If I was in charge of Canada

you'd have to be 85% European and have an IQ of 130. Any non-white DNA exceeding 15.1% would disqualify you from entering.

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So only like what, 12 Canadians would actually be able to reproduce?

Shut it, Amerimutt!

WTF I love Canada now

t. Robert Takamoto

If I was in charge of Canada I would
>Request Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II resign her role as Head of State and give Canada a more complete sovereignty and chance at an independent national identity
>Redesign the flag
>Cut all ties with Israel
>Grow our military
>Abolish the CRTC
>Defund the CBC to nil
>Dismantle the dairy cartel
>Open up the market on telecommunications
>Abolish NAFTA and rework a new agreement
>Remove all troops from Afghanistan and most middle east nations
>Reduce GST to 4%
>Stop all immigration/refugees from most of the same nations on the USA's list (ie. terrorist "hotbed" nations)

Who's with me? Planning on running in the next federal election as either an independent or possibly Canadian Nationalist Party if they get registered in time.

If I wanted to bring about change domestically i'd create a new unitary republican movement modeled on the Canadian armed forces.

I'd have a purple flag to symbolize anglo red and french blue coming together, i'd adopt the two finger thumb salute to symbolize the dual anglo/french dominate influence while paying homage to those that came after and before, i'd make the bilingual Canadian anthem the official and only anthem, i'd nationalize healthcare and education, i'd separate the public service and party into enlisted and commissioned. Commissioned members of the public service and party would be required to be fluently bilingual like in the military.

Unfortunately the CIA would put a bullet in me, change can only come from abroad.

Fucking do it, if trudy ends up in power again by some miracle, canada will be ready to do everything on that list. Can you add "deport Kathleen Wynn" to the list?

>Request Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II resign
I'd select the last anglo-french king as a successor when she dies so we could keep the crown as a structure.

>Redesign the flag
Yep. Blue+red or purple.

>Grow our military
I'd create a national guard and introduce six months conscription for the richest to the poorest. I'd turn our entire primary force into rapid deployment divisions.

>Abolish the CRTC
I'd expand it and require the big three telecoms merge. Quazi-nationalism run by the private sector. Perhaps require that CPP gets a percentage of all newly issued shares.

>Defund the CBC to nil
I'd keep the funding and turn it into the propaganda arm of the government. I'd scrap most of the news departments and have them produce propaganda for the public service, military, ngos, etc. Feel good stuff. I'd also have them hold the big corps to account through investigative journalism because the private sector has absolutely shit the bed since kikes gobbled it up.

>Dismantle the dairy cartel

>Abolish NAFTA and rework a new agreement
I'd start a worldwide campaign for the WTO to be abolished while trying to keep free trade with Europe and the USA. Others must require tariffs to make up for far lower wages.

>Remove all troops from Afghanistan and most middle east nations
Yep. I'd support good ties with Iran/Turkey/Russia as well and have them run the Middle East.

>Reduce GST to 4%
I'd raise it to 10% and cut all government user fees.

>Stop all immigration
I'd probably support open borders with a white Europe. Definitely with a white Australia, France or UK.

Good post overall. I'd vote for you.

this one


PM trudinna is a cancer he should be burned to death


Well i have 98% German DNA and 2%Spanish

But my IQ is 115 so?

" I swear by GOD"

swear what ? wtf are you so fixed on you swear to god what ?

>swear what ? wtf are you so fixed on you swear to god what ?

youre probably a liberal democrat

All good points, I will join if you gain any traction

Well shit, you have my vote.

Hitler's vision did not require extreamism

As i pointed out earlier i have an IQ of 115 and i have 98% German DNA and 2% Spanish

Thats what i swear

Quote from Adolf Hitler
" By defending my self against the Jews, i am doing the LORDS work"

If there was to be a movement in Canada it should be..

a) a (purple?) 'colour revolution'
b) fluently bilingual and support bilingual anthems, latin mottos, blend of civic and common law, pro-European institutions, etc.

This would solve the major obstacles. The French/Anglo d&c strategy. The uneducated claim. The uncultured claim. The neo-nazi label. etc. Purple was the colour of the Byzantine Empire for 1,000 years and combined f/a blue+red.

i cant understand why youre so anti jew. theres so many other parasites


Jewish influence in Canada is overwhelmingly negative, and they've damn near destroyed the USA.

like little yamaka wearing jew kiefs.. why arnt you worried about our demise by the blacks and browns

Latinos are not your problem, leaf

Your problem are the Jews

Quote from the protocols of the learned elders of Zion page 294


Nevermind the lefty kikes destroying our children or the American kikes doing the same, they control virtually all of the right/centre-right press and run it at a massive loss to flood the market.

Rebel, Sun, National Post, Global Media, Walrus, Canadaland, etc. All Jewish.

who the truck said latinos. if im a leaf what are you a refugee camp ?

You're new, eh?

new to what

And we can deal with them after we remove the Jew. Baby steps.

Quote from Adolf Hitler


Calm down bro stop bitching about white latinos

You're name fagging and messing up replies.

lol i knew there was a reason i returned for this junk, happyness

ok fair enough

Anyone want to keep the nigger monarchy? Queen Liz didn't say a peep while the empire was dismantled and while London was made majority non-white. Andrew is a pedophiles. Charles is not royal material. William is alright I guess. Harry deserves exile. Not a whole lot there and pisses off 25% of the population that's French.

So now you see what i mean when i say


Any non-white DNA full stop should exclude you from entering. Doesn't solve the problem we have now. 20% of the country is foreign born, and even more than that are second gen.

im well past that, im more around wheres the militia roster

>Request Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II resign her role as Head of State and give Canada a more complete sovereignty and chance at an independent national identity

We tried that. It failed miserably.


The ship has sailed. Canada is nearing 50% of population with at least SOME ethnic Han Chinese blood in them.

You obviously still dont get it do you?

Well i guess at the end of the day you are just a talking leaf

If i was in charge in canada, i would let canada join with the us. All the provinces stay the same but become states. All canadians automatically become US citizens. etc etc

im curious this other leaf flag where could you possibly be from?

That would be almost a completely empty country.

The only leafniggers with high IQs are Asian.

So Jennifer Lawrence from the Hunger Games

Spanish isn't really a race. Spaniards themselves can be wholly white or almost black depending on where they are from. The Moors really did a number on them, people don't ever seem to understand that.

We pretty much follow everything american. Own guns, free speech etc etc. Canada and the US join forces.

I thought that was funny

dont talk to me like a fucking nigger, educate dont hate faggot goof


So look as i said im 98% german and 2% Spanish

Do i get to go to Canada?

My ex moved to Canada, she recently decided she’s a lesbian. Canada is perfect for the champagne socialist liberal cunt.

is that supposed to mean something or be impressive ? who gives a fuck im 80% Scottish and 20% English. i hate the infestation of the parasites. wtf you think being german means lol

You don't want a country where everyone has an IQ of 130 or higher. You need people who are not bored by menial tasks for society to run properly. Too much of any kind of aptitude/thought pattern is bad for a collective.

That, and IQ is not 100% heritable. Environmental factors plus natural regression to the mean would lead to a situation where children who were less intelligent than their parents would be deported. You can meme all you want about how you're fine with that, but no successful country count realistically function that way.

The Ethnostate rule is a good start though.

100 percent European, 155 IQ. Can I do the vetting? I'm pretty sure I can design the anti Muslim equivalent of the Voight-Kampff test.

Being German and Spanish means i am of the Holy tribe of Judah

Jesus Christ was of the tribe of judah

As an Aryan spainard i hate Jews and they hate me



Never thought of it that way
Thank you for the info

spanish are aryan ? and you follow a fucking walt disney story book, unreal

Quote from a Jew Samuel Steinberg

" It is good that muslims are invading Europe, for God prophesied that European Christianity must be destroyed in order gor the messiah to come"

Quote from the Jewish talmud Simeon Haddarsen fol. 56-D


you will be surprised whos Aryan

why are you quoting jews? youre just a basement creep troll, you dont dictate who can hate

>all these worthless cunts paying lip service to the french
Quebec should have been culturally genocided after the Plains of Abraham. If you disagree you aren't really Anglo.


The Jewish conspiracy against the spainards. Your just a leaf


> (You)
>Shut it, Amerimutt!
Only after you rake yourself, syrup swilling leaf!

ok but youre just a historical war failure and stuck in the biblical world of manipulation

youre being over run by blacks so smarten up

But who do you think is in charge of the black multiculturalism?


? Who do you think is behind multiculturalism?

lol US Black population is declining with gang violence and abortions. only 1 in 5 black babies are actually born and blacks life expectancy is 15-20 less than white. We have a travel ban on Muslims countries, meanwhile Trudeau is spreading your collective ass cheeks for Muzzies. Canada has a 10th of our population so every muslim in your country is like 10 in mine. Have fun watching Tim Hortons go halal!

trudeau is a cancer

Ignore that mutt

He doesn't know shit

Kikes name was spectre and people trusted this spooky bitch?


Its unfortunate

But the leaf dosent get it

He probably already moved on to another thread

agreed. I guess you are one of the 12 that should be allowed to procreate. Go sow your seed my dude!

i may be born leaf, excuse my babbling, what is it i dont get?

go fot it user i think about politics too maybe one day i will do the same thing in poutine land

look at you all pro quebec with your french fries and gravy just seperate already

On Thursday night, I walked into a coffee shop on W. Broadway in Vancouver to peruse the cryptocurrency ATM.

There was a small group gathered around a table with one man talking. The rest of the shop was dead silence. As I began to make my LTC purchase, I was able to overhear what the man at the table was talking about.

Couldn't believe my ears. "Kevin MacDonald". "They only make up 2% of the population but control the mainstream media, universities... "

This guy was dropping some serious redpills, and people were taking notes. The other people who were there just to kill time had looks of shock and horror in their faces as they were trying to digest what was being said.

I almost went over there, but was in a sleep-deprived and paranoid state, the thought that he was a fed crossed my mind. On hindsight, he probably wasn't.

If you're reading this, you've got balls man.

true media brainwash is an epidemic

WACKING on 4 chan wont help start an anti string pulling anti fed reserve anti fed dicatorship militia

sit here and cry where is your action ? yeah bye

for sure youre from ontario or quebec, got alot to say but no action

you are worse than jews niggers or muslims even you eastern canadians are traitors

>27 posts by this ID
>shilling this hard
wew lad

you queefs are fake, call me shilling you blog trolls are moms basement frauds cowards shit on me yet you sit on Sup Forums crying lol. bye