>Kraut & Tea is running a secret discord server called The Task Force, with a crew consisting of various skeptic youtubers, a "science team," and fanboys acting as "detectives." Many of the skeptic youtubers within The Task Force will be speakers at the Kilroy "free speech conference," such as Youtubers Jeff Holiday, Wizard of Cause, Bunty King, SkepTorr, and That Girl. The server even includes Kilroy organizer "Based Mama." They have also brought in a mainstream media journalist.

The stated goal of the server is to "debunk racists," but in reality, much of the server's activity involves cult-like plotting against Kraut's enemies and collecting information they use to smear and potentially dox those enemies. There is even a "hit list" of right-wing YTers and personalities, from people as small as myself and Alternative Hypothesis all the way up to people as big as Black Pigeon Speaks, James Allsup, and Baked Alaska. Many of these people, like myself, do not even discuss "race realism" as a regular subject, and so the motivation for Kraut's crew seems to be ideological, rather than academic.(edited)

Other urls found in this thread:!ku5RACpC!EouiOs5THU8-PzS71RWI2q9UkwGZlSTRkl-M5mrpC8c

>So far, the smears have primarily been directed at one main target: JF Gariépy, although the "dossiers" on myself and Alt Hype are updated frequently as well, mostly with out of context quotes and dishonest accusations. There are clear instances of Kraut's lackies posting dox or bragging about doxing people, and there are individual text threads dedicated to each target.

>I have several hours of audio/video recordings and dozens of screenshots. Many more screenshots could potentially be derived from the videos. The footage has been cropped and occasionally edited to protect the identity of the leakers, since Kraut and his goons are insane and have shown themselves willing to smear, mass flag, and possibly dox people they don't like. But the most astonishing thing of all is that they actually have a New York Times journalist in the server, by the name of Amy Harmon. She is a pop science writer for NYT, and they are looking to marginalize "the alt-right" or whatever by having her publish a piece. Many of the involved youtubers have professed a dislike for the mainstream media, but now they go running when they think it will help them in an ideological goal.



ur a fag edgy lol

HAHAHAHAHAHA, What are you going to do now Kraut?

This little faggot Zeph was so sure I just had screenshots.!ku5RACpC!EouiOs5THU8-PzS71RWI2q9UkwGZlSTRkl-M5mrpC8c

If fucking bunty faggot is in this server, that would be so ironic. Brown faggot acting as daddy cool infront of everyone but scheming behind the scenes. This gon be gud

(OP) #
Hi, EdgySphinx.

it's happening

Kike and tea being a disingenuous egomaniacal prat?

>When you can't debunk race realism, and you resorts to jewish communist tactics to shut down your opponents.

Kraut's jewish heritage doing it's thing as usual.
The skeptics are classic liberals, and race realism ruins their beliefs. BUMP

This just shows how the skeptics are jut like their hated "SJWs"
They try to classify people they don't like, like the alt-right, or fascists as "Right wing SJWs", but as soon as they feel offended or threatened enough, they will use the same tactics radical leftist use.
Kraut has made many videos where he deems the radical leftist community in youtube as unacceptable because they use extortion, doxxing, aggression, &c. To people they deem "nazis", yet he himself will use the same tactics to people HE deems "nazis"
Really makes me think.

Kraut is fucked

>Jeff Holiday is a racemixer

Not surprised.jpg

He has no where to run now.

This is the end of skeptics

Are you braving ruin? In any case, it's no surprise that Kraut would be a slimy rat, that's what he's always been. All that can be done at this point is to try and limit the damage from the doxings.

As for the NYT reporter, I realize that doxing article of that magnitude can do damage to individual youtubers, but as far as race realism itself goes, I'm not worried about some MSM hackjob doing a hitpiece on it, they're still going to spread the ideas

right, he was so smug during the fucking warski stream

ooooooh boy

Bunty nigger and the post sjw gang. This gonna be fun to watch

Is he one of your favourite e-cucked boyfriends?


>Many of the skeptic youtubers within The Task Force will be speakers at the Kilroy "free speech conference," such as Youtubers Jeff Holiday, Wizard of Cause, Bunty King, SkepTorr, and That Girl. The server even includes Kilroy organizer "Based Mama."

Kraut gets what he deserves. Through all the bullshit, this is how you win a 'scientific debate' on the internet decisively. Facts do good, but this faggot is screwed.

2016: Year of the trump/kek pepe autism/populism

2017-2018: End of the skeptics™

"but mate, you're just a right wing sjw!!!!!!"

~Jewgon of Mossad

Yea, the fuck is Kilroy anyway?

I don't believe that Jeff would support him to the end. He is a reasonable person and I doubt he would support kraut after all that shit. Same with wizard of cause.

It's ogre

YouTube skeptic circlejerk with the thin veneer of a "free speech event".

Metokur is circling this, he smells a shitshow.

So, when is "da reckoning" coming?


>all that drama

Also, I found a really cringey old video made by Aydin Paladin thanks to some Kraut fanboy/sockpuppet who doxxed her on twitter. She's still kind of a qt though:


new cuck stream with Sandre just started up less than a minute ago

>Shiity yt is against another shitty yt
>Roasties posing as conservatives asking money

Who cares about all those e-faggots?
Let they kill each other I don't care

I'm going to get shit for this, but these things are inevitable when you don't have a spiritual foundation. Not saying that religion makes you 100% pure or that all atheists are untrustworthy, but most skeptics don't have a defined set of violations. If you do break them unintentionally, then they fuck you over for no good reason. The left-leaning ones care more about their image/ego than the truth. If they look dumb or discriminatory, then they'll try to save face by switching different positions instead of defending theirs.

>anti-racist activists are left wing SJWs
>the alt-right are right wing SJWs
>now Kraut and his lackeys are centrist SJWs
it's SJWs all the way down lads

>Sandre is Swedish


Just wait they’ll all eat themselves

We only need to spread facts, the talking heads don’t matter

It's just needs to be one brown dot labeled SJWs

Anyone else notice that Kraut was kind of OK, albeit slimy and smug, but ideologically alright until that chick turned up?

Has Kraut been 'Yoko'd'?

Politics is post-truth and all Lefties bite the BAMN bullet harder than anyone.

Jim is probably enjoying this more than anyone else


dude the "alright" things he said were muslims are fascist rreeeee and fuck feminism. Low tier shit

It's brecause tne internet and social networks encourage SJW behaviour. If you can't talk eye to eye or at least ear to ear, the other person just becomes a meaningless name attached to an opinion you disagree with. That makes it so much easier to shit all over them, ignore anything they're saying and pat yourself on the back because you "won" the argument. And if you happen to have a little circlejerks of friends who agree and will encourage you in everything you do, it makes it even easier.

>when we gonna get do this

From the stream
>people told me to look into twin studies
>tried, I'm a layman
>I don't know much about this stuff
>I dropped out of college
>I have no idea what this means
I sense that we got another gold nugget coming up

Yea you're right about that. Debating anything on the internet is pretty much fucked from the get go.


Political compass is the only one in this image where all ideologies can be plotted with a clear correlation

And where does Pinochet go on this? He fucks your le all roads lead to centre fascism idea. The left right scale doesn’t fit because you can’t just arbitrarily mash social and economic together, nor individuals and collectives

>If you can't talk eye to eye or at least ear to ear, the other person just becomes a meaningless name attached to an opinion you disagree with. That makes it so much easier to shit all over them
But that's why we love Sup Forums, no accountability (aside from illegal shit obviously) means complete free speech. People likely tell the truth on here more than they would in a face to face conversation because you'd face social consequences when you say all niggers should go back to Africa even when you truly believe it.


all three of them said they are not authorities

but only Sandre said that twin studies are used for evil racist nonsense

Aydin is good and Persians are Aryan

who the FUCK are they talking about here


Kraut and "Evolution isn't real"

>And where does Pinochet go on this? He fucks your le all roads lead to centre fascism idea.
probably because it's a joke I made in 5 minutes specifically to make fun of Kraut and not serious political theory

idk he's alright his vids are ok he is like the drama dude though he lives for this shit





>I don't know much about IQ
>but I'm an academic I look into this as if it were real
Holy shit it's like this Sandre guy is looking to get his anus raped, he's going to get raped on the most basic stuff. Then again isn't he Swedish or smth, he probably enjoys getting raped

Kraut is German, so of course he's gonna be a faggot who denies certain realities because of "muh past"


Kraut's "YouTube Scientists" literally write his scripts for him and still get it wrong

Say it with me



You mean RageAfterStorm? Yeah.
Yeah, the two were actually pretty similar. Half Anglo half Kraut, born in England and raised in Germany, now live in an Alpine country. Rage ended up swing right as Kraut went left (inb4 centrist, Kraut admitted to being a social democrat)

This guy:

From what I gathered he's some random nobody who used to be friends with them but now switched sides and became an ebil nazi JF supporter.

>implying the alt-right would ever accept (((rabbi media)))

yh he is , was obvious the guy hates white people

He's a jew senpai, that's whats going on here.

Idk I just can’t not take morons lightly any more. Ignorance at this point is gonna lead to our extinction

The fact that real people believe this shit and peddle it really gets me down

zabbie brings shame upon all dutch people

Even Sargoy has had enough of Kraut's autism.

Speaking of which, what happened to rageafterstorm? Didn't she say she was going to start a new channel?

this is what happens when you only care about (((OPTICS)))

I honestly thought Sandre was a biology expert or something, it turns out he's a fucking CHEMISTRY student

*this* is the guy they brought in to BTFO JF?

Can't they all be sued for stalking and doxxing and malicious practices as a group`?

The fuck, they sound like a sociopathic intelligence service.

>Zabbie is a fucking retard like the rest of them
Who would have guessed.

Honestly, the more I learn about this, the more I realize how insufferable and scummy these people are. How anyone spend time on that server without constantly raging is beyond me.

Only Goldy went alt-right. Gavin is either retarded or redpilled but prefers the shekel life. Southern is opinionless. Loomer is a kike and a whore. The Somolian now works for BuzzFeed
The disaster is pretty funny though.

Soygoy of Assad has left Kraut to rot.


literally conspiring to attack individuals

the same how the media operates

fucking skeptic rats

all (anti) talk, same action

They're colluding with literal SJWs and commies to attack the alt-right. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA it just gets better

I love Edgy. I'm glad he's killing the septic community

Sargoy gave a soft disavow to avoid fallout desu, he knew Kraut was going to drag him down. He is still an alphacuck

Can you explain the bottom one to me? Is this what Kraut believes? Is it like super horseshoe theory


That's why Roosh is so based

now edgy just needs to tweet out this post so someone can upload a picture of that for him to tweet

>skeptics in free fall
>youtube will be our platform despite cencorship because we don't do malicious practices like the skeprats


Shit, I'm listening to the stream right now, and they get some the most basic shit completely wrong. Kraut's "experts" still don't understand heritability

He (((conveniently))) distanced himself from this today, saying he's not going to talk about it anymore.

I'd eat her shit just my fucking type. Mmmmmm.

Here's Sargon and Vee DISAVOWing Kraut by the way:

Why do I have the feeling this has been filling him with even more mindless rage?

it's what's happening now to Kraut. After years of shitting on left and right wing SJWs, they're now centrist SJWs

Discussing ecelebs is now a thing on Sup Forums