How to Outwit a Jew thread: Serious discussion...

How to Outwit a Jew thread: Serious discussion. My stepfathers father who used to hang with Frank Sinatra always told him...."never make fun of a Jew at a dinnertable." It's because they are very quick witted, this is not a lie and it's a damn fact. Now......./'s their only weapon. How do we neutralize this and strip it away from them?

you mom is whore

This is the method of choice

You faggots don't have answer do ya? That's why you keep lettin these ingrates run the media. Now give me a better answer /polfags

Alright. So how do we defeat a witty snake in the grass?

Good question.

1. Always tell the truth. If you know what the truth is and can back it up with evidence then you should be firm in your beliefs and no amount of witty comebacks will defeat you. If what you say is true and what they say is not true, it should be a simple matter of providing evidence. Never back down from the truth.

2. Live a simple life beyond reproach. If you live a moral life they will be unable to attack your character. They may try to do so but if you are truly beyond reproach this will shine through.

3. Do not engage them in the first place. If an opponent truly has superior wit then why even deal with them?

4. Take action. No amount if wit can stop a fist from hitting you in the face.

I was bug sprayed five times.

Jew here. Plz let the vast Jewish conspiracy know that I haven't gotten any invites to the secret meetings. Feelsbadman.

Honestly not looking to debate, just genuinely curious to know one thing. My understanding is that neo-Nazi/White Nationalist ideology sees Jews as both a genetically inferior minority and, yet, simultaneously controlling the superior majority in nearly every way.

Thus, my serious question: if we're so powerful despite being such a minority, doesn't that make us superior? Or, alternatively, if we're inferior shitbags, is it really plausible that we're actually manipulating a superior majority behind the scenes according to some grand plan?

I don't know - I've been bouncing between Sup Forums and Sup Forums for a decade now and I still don't really understand how it works. Seems like a lot of SJW scapegoating ("White girls are fucking black guys - must be the Jews!") for societal problems.

Serious answers, plz.

>inb4 gas yourself, etc.

Hey bruh, silent J here. The first thing you need to understand is that not all sects are made equal. Its kind of like star wars, there is different cults within the Tribe and some of those cults and races believe they are superior. About 80% of the worlds oligarchs belong to one sect and all attend the same church. Its not coincidence they all work together and collaborate on joint ventures & corporate raids. That is just human nature. Unlike most reformed sects, these synagogues have entrance fees and paid "seats", which is how they keep the hoi poi out. They then use the 'gog to pay for wicked community services like top tier public relations and PAC's which keep the heat off them.

Nazi ideology is against foreign agents. You could be Chinese communists, Russian globalists or Jewish Zionists, or fuck... Quebec independence guerillas and you would be deemed an enemy agent of the National agenda. The nationalist agenda itself does not advocate a "final solution" only that in the event a minority tries to subvert a country against national self preservation, it should be isolated to preserve the statehood and the will of the people.

Enjoy Shabbat.

Have you read the Talmud Bavli? What are your thoughts?

Serious answer please?

jews arent quick witted

just call them an overdodger

they will be so triggered, they will be speechless

Two words that kill the Jew: Question everything (except my taste in shippings).

It's not because they are quick witted. It's because they will have the last word. Dinner table banter beyond a single colley is uncouth. You're handing a win to anyone you snap on at the dinner table. All they need do is respond with an Ace across your baseline or simply call out of bounds.

t. Semite who makes a living exploiting goyish morality.

Because you are the cannon fodder of the Jewish pretenders. The human shields to advance their agenda. When it no longer works for them you will be a disposable pawn. Ever wonder why the Rothchilds emblem was a red shield?

They spend time propagandizing you into the holohoax mythos. You're just as much a victim of this as the goy. They built this story to justify their actions as well as the allies, once it fails you'll be a innocent target. You simply enable their lawlessness.

Consider the story of the Golem. You are the Golem the Rabbi's call to life to act as their agents.

Increase your verbal intelligence. Thats where they are strongest. Language manipulation. Chomsky who's a linguist is a Jew. When your verbal skills are lawyer tier, you will see through their bullshit.

Or ask some Chinese to step in. Jews can swindle the world but notice how they got their asses kicked trying to do business in China?

>Always tell the truth
By setting the standard of what the truth is, by lying.

>Live a simple life beyond reproach
A thirst for power is nothing if you dont have control.

>Do not engage them in the first place
Use their tactics of subversion to your benefit.

>Take action.
Sway opinion.

So we should all act like jews is what you're saying?

You should note there was an alliance to repatriate Jews to Israel between the Nazis and Zionists. If you accept the story of the Holocaust then why did the Zionists break off this alliance? Because it was better to sacrifice the lives of Jews for their own purposes rather than let them leave.

The rich "Zionists" sacrificed the poor Jews. They used Marxist ideology and the "betterment of man" to create radicals that destabilized Europe. Communist Jews were in the work camps. They were 150K Jews in the German Army. Hitler's doctor was a Jew. They had no real issue with a Jew that put Germany first. Incidentally the "International Bankers" at that time were predominately Jewish, but the common Jew paid the price for the Zionist.

1. Judaism is a pyramid, the elite does its thing while little Jews provide cover
2. The competition that decides inferior/superior is still going
3. Jews are basically parasitic--they lie their way into positions of influence in societies others build. Thus they don't want national identity and self-determination for anyone else. Imagine all the Jews in an ethnostate like Japan or NatSoc Germany trying to wage war or even just get along economically without hosts to feed on. They'd be hopeless.
4. Just read Kevin MacDonald already if you're confused. There is not much clarity to be found in this place.

It's up to you to break free of your Zionist masters and Talmudic Rabbis to save the Jewish people.

Sorry bro. You've been used.

>"never make fun of a Jew at a dinnertable." It's because they are very quick witted, this is not a lie and it's a damn fact.

No, it's because Frankie was in show business, and Jews run show business.

hofjuden mysteries. I wonder who the golem I mean goyim is in this deadly alliance

To beat the Jew, you simply need to take them to Talmudic Court.

Yes, it is a real thing. And yes, Goyim are allowed to take Jews there for their grievances.

I've had friends in NYC take down Jewish landlords this way. I don't know why more people don't do this!

>Honestly not looking to debate, just genuinely curious to know one thing. My understanding is that neo-Nazi/White Nationalist ideology sees Jews as both a genetically inferior minority and, yet, simultaneously controlling the superior majority in nearly every way.

No one sees you as genetically inferior, although I heard there's a lot of inbreeding going on with Jews.

But you guys do have a powerful lobby in US politics, you do run the banks, and you do control the media, that's where the backlash from the goyim comes from.

>Thus, my serious question: if we're so powerful despite being such a minority, doesn't that make us superior?

The problem here is that you're playing the game, and we're idle. Right now it's kind of a one sided thing where we're being poked awake by your beating stick.

>Or, alternatively, if we're inferior shitbags, is it really plausible that we're actually manipulating a superior majority behind the scenes according to some grand plan?

Again, no one thinks you're inferior, just master manipulators.

And with that said, gas yourself.

Europeans are fighting to save their lives, you should be fighting to save your souls.

Get a DNA test. My bet is you're predominately European. Why defend Judaism/Zionism if you're like a quarter Jewish? If you're predominately European then why not fight for the preservation of the people you are predominately a part of and free the minds of your people?

It's statistics. One data point (you) does not represent the whole group.

Jews in general tend to control, lie, meddle, play the victim role, lack morality, play divide and conquer etc.

>doesn't that make us superior?
No. I do agree that on average jews have a slightly higher IQ than whites, but that's about it for superiority. You on average lack morality, decency and many other virtues

Don't confuse cleverness with intelligence. They aren't the same.

They aren't smarter, they network. Nepotism plays a had and they build the myth they are smarter. Once the get entrenched in an organization they use awards and honoraries to promote other Jews.

Note the outrageous number of awards shows Hollywood has. They award themselves and their acolytes, it builds their egos and sets a positive message they are achievers.

Yeah but then there are goys whose morality allows for being "uncouth" when the opportunity to degrade and possibly fight a child eating Saturn worshipper and when you call out of bounds or try to zing me back I'll have a better, more vicious insult to lob at you until you inevitably rip the lapel of your jacket and throw a fit so I can knock your teeth out

jews are not very 'quick witted' at all and contrary to popular 'jewish belief' they are thick as fuck. Smart enough to outwit a retard, yes, but not that smart.

Went to law school with a bunch of them. They're not fucking magical. They can be beaten in an argument just like everyone else. Make your point with conviction, have evidence, be prepared to refute the common counterpoints. Above all, don't waver. Their tactics are often designed to shame you and make you doubt yourself. If you refuse to back down it often makes them very uncomfortable.

I know this board likes to meme about the Talmud and Torah but who here has actually read them?

They say those texts are quite difficult to interpret. Muhammad claimed he was the savior to a bunch of Jews, so they tested him based on that knowledge. Naturally he couldn't answer which is why we have today's mess.


OP was his stepfather's wife's son.

Next plan after fake news
Tell them theyre a fake journalist
Theyre responsible in some part for deaths they ignore.
hows that to start off for a working idea?

>Theyre responsible in some part for deaths they ignore.

>The jews care for the lives of goyim at all.