Is this number actually accurate? Are there really 22 million white nationalists in the United States...

Is this number actually accurate? Are there really 22 million white nationalists in the United States? Do you think the numbers have grown since, if true?

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How the fuck was that even quantified? Who in hell was even polling for this and was that question asked? You are damn right I would say I was a nazi if asked in an anonymous poll. I would go with any insane outlier to fuck with the results.

>article from august

No, they simply define "Nazi" as anyone who is a white male.

Lol ikr.

Maybe you morons wouldn't be asking so many questions if OP's retarded shilling ass had posted a link.

22 gorzillion neo nazis in ameriKKKa

i wish

I fucking hate ants too. Fuck em. Most collectivized monarchic system on the planet. Literally the Cuck insect of the jungle floor.

Sorry everyone. Here's the link

We're everywhere. Add another to the count, just received my Alt-Right membership card from Milo the other day.

Probably. I would be more interested in the articles firsthand sources of information. Only reason I initially responded was how much I hate statistical manipulation.


Here's the link, OP, you retarded shill faggot. This is old news.

Well if OP hadn't been a paid and retarded shill he would have. Like Sup Forums used to be before the tidal wave of paid shills that was gaymercancer washed over this site in a tsunami of period feces.

That depends on their definition of neo nazi, which probably is any right winger

>"neo-nazi" is anyone not on the far-left

I heard some shit on the BBC a few months ago, they asked Americans what their ideal community would look like. 1 in 6 mentioned "white". Make of that what you will.

Fuck off faggot. I'm curious to know if the data is accurate.

fucking awesome.

This. If I was asked that I would obviously say yes whether I was or was not actually a Nazi. Probably throw in a little sieg heil at the end of the call too.

How do we know that it wasn't just jokesters being edgy? It's not like there's a huge influx of American Nazi Party members

>Anything left of a protestant corporate empire is "far left"
I always wondered what it would be like to be retarded, then I saw post-gg Sup Forums.

>Is this number actually accurate?
Nothing published by (((The Independent))) is accurate.

I find it hard to believe even though I wish it were true.

Look at the source. Read the article. I’ve read enough of them so I’ll give you a short synopsis.
>we asked snopes about white supremacy and they told us that 22 gorillion unique IP address visited far right websites like R3ddit, that host opinions similar to a fan page for the proud boys, a known white supremacy group.
It’s garbage news that has shitty logic leaps purely for headlines so you have to see ads.

The quality of shitposting here has gone down so much because of try hards like you.

nah, they just broadened the definition of Nazi. pic related

>Nine per cent of Americans say holding neo-Nazi or white supremacist views is acceptable, according to a new poll.

So the question which was asked must have been "Is holding Nazi or white supremacist views is acceptable"?

That's an incredibly vague question. I wouldn't read too much into the findings of this study.

This. It's possible that most people who think it's "acceptable" are just nihilists who think that anything is acceptable

Or people who don't believe in thought crime/free speech advocates. What used to be call "liberal".

>three posts, three ad homs

fake. what actually happened was a survey showed that 9% of Americans(roughly 22%) believe that white nationalists have the RIGHT to do their marches/protests. That does not mean they agree with or believe in white nationalism, it just means they believe in free speech.


I kek'd


330mill Americans
22mill nazi supporters

Thats about 6%. More than in germany I believe

Actually 10% of German's want a new Fuhrer. On the other hand, the majority of Russians want to revive the command economy, still I don't see a huge movement for revitalizing the USSR

This is not ok.

don't know why I put an apostrophe there

If it isn't true pretend it is; it's in our interest to pretend our numbers are massive and rising drastically.

No, not really, what I see is the media pushing ordinary people into becoming 'nazis' by labeling them as such. There's an old proverb where I am from; 'I have became what you demanded I be.'

>There's an old proverb where I am from; 'I have became what you demanded I be.'
Geez Confucius, didn't expect you to be in this thread

Its more than that only they're not neo nazis. That's just a label.
t. not white

No, there's no Nazis under the bed, go back to sleep sweetie.

I love how you casually conflate white nationalism and neo-nazism. This is why you are losing.

I posted a comment on Facebook during the whole thing. I essentially pointed out that the protest was peaceful, and that the far-left has always been the ones that initiated violence. It was daring on my part, and I got a lot of flack, threatens of doxxing, etc, but I also got a whole bunch of thumbsie upsies, so I think the overton window has shifted in the face of rising anti-white sentiment from the left.

even non-whites (if they're being honest with themselves) would rather live in a white community.

22 million Americans support neo-Nazis?

>all this time
>i really haven't been alone

>How the fuck was that even quantified? Who in hell was even polling for this and was that question asked?
It could be a question as vague as "Do you support these people having the right to march?"

Yeah, but we have to know what support means. I can go to any rural part of the south and say 'white people are under attack' and they would say that they agree, but that's the extent in which their 'support' reaches. White Americans vote Republican mostly, but that doesn't mean they're all conservatives, natalists, or practice their religion properly.

Exactly. They're basically surprised not everybody is a fucking flat out communist.

Only 8%? Not enough yanks, you need to double that to ensure your freedom from the Jewish bolshiviks.

>poll wording is "find acceptable"
>headline uses "support"

Don't fall for clickbait, anons.

>How the fuck was that even quantified?

"Do you support the complete eradication of the white race, you stupid goyim?" [Y] [N]

To the left, simply disagreeing with our contradicting any of their talking points automatically makes you into totally like a Nazi or whatever.


Anything white is evil, so.

Not OP, but here's a link

Can't give em clicks. Sorry.



10% soon
Then things get really fun

I am quite sure almost 10% of the pop are muh NAZEES

Fucking white pill. Have lots of white children.

Actually, the vast majority of white people support their own race. Which is why the Establishment is trying to curtail our birthrates and practices replacement migration. Asians and Africans are worse, but the retarded and debunked theory is that they are easier to control.

its like autism they have broadened the definition of Neo-Nazi so far that almost anyone can be considered Neo-Nazi.


It probably just means they support freedoms of speech.

I meant, that's what they were thinking probably.

moore and epstein like these numbers and yet are perpetual losers. jewnald likes losing the popular vote too and having a 30% approval. pence is a pedo. putin is a pedo. move dat embassy. destroy the interwebs reeeeeee build that fema "wall" with "mexican" moni reeeeee build dat deficit reeeee

share this man

The “majority” of Russians in the voting pool were alive for the USSR and miss the bennies and healthcare

Oh, thought you were that other larping turk, my bad.

No. Anybody who is culturally jewish and parrots judaic ideas, theories, agendas, “jokes”, cliches, socio-economic political ideologies, fake news, fake science, etc. is far left. The problem in the US is judaization just as Hitler pointed out over 80 years ago. Except now it’s even worse. The nation is full of secular jewish circumcised bastards who don’t even realize they are jewish.

even if youre not a supremacist , at some point you realize there are only a couple of political choices (even in countries with 3+ viable parties): vote for the racists that hate you, or vote for the racists that hate everyone but you, it would be self-destructive to not support the racists on my side

From an outsider perspective i've always found these neo-nazi's quite funny.

If they like hitler and nazi germany so much, you would atleast expect them to make an effort to be/look like an übermensch. Yet they all look like degenerates.

vs pic related

>If they like hitler and nazi germany so much
they don't. they probably couldn't define National Socialism if you asked them to. they are racists looking to push drugs and whores, that is all.

Wait let me guess. The question wasn't "Do you support neo-Nazis?".

>insane outlier
Nice subtle jewing, kike. Eat my fucking shit.

Most Neo Nazis are low IQ racists who latch on to Hitler and the swastika because they've been taught he was the most racist man ever. They would probably call a real NatSoc a cuck.

Embellishment by the media establishment to hype up the current moral panic, the whole 'nazi next door' shtick.
Believe me, if America were really up 22 million white nationalists, it would show. You would have more racially motivated white on black crime and you would see enclaves forming.

Ryan Faulk already addressed this a while ago

t. cuck

sieg heil

LOL! this is the poll

Here's the actual survey

22 million shitposters support white genocide nu pol indicates.

Trump 2024 check’em

>22 million white nationalists in the United States
LMAO there aren't even 22 million white people in the US of A.

We must preserve the existence of the boner and a future for hot blondes.

"Do you think white people should be enslaved and destroyed?"


"WE GOT A NOTZEE@!!!!1!!!1"

If you believe NAZIs have the right to free speech, you ARE a NAZI!

Free speech protection does not apply to hate speech!!!

Good about time desu

It should. Who gets to define hate speech faggit.

That's because only loser retards would publicly announce they are a NAZI. There are NAZIs with PhDs, but they don't go blabbing about it. Society would crucify them.

They have lots to lose, these public NAZIs don't.

Blacks and hispanics are white nationalists.
Without them they would lose gibs.


>go up to any white person
>would you rather live in 56% america or 100% america?
>gee golly ill take 100% america
>guess im a nazi now

Remenber , You only need 50% of the white male population on your side to win the next civil war.