Kraut getting BTFO

Kraut is on a livestream currently getting grilled, our frog JF is on standby and might join in soon. Aydin is crying.

Other urls found in this thread:

>telling him he ignored a big part of evolution etc
>no i didnt

this fucking guy

how many times has JF raped this kikes asshole? why does kraut even try to talk on the internet anymore he's a fucking retard

checked! fucked this is going to be such a fucking shitshow.

Can I get a quick rundown on this drama shit?


>Kraut has been making videos against race realism.
>JF, a PhD biologist has been debunking all of them.
>JF got a recording of Kraut sounding racist against french people
>Kraut got the video taken down

>kraut make a video saying race realism is wrong
>several peoples show him proof
>say they are false proof and hire fake scientist to say his views are true
>get btfo and leave for like a month
>return and begin to say again that race realism etc is stupid
>JF begin to show the proofs etc cause he know his shit
>kraut REEE and try to btfo JF
>JF btfo kraut even harder

just when i thought he couldn't be more of a cuck he does this. he's honestly one of the most pathetic fucks on the internet



France was always a better country than Germany. Germany is gay as hell. France is tight, better language, better food, better art.

>Aydin is crying.
What? Explain.

What the fuck is going on now?

>how can we salvage some of our credibility? lets suggest JF is a paedophile
>My grandfather didn't want to get involved in WW2, not because he's a cuck, not because he's a coward, but because he didn't care if the Jews died

wtf is the context here

JF is bringing the heat

this was amazing when he said that and also said that Kraut hate the goy's

Reminder she started all of this.

This is the Kraut meltdown I've been waiting for. To think I ever liked this pathetic piece of subhuman trash... And whoever this Zeph cunt is, he needs to get booted from the stream.

the toddlercon reader? why does anyone take her seriously

What's the over/under on Kraut committing sudoku after this?

Kraut is so fucking autistic, this is great.

Who are these people and why should I care?


Who is JF?

Krauts getting anally raped in the pooblic spazz?

Kraut is a piece of human trash. I hope he kills himself.

I don’t even know who these people are

3 days? I'll take under

Our Helen of Troy?

Please context for us here

Lol this is hilarious.



id bred the fuck out of her.

What type of shitstorm have I just wandered into

I have no idea who any of these fucking people are aside from Adam Warski. Is Jim joining? What the fuck is going on, who is Kraut, and what are they arguing about? Also, was some bitch just crying?


Lurk more

Essentially Kraut and Zeph being kikes from what I’ve garhered

Don’t know who zeph is. Kraut has been trying to argue against race realism and getting btfo and ass ravaged so he’s doxxing /ourguys/ that btfo of him

You're watching the skeptic community (which has recently taken it upon itself) to #resist and "debunk" white nationalism and race realism

This is what someone who "advocates for free speech" does. He puts them on a list when they're guilty of wrong think. Jesus fuck, Kraut is just utter bottom barrel filth.


Kraut is a low energy Jewish skeptic who was trying to "disprove" the alt right.

>lurk more
Fucking shut up.

is kraut really saying now jean send the scientist into his team to spy on him

Shouldn't be anything new either. This is what he did against Edgy Sphinx and RageAfterStorm too.

Jim needs to get into this stream desu

holy fuck kraut is totally melting down lmao he's finished.
>some fucker plays the pedo card on JF

Is Jim joining the stream, because I would be interested in watching this E-Celeb cancer if he hopped on. Adam is alright, but everyone else is a literally who to me.

Holy shit the butthurt from Trout is fucking amazing

JF is our guy.

This stream is literal autism

Spam the chat and let kraut know that he's a piece of shit.


Pilpul is the Jewish technique of making disingenuous arguments in bad faith. Based Frog confirmed (((Kraut))) is at least part-Jewish.

>What this means for contemporary Jewish discourse is critical: Even though many contemporary Jews are not observant, pilpul continues to be deployed. Pilpul occurs any time the speaker is committed to “prove” his point regardless of the evidence in front of him. The casuistic aspect of this hair-splitting leads to a labyrinthine form of argument where the speaker blows enough rhetorical smoke to make his interlocutor submit. Reason is not an issue when pilpul takes over: what counts is the establishment of a fixed, immutable point that can never truly be disputed.

>What is thought to be the Jewish “genius” is often a mark of how pilpul is deployed. The rhetorical tricks of pilpul make true rational discussion impossible; any “discussion” is about trying to “prove” a point that has already been established. There is little use trying to argue in this context, because any points being made will be twisted and turned to validate the already-fixed position. Pilpul is the rhetorical means to mark as “true” that which cannot ever be disputed by rational means.

I hope so, but I don't know. Metokur was originally going to host this.

Which avatar thing is his?

Jim has been circling this whole drama like a shark. He's probably busy making a video on this krautcuck this entire time.

The guy in the black shirt with the clock / gauge to his left

Based Frog Man calls out (((Kraut))) for being a goy-hating (part-)Jew who is motivated by a fear of his people losing (((power))) to White ethno-nationalists.

>Conquering us so "Ashkenazi" Jews can call themselves the real Germans in anything but their own language for once after two-thousand years
>Claiming France is better
You just pissed off at least one very image-conscious Jew without even knowing it. Good job.

profile to the immediate right of Kraut, hes a man with a black button up shirt

He's 25% German, 25%jew and 50% anglo accordibg to himself.
This one is on you,faggot.

>"Skeptic community heavyweight" Kraut and Tea decided to debunk scientific racism and btfo "the alt-right" once and for all
>starts having it out with the Alternate Hypothesis on youtube over 'race realism' a
>Doctorate in neuroscience JF steps in and dismantled and debuinks each and every one of Kraut's points and demonstrates that intelligence, predictability and intelligence can be shown to be correlated and linked
>Kraut and Tea spends the next five months building a reply which is destroyed in 24 hours because Kraut disregarded entire scientific fields to uphold his pre-drawn conclusions
>Now JF has discord recordings of Kraut in his skeptic echo chamber getting BTFO by his own biologist volunteer superspergs he invited when they told him that the main hurdle he has to overcome is that JF is right and he is wrong.
>Kraut then is so assblasted that he goes on a racist tirade about the stupid French and jokes about how he wishes his fellow germans "gassed them all"
>JF now goes "no Kraut, it is you who is the race realist bigot" and for added effect calls him a subversive mischling that is mad that people like JF's grandfather did not die for ZOG.


Got it. Thanks.

I fucking hate this woman

Jim's twitter shitposts

I want her to make an unexpected return, and deliver the killing blow. A shame this will probably never happen.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Jean-François Gariépy. The analysis is extremely complex (over three hours!) and without a solid grasp of neuroscience most of the facts will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also JF’s optimistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his Internet personality- his personal philosophy draws heavily from his book "The Revolutionary Phenotype", for instance. The experts understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of the analysis, to realise that they’re not just correct- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike JFG truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in JF’s existential catchphrase “My people are dying, Sargon,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Québecois culture. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as JF's scientific debunking of Kraut's videos unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, I do have a JF tattoo. And no, you can't see it, it's for JF's eyes only. What are you going to do now, Kraut?


Maybe it's because you've heard her before.

its great because of how many of them look up to him.

I've only come across her channel a couple of days ago.
Is she worth listening?

That'd be too perfect, it'd be great if she got on the stream though.

>tfw i've been pilpulling people all my life
>tfw i have some jewish blood in my family line
is this shit genetic?

Christ these people are insufferable, especially the Jew with the SE Asian.

I'm not subbed to her, but she's driving me crazy here

This. (((Kraut))) is a Jewish youtube skeptic (leftovers of the early-2000s fedora athiests) who led the witchhunt against a minor alt-right youtube girl to get her channel deleted and fired from her job & expelled from her school etc., then decided to attempt to lead a skeptic "debunk" of race realism via snarky pilpul youtube vids. Basically a younger Bill Nye/John Oliver type who is now getting BTFO by Based Frog Man (Jean-Francois Gariépy) and The Alternative Hypothesis on the science of race realism and HBD:

>Kraut and Tea is too Dumb for the Scientific Method

>Kraut and the Struggle to Address Arguments Someone is Actually Making

>Kraut and Tea Denies the Existence of Quantitative Genetics

>Dunning Kruger Kid Mangles r-K Selection Theory

And so on..

King Frog Jean-Francois Gariépy's vids BTFOing (((Kraut))):

>Kraut and Tea is Too Dumb for Science #1: r/K Selection

>Kraut Turns Sauer #2: Race Realism

Yea probably, or you learned it from watching your Jewish relatives.

Who is this girl and is she laughing or crying?

Is kraut one of those oven dodger controlled oppositions? he just sticks for the dumbest ideas and has no idea how to defend them, its like an average newfag user of Sup Forums larping as an european "but all whites are geniuses because its on our DNA" for crying out loud Kraut....

Not a big fan of destiny but I like his debate/educational seminar that happened with JF about race/biology/ and evolution. He seemed open minded during the whole thing.

Get in the stream Jim

These fags don't understand correlation coefficients. They just are going by a stat book category and say "hurr .3-.6 = moderate" without actually understanding what that means in context.

Holy shit thats her. I remember how shit she was against Destiny.

She sounds schizophrenic here.

Said the social scientist, fuck off cunt

Its a woman so shes obviously crying. Her voice is annoying they should kick her and let JF speak

this woman needs to tone down the drama, also when is jean talking

Just let JF and Kraut fight, that's all we want.

This is how Destiny is most of the time when he isn't talking to retards who can't form coherent arguments or be consistent.

Aydin Paladin

Apparently this whole thing has been getting to her, especially after she discovered she was also on Kraut's "list"

either way it works so i'm not that mad.
Being a swamp jew is what made this country great anyway

hes not getting any questions, the fast pace free for all isn't his style.

We need to get these nobodies out of here. This stream has 1,800 viewers for JF and Kraut to go at it

It is user. A more charitable interpretation of the phenomenon is "psychology intensity" which is something Whites lack compared to Semites that gives them huge advantages over us. Read Kevin MacDonald on it:

Her vids are pretty awesome if you're into seeing into the shady side of academia. Love her voice and style

Destiny is also apparently in the process of suing her for defamation, so maybe the stress is getting too much for her.