Who was in the wrong here?

Personal blog post, I need my Sup Forums bros here to give it to me straight.
Met a cute navy girl, went on one blind date a week ago. Didn't even know what she looked like.
She legitimately seemed like a nice, honest girl who wanted a real relationship (And said as much).
Then this happened.
Am I this fucking out of touch with the world? Is this kind of attitude normal now? This chick is 20, goes to church, complains about niggers and posts pic related on facebook. I'm 24 for reference.
And I honestly can't tell anymore if I'm the crazy one or if she is.

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you're kind of a sanctimonious cunt who probably has no real substantive hobby so in your attempt to bring light to your existence in this world you foist your fash-LARP onto others, desu

In what way? Why the fuck would I want to get with someone like that?

You were a douche. If you didn't want to have sex with her, no need to put her down and make her feel like crap for putting herself out there.

>Who was in the wrong here?
The person that designed that bathroom.
Are they in the hallway?
Are they in a giant stall?

On top of that, further reading this absolute autistic spaghetti producing trainwreck filled with abortions, I love how you bring up, "I-I'm Croatian" despite you being just as much as any American mongrel like myself. You've got pretty hueg identity issues and you should find something to placate yourself with. Try woodworking or handiwork?

Fedora tipper trying to be all wholesome and shit.

Because I don't want to sleep with some slutty navy chick I'm a larper?
How do you reason? She wants to fuck after meeting once and demands it right the fuck now. That's suspicious as hell in my book. Why would I want to fuck that diseased pussy?
I actually am croat. Not everyone is a 56% mutt like yourself. What would you have said then? Would you fuck the diseased navy pussy?
>wanting a real relationship is fedora tipping
I apologize for not being a good Christian and fucking any hole with a pulse.

If you have to come to Sup Forums to justify your action man idk you seem like a pretty huge larper or just devoid of any ability to believe in yourself. once again, routing back to the whole identity issue my guy. Go get a hobby, once again.

>How do you reason? She wants to fuck after meeting once and demands it right the fuck now. That's suspicious as hell in my book. Why would I want to fuck that diseased pussy?

I'm not saying that you have to fuck her, but it was shitty to make her feel like crap for making the offer. You made her feel like shit, so she lashed out at you. Yeah, she was a slut and not what you were looking for, and that's fine, but there was no reason to be that mean to her. It would be like if you asked a girl out, and she just replied "Eww" and walked away. You put yourself out there, and she just made you feel like shit.

This isn't larping. I actually met this person. I don't see how you get identity issues out of this, I don't really care about where I came from. I thought it was amusing this person resorts to 'lol small asian dick' when I'm very obviously not asian.
I have a number of hobbies, I don't see how that relates.
I could understand that, if she wasn't demanding it and getting upset when I said no.
I see it as her misrepresenting herself. Someone who wants something real isn't going to fuck a dude the second time they meet.
All I said was I want to get to know her, so she goes for stereotypical dick insults and other childish shit.
After listening to her long ass sob story of how she's tired of getting used for sex and wants an actual relationship, I wasn't expecting a complete whore.

>After listening to her long ass sob story of how she's tired of getting used for sex and wants an actual relationship, I wasn't expecting a complete whore.
On second thought, this should have been a red flag.


idk my guy you seemed pretty quick to respond to my meme comment about your ethnicity so it must seem pretty important 2u, so yeah identity issues is one. Also man wth are you thinking that you were going to have anything but trouble from a woman in the armed forces lmao. I am using larping in the sense you're playing this dumb little purist bullshit when you and I both know that nothing has ever really operated solely on that ethic. I say get a substantive hobby because you'll find people who are good at shit aren't stuffed shirts like you who need to peddle their moral grandstanding upon 20 year olds-- because that was hilariously laughable and for someone as apparently pious as you, you know that throwing pearls among swine is fruitless.

also yeah let me reiterate if you know what you did was right wtf are you doing posting this here?

>also yeah let me reiterate if you know what you did was right wtf are you doing posting this here?
Because I'm pissed I've been bamboozled and everyone I meet wants a mindless fuck, and to argue with you faggots. We both know if I said yes there would be people bitching about degeneracy.
If I wanted a worthless whore I know plenty of people to call up. I don't because it's a waste of time.

yeah but why do you give a fuck about what a bunch of people think about you? don't you have a spine in that back of yours?

>I could understand that, if she wasn't demanding it and getting upset when I said no.

She was only upset because of the WAY that you said "no." If you had been tactful, she wouldn't have reacted that way. People tend to act angrily when they are humiliated like that.

>I see it as her misrepresenting herself. Someone who wants something real isn't going to fuck a dude the second time they meet.

As she said in her response to you, she wanted both a relationship and easy sex, like many people. YOU read into what she said as if she was claiming to be some chaste virgin. That would be lovely, but realistically, most people don't understand that having a real relationship and fucking people after the first date are usually incompatible. Still, YOU were the one to read this into what she was saying. It doesn't sound like she misrepresented herself at all.

>All I said was I want to get to know her, so she goes for stereotypical dick insults and other childish shit.

You said this after already humiliating her and making her feel like a whore (whether she is or not doesn't matter). Of course she is going to try to humiliate you back. That's pretty basic human instinct.

>After listening to her long ass sob story of how she's tired of getting used for sex and wants an actual relationship, I wasn't expecting a complete whore.

You weren't expecting a whore from someone that admitted that she is easy to manipulate and be used for sex? Girls don't just get used by guys without putting themselves out there first. This girl obviously thinks that part of a normal, real relationship involves having sex immediately, and thinks guys are using her when they don't want to date her afterwards.

I was curious what you fucks would have to say, not like I'm doing anything better at this point.
Now this I can understand. She seemed pretty damaged in a lot of ways.

>Ok so that’s no then ok wait forever and wack off then ok bye then

Why is the toilet on the outside of the restroom?
Even if for some reason they would have a women's restroom sign on the inside, why wouldn't there be a stall if it was multiple occupancy?
If it wasn't multiple occupancy, why did this mom and her daughter not just leave when they realized there was someone in there?

You called her out for being a slut & you were blunt as hell about it. You're right, I wouldn't wanna fuck her either, but don't come here crying about how she got mad at you. Of course she's gonna take a crack at you if you humiliate her & call her out on her shit you doofus

You are fucking autist.

I think you're right.
You can take her then, I want nothing to do with people like that.

Ultimately, if you want a conservative girl, you're going to have to compromise on looks or you're going to have to increase your own value. Most attractive girls start seeking out male attention at a young age. Even if they don't start having sex until 16 or so, by the time they're 20, they're already numb to casual sex. We used to have social pressure that could keep this shit in place, but that's long gone.

Why create this thread then? You are so insecure about your views that you need a support from users of Cambodian weaving forum? Or perhaps you want reassurance from us to inflate your ego?

OP you mostly did the right thing. You're an autist, but you've dodged a bullet. She's a slut, and everything about her comments, intentions, and reactions are a huge red flag. You are better off without her.

Here's a tip. EVERY girl is going to "seem nice" during her first impression - or at least she will try to. It's your job to see through the bullshit and find out what kind of person they genuinely are. You've done that here, and now you will move on.

>Karley:So yes or no? Cause I’m not playing games. I’ll go get satisfied on my own or from someone’s else then

SLUT. Don't lose sleep over any of this.

I have nothing better to do and I was curious what you faggots would say.
I'm sick of meeting slutty women. They are all that exist around here, down to the point of bragging about how many dudes they fucked that they didn't know over the weekend.
Thanks. That's about the point where I realized it was a lost cause.

You were right here, you deserve praise. We men shouldn’t let ourselves be lead by our dicks, it is what made women slutty in the first place.

mixed here who fucked a white european cheating mother of three last night AMA.

lol she is right user u got a small cock and were too embarrassed HAHAHAHAHAHA and i bet thats why you wanted "meaningful relationship" you wanted to ease her into the fact that your dick is small cuz ur asian or crotchasian whatever the fuck you call it.

fucking gooks lol

Jesus look at all the White knight betas attacking the guy for telling a whore where to go.

He was absolutely right, she sounds like a complete headcase. Not relationship or marriage material.

Whores need to be called out, not softly let down like you fags are saying he should have done.

Fuck man. I had something similar. Fucking western woman, I just want to find a nice girl and I told a girl that I don't respect girls that out out after 1 date. She got mad at me and talked about (((feminism))). I really did care for her, she invited me out yesterday and she was with another guy. She tried to lie about it and wanted to meet up in a few days, but does she not understand, I care for her and she just wanted to to fuck around for a bit. Her last boyfriend already gave her a black eye and had an abortion. Red flags of course, but I was so infautated I didn't care.
Fuck it hurts, but best to move on. You are definitely in the right here. Virgins here will tell you to"lol just fuck her", but that's the mindset that led to all these shallow relationships and degeneracy. Be a light in the world user.

Move on OP you will find someone nicer. Im sorry but 1 time out and she wants to have sex with you. Just no.

It looks like a disabled bathroom

>Sup Forums: all women are degenerate roasties
>also Sup Forums: why didn't u fuck her lmao are you gay?

I'd feel the same way desu
Bit depressing that most church girls these days seem to be just as degenerate

You man just saved yourself from some terrible relationship
She would cheat on you on first occasion she would get
Or if you would want to make it only for sex then she would go apeshit and demand money from you "because we're in relationship", but at the same time she wouldn't even fucking commit herself to you
Fuck her, you did the right thing and she turned against you so fast that it clearly shows that she have no morals and she is a whore that didn't cared about you but only aboud dick and money

Sluts deserve to be shamed

Find a non slut and save the white race with a healthy family

I second this, OP did nothing wrong.

> I need my Sup Forums bros here to give it to me straight.
You sound like a wimpy faggot, not for wanting a meaningful relationship but for not picking up the immediate redflag and pontificating to the slut to please please listen to you.