Most chinks drawing a mango are just doing it because they can't get the money for an anime

Most chinks drawing a mango are just doing it because they can't get the money for an anime.

Mangos are nothing more than storyboards for anime, most of them fail


The only manga worth reading have an anime adaption. Prove me wrong

Protip: you cannot.

What is punpun

Not worth reading

I'm not giving you a list of good manga just because you issued a challenge.

Manga worth reading never adapts to anime well.

Having an anime makes it not worth reading though

Nice bait but you're comparing two completely separate mediums. There are excellent manga that don't even have anime adaptations.

You do know manga is the superior medium in Japan though right? Everyone reads manga over there, from old people to young. But not everyone watches anime.

>What is Yotsuba


Oh okay

exactly. it's a catch 22 where no manga is worth reading. welcome to the real world.

This is just the same guy responding to all his own posts.


You realize anime are just advertisements for the manga?

No (you) for you, fuck off.


Golden Kamuy


this wasn't it said by jap creators b4 that anime based of a manga is just a long commercial for the manga

Most whites writing a book are just doing it because they can't get the money for a movie.

Books are nothing more than storyboards for movies, most of them fail
