Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Storytime

Winding down to the end

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The quality has dropped sadly, not as bad as DM scans did though






Jesus, just how evil can one guy look? Look at those super saiyan eyebrows.


Yeah, he's almost comically evil looking

I remembered leddit doing a storytime of GX with the official VIZ rip.


If you want you can switch to that, it seems cleaner

>"Don't mind me. Just making sinister faces while staring at my comatose son."



Hey thanks for that, I'll use it for the next volume, unless you guys want a delay for me to switch to it now

Fubuking sounds catchier.


I wouldn't mind.

Here, how's the quality compare?

Much better.



Muh planet series memery aside, they really have good designs. I like how they all have an unique design rather than an uniform one.


poor old Tyrant Neptune
only somewhat useful when eating a bird (of a lyrical variety)

Best planet. Independent Nightingale + Tyrant Neptune is fun to pull of in the actual card game.




How's that work?

Nothing's worse than playing against someone who doesn't take you seriously

I'm completely clueless about manga Fubuking's deck in the real life game

This smug motherfucker.


Once Neptune's eff goes through you have
+10x500 atk
+effect immunity
+5000 burn per turn


He REALLY rubs it in when he's destroying you

they only printed a few monsters that dont even mesh with any real-life winged beast decks

>spends time abroad having sex with American women instead of studying
>takes his weaker monster so he can destroy his best monster just to psychologically fuck with his opponent
>gets dubs on the last move of the duel

How can one man be so based?



>uses Wind-monsters to literally BTFO of his opponent

Is there no stopping this madman!?


>absolutely wrecks the planet memer

feels good

>recommends him to Kaiser just so he can get BTFO again
Fubuki is cruel

>mwahaha that wasn't my true form

I wonder how Tragoedia would feel if he found out that he was a children's trading card.


Best thing about having the Viz rips are that we now have the author comments


silly Jim
you think you're gonna be important


Or that hes basically a shittier Gorz



Jesus Christ Fubuking, have mercy

>What, no girls?
I bet that was a tumblrina exchange student.


Could just be some thirsty guy.

Jeez, that's pretty cool. It's probably hard to pull though.


Did Tragoedia really have to pull the guy out like that?


*the guy eye


Tragoedia seems to enjoy being dramatically evil.


I think his eye was already gone and he just stuffed a stone into the hole.

That or he's still salty about the Millennium Eye guy putting him into a slab and decided to take it out on Jim.


It isnt.
Most decks run instant fusion with Norden to make a R4 anyway.
That card is like a boss for it's archetype and has a difficult summoning condition but Instant fusion bypasses all of that



This should really be bothering more people, but they just treated it like no big deal. A man went into a coma from a card game


Professional duelists are actors, after all. He's just really committing to the soap opera coma bit.


They probably think that they're merely trying to immitate Battle City.

I feel like he would have gotten a much larger role if the manga didn't get cancelled





Probably not as big of a role as the anime, where he pretty much became Jaden's destiny boyfriend.


>I'm Johann Andersen
Seems legit

Of course I'd reach this chapter on valentine's

>The duel field is just standing right outside

I wonder why Viz kept Adrian/Amon's dub name but not Jesse/Johann or Axel/Austin's





It all comes together.

Does Syrus know about Bastion's obvious crush? Jaden clearly doesn't.


Pretty sure they're both aware. It was brought up during Vol. 1.

Jaden knows, he helped him get her number back in volume 1



>He played a low level monster! What a terrible player!

>He was excited about a KABUTOMUSHI, that can only mean that he uses an insect deck!