I am obligated to pay 18 Euros per month to finance this anti Trump shilling in German TV

I am obligated to pay 18 Euros per month to finance this anti Trump shilling in German TV.

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How will Drumpf ever recover?

Are you saying that's state-funded TV? Looks even worse than ours.

>be non American
>obsess over someone who doesn't even run your country
Why do people do this?

Europeans especially modern day Germans are obsessed with Trump because the country is so leftist.

pee pee poo poo

"we are adults!" - Pee pee poo poo joke maker

The German state TV was more negative towards Trump during the campaign than the American MSM. This is far worse than anything in any other country.

I know why that is besides the country being so leftist and them being in charge of the media complex. It's because the swamp fears a populist uprising which would result in them losing power.

You got the fake news, we got the Lügen Presse.
Our Private news organizations like:
Der Eulenspiegel, wo nur Märchen drin stehen.

Are also completely fake. But the state founded bullshit is by far the worst propaganda,
sie hetzen gegen die Trump, Brexit und die Afd mit ihren Lügen und Lügen und immer mehr Lügen.

i always love to read shit like this, some retard that knows nothing and only has knowledge from Sup Forums stating shit like that..

Educate us all then...

Most of EU news on non domestic subjects are just ripoff from US media

You fuckers should have finished the job.

Good god, you've been completely colonized by the American left... how does this happen to you before it's even done happening to us?

our media is so fucking retarded and one sided

This guys gets his content from reddit?

Holy fuck and I thought no one could have a more punchable face than John Oliver.

threadly reminder that the german people are forced to pay 17,90 Euros every month for shit like this

>what is taxation without representation
>what is one of the reasons a bunch of farmers and scholars rebelled against the superpower at the time


In the entire country they couldn't find ONE tranny that didn't look horrifying and ridiculous?

Just give up and come to America like my ancestors did. It's going to get really amazingly bad in Europe this coming year, trust me.

>German marxist behind an EU flag

cant be worse than the BBC though

>Dear mister president...

They don't pretend to be neutral here. American news is biased of course, but they try to play it off as only preseting the facts. Here they tell you what happened, then what to think about it and then to shun people who disagree with what you've just been told. If you even question anything, fact or opinion, of the state media, you will have "LÜGENPRESSE! LÜGENPRESSE!" thrown at you in a mocking way like the only people who could ever doubt the state media are ranging lunatics.

>be non American
>have 35,000 American soldiers on your soil
I wonder why. Anyway fuck the GEZ mafia.

holy shit lol. why are right wing people in germany not assassinating or bombing these people? what is to lose?

These are the people I want to see getting ripped apart by a mob of savage niggers.

Reminder that Germany didn't "unify," the East took over.

Wait is this Rammstein?

if you spent some time watching the domestic telly stations of european countries, you'd realise just how good the bbc actually is by comparison

While we can all agree that these shows are cancer, I believe that The Daily Show is the worst. It's ran by a Half-Nigger who only got in because "Muh Apartheid"

WW2 absolutely wrecked your country, demilitarized, broken, cuckolded and absolutely pathetic.

At least Poland/Austria will pull Europe from the mud when time comes.

The glory of socialism.

It's by Jan Böhmermann, the only german late-night-show host. He is as far left and smug as all of America's combined, that's why we have only one, believe me
He became popular, because he made fun of Erdogan and got sued by him


>entire nation of about 50 million
>one late night show
checks out

I love you Germans a lot, you should all move here, maybe get shit running on time again. Soon you will be pushed out if you aren't a cuck, or you will be cuck-ified, it's your choice. It's why my ancestors left and made firearms here.

>continuing my commentary
2:30, they implicate voters as being too stupid to know what they are voting for, this is chilling


>move from 90% white to 60% white

Is that the German version of John Oliver, Hans?

>EU flag

Haha perfectly triggering my fellow.

>thinking that means anything other than a dozen major cities decided to import as many brown people as possible
>being able to own and carry a gun about your daily business
nice, you get that one from soros?


wtf is this shit


you think you shills haven't always stood out here?