Eminem Calls Donald Trump ‘Aryan’


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he isn't wrong

the boy who's confused about its pigmentation

>Das glaub ich nicht!

His daughter is hot.

Eminem will eventually take the Aryan-Pill

>this mutt

Moby looks rough

Can we start calling this faggot Stan?

Definitely aryan.

is it the early 2000s where anyone cares what Eminem thinks and no one told me?

I hope he wakes up soon.

Im trans now
my pronouns are zhe/zhim

meh just some thot

Jesus Christ you just know shes been Blacked so many times and Eminem has sleepless nights thinking about it

makeapp that filthy whore

This bitch is how old and already looks like Ms. Havisham caked with Kabuki makeup?

>washed up weird-al-tier novelty rapper desperately insulting everyone in power in sad attempt to regain national attention.

This is a compliment of the highest regard

And Eminem epitomizes the dumpster bin of society; a wigger.


Why do you do this?

What an old and sad failed fuck....

He never did anything at all to help real people.



>Dear Trump; I dissed you but you still ain’t calling...

that guy is still around? the fuck?

Eminem is gay.


"P-Please pay attention to me, D-Drumpf!"
Ultimate soyboy.

The real Zhim Zhady?

8 Mile was a great movie and story. It'd be cool if he went full Nazi one day.

> thot*
FTFY, why would you even consider a blacked druggad?