inzwischen wenigstens wieder zu 90% weg. Die Nase sitzt eigentlich nur noch nach dem Aufstehen am Morgen zu. Außerdem hat mein Orthopäde bei mir im Herbst einen Tennisarm festgestellt.

Das einzig gute ist, es kann nicht viel schlimmer werden. Solange ich 2018 keinen Krebs oder Aids bekomme sollte sich meine Situation verbessern.

Fml bros. Hab heraisgefunden, dass ich ne Mathehausaufgabe für Analysis 1 für Ingenieure jetzt noch machen muss, da mein Team nicht alles geschaffft hat... und ich war letzte Woche nicht da

No shit Sherlock, i did that in the past. I gained so much weight lately because I’m not able to exercise anymore.

I’ve never been to Leipzig


>nicht immer alle Aufgaben alleine machen

Do lots of Germans know about Ernst Zundel?

>Idk we're both kind of young. Said we'd wait at least till 30
Your wifes fertility starts to plummet after 25. Miscarriage complications and tard-rates goes through the roof by the time. At thirdly medicine gives you a 25% fertility rate so i suggest you get going

enjoy this one:
>AfD - Dr. Rainer Podeswa: "Sehr geehrte Muslime und sehr geehrte Nicht-Muslime"
>calling fdp and spd cultural marxists

Literally who?

A German patriot.ündel

The cracking noises can well come from the fact, that you Patella (Kniescheibe) doesn't slide
correctly along its channel in the knee. Again, the stretching my alleviate this. I have a problem
making a regular habit of stretching too, but we can build a buddy-system where we check on

193cm ist ziemlich geil, ich bin nur 188cm, arbeite an deinem Körper und die Mädels fliegen auf dich.
Nicht dass das der wichtigste Punkt ist, ich sage es nur.
I am sorry to hear that you had that much shit plaging you this past year.
Yes, I am sure that you will get better. If you don't want to go lifting weights, you can always
go for a body-weight trainign regimen. I found it to be very effective. I personally use "You are
your own gym" by Mark Lauren, I have a physical copy. Once you have an overview of the exercises
it becomes much less frustrating to follow the book, since you don't have to repeatedly look up
the single exercises because you forgot what you have to do.

Yep, 8ch /zundel/ is fucking awesome.

Great board.

>not learning how to stab achmed with his own knife

I think it can be good to learn a Kampfsport but I'd rather carry a gun

no shit, but this isnt america

>but we can build a buddy-system where check
on one-another

Okay, m8 but no homo

>If you don't want to go lifting weight
My goal is it too start slowly again with body-weight exercises and some 5 or 10kg dumbbells. If that works, then I will start lifting normally again somewhere between mid to late January.

You're pretty good at hamstering away your weakness there friend. Sure you're not a woman?
It doesn't matter wether you get strong, or fit, or learn martial arts (protip, boxing/wrestling>jewish tricks>asian snake oil). Anything will help.
(Also protip: You won't be carrying a gun anytime soon. Deal with it.)

>Markel will successfully wrangle the Greens and SPD into an "Afrika Koalition" for 4 years.

this woman is unstoppable, she's making the SPD come back even after all their autistic screeching. What can men do against such reckless hate?

Which city?

Time to practice drawing, it seems like something fun, actually!
This will take thousands of hours again, won't it :^) ?

Smaller city (under 25k) in Niedersachsen

Einen völkischen Gruße euch aus der schönen Ostmark!

Mein OPA ist gerade gestorben muss weg

Oh... mein Beileid.

Hat er dir auf dem Dachboden eine Kiste aus der guten alten Zeit hinterlassen?

Mein Beileid.

>Hat er dir auf dem Dachboden eine Kiste aus der guten alten Zeit hinterlassen?

this makes me want to make a twitter account to flag anti-german lefty posts

Leipzig is pretty but split between hipsters, punks and a few nasees

Sieg Heil jungs,
Bin Muslim aber liebe Deutschland über alles und will unironisch NPD wählen damit Deutschland endlich mal ein Ethnostaat wird. Wie passt das zusammen?
>tfw bin Ausländer aber hasse Ausländer

>Bin Muslim aber liebe Deutschland
Alkohol ist haram, mein Lieber! Allah straft sich, wenn du besoffen scheißpostest.

NPD is useless, vote AfD

On an unrelated note, I prepared the next thread because OP will probably not be able to create another one today.

Ich weiß nicht mal wie Alkohol schmeckt, in meiner Jugend war ich streng religiös und heute mit 24 bin ich glaube zu alt jetzt mit Saufen anzufangen

Aren't AfD civcucks and capitalist shills? I want a party that is speaking explicitely how Germany should remain a land of Germans but also criticizing international banking system that is ruining countries in Africa and elsewhere.

Yeah but no German will ever vote NPD again u dimwit

Civcucks no, capitalist shills yes, but less gibs means lazy immigrants will fuck off.
NPD is just completely unelectable and 50% government agent, 50% the 'Der Untermensch' from the poster come to life.

>that is ruining countries in Africa
Niggers are ruining Africa, no one else.

munich downtown reporting in
how will you spend your weekend anons?
pic related
hiking at the zugspitze tomorrow

Muscles are actually very useful when it comes to protection from injuries.

Deserved, cardio kills joints, lifting for strength strengthens them (who would have thought?)
A bit is fine though

If you want to make real progress you shouldn't copy photographs.
Start doing anatomical studies user!
/ic/ is a very chill board

squats are awful for your knees

cycling is great for your knees

A joint is not a muscle friend, they can only take so much. Pretty much all oly lifters have fucked up knees.

Already on it, I am gonna use Kimon Nicolaides' The natural Way to Draw", is it any good?
I know of /ic/, I might start shitposting there some day... :^)
Also, once I understand human form, is it a little bit less mind-raping to learn animals?
Anyway, is the mentioned book any good?
I want those art-gains, man.

Don't know that book.
From my experience, once you get a grasp on human anatomy, it is a lot easier to morph it into different animals with the help of a few references.

>there are people in this thread who unironically handed thier votes to the SPD, expecting them to stay true to thier word

There probably aren't unless you did that.

You strengten the muscles AROUND them, which puts less stress on the joints.
No need to be an autist mang