
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

>It's the most wonderful time in 8 years
>Joe is Joe Christmas Songs pastebin.com/0znNg4MM

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump Weekly Address #43 12/16/17
>Pres Trump departs WH for Camp David 12/16/17
>Pres Trump returns to WH w/new hat 12/15/17
>Pres Trump visiting Marine Heli Squad One 12/15/17
>Pres Trump/Chief Kelly/AG Sessions/FBI Wray @FBI Natl Grad Ceremony 12/15/17
>Pres Trump departs WH on MarineOne 12/15/17
>Pres Trump statement before leaving WH 12/15/17
>AG Sessions Press Conf on Crime & shillary 12/15/17
>SoS T-Rex presser @UNSC 12/15/17
>SoS T-Rex tells NoKo Rep to go fuck himself 12/15/17
>SoS T-Rex @UNSC on NoKo 12/15/17
>SoS T-Rex meeting russian counterpart @UN 12/15/17
>This Week @State 12/15/17
>Pres Trump talks about deregulation 12/14/17
>US/MEX Strat Diag on Transnational Crime (AG Sessions/DHS Sec Nielsen) 12/14/17
>SoS T-Rex hosts US/MEX Strategic Dialogue 12/14/17
>IntSec Zinke Work Env Survey 12/14/17

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:



Is it, dare I say, the end?

>/ptg/ worships a sandnigger lover

Is he, dare I say.. /our jew/?

I never liked this slime faced rabbit lover

I like this edition

A quick reminder that there is no sense in replying namefags and tripfags who are doing so without any purpose. Don't do that.

This should be very basic common sense.

>sitting in the library at my university (u of t)
>hear heavy breathing behind me

should I continue?

Can Bannoncucks just fuck off with their "muh Kikebart hero is being smeared by the establishment"

Run a less retarded candidate next time and see what happens

Make America Great Again.


>violating lawyer/client privilege

the end of Mueller, yes.

any /sip/ boys around tonight?

Wow.. so that's the power of a Whyte Boi™


Much obliged, user.

the entire investigation is based off zero evidence and they havnt obtained any either. All they have accomplished is getting three very low level coffee boys from trumps campaign to lie to the fbi and then plead guilty to lying to the fbi. it's like they wanted charges brought against themselves.

its illegal he can never get a conviction for anything now and after this congress is almost guaranteed to end his investigation


Stumbled on this gem accidentally
>the left can't me-

I love kellyanne

I warned everyone about Kikebertshills, just look at this jewish shit.
>Buy muh merch goy
They don't care about the movement but getting money off of it.

If Trump steps out of the Paris treaty our good future is literally history.

I knew that Trump would implement some controversial laws and policies, but I never imagined he would even consider stepping out of the Paris treaty.

This day will be remembered when humanity wasted its last chance at a good future. A future that consisted of world peace, enough food and water, solving the energy problem. Probably even advanced space travel and many things we do not even dare to dream about now. That future all thrown away and for what?! The future is thrown away because a group of people had only eye for themselves and while that can be considered as instinct they only thought of themselves in short terms. Long term thinking is (apparently only for some) a characteristic of the human. These people were afraid because their privileged position that they gained over the centuries was fading away and in order to remain privileged they choose for temporary success and suicide of all humans. The "if not we than nobody" type of attitude The amount of selfishness cannot be described with words.

You have taken everything good away of what your children and their children could have gotten. I hope you are proud of yourselves. The prevalence of drink water shortages will increase all over the globe. Fresh water shortages cause food shortages, these will cause wars and eventually in the downfall of mankind.

Again, if the USA really steps out of the Paris treaty, I hope at least you people will enjoy your lives till you are old. Then you will realize that humankind could have gotten so much better and farther and you will experience the absolute worst feeling there is, ABSOLUTE FAILURE, and you will hope you would have never been born and somebody more responsible had taken over your place in this fragile world.


Do you think pence would stand a chance?

>if you name the joe, it will will only enrage him

>Heavy handed narrative drives easily swayed teen to kill himself
>(((media))) blames FCC.

I'd like McConnellfags to fuck off with their "lol bannon a shit disavow bannon it was his fault alone that the seat was lost" nonsense as well.

The pursuit of Life, Liberty, and Property.


>Wealthy New York City elites are preparing to flee the state because the Republican tax bill is going to make them face the full brunt of Mayor Bill de Blasio and Democratic state leadership’s tax rates.

>“Everybody I speak to brings this up. Every NYC resident I speak to asks about the feasibility involved in doing it,” Wall Street tax expert Robert Willens told Yahoo Finance. “I’ve been doing this more than 40 years, and never heard more discussion about relocating than recently.”

>very basic common sense
I love you user.

I like to come to your thread.

Your thread is nice, like a buttered crumpet.


bannon is a deep state hillary plant. youre a shill/

My пaпa brought good beer from the city today, 100% /comfy/.

Don Jr is the next President.

My point is that Trump wants this shit done clean. No appearance of pro-Trump bias is acceptable. How do you do that? Mike Rogers tells you wtf these corrupt nigs were up to. You find someone you can appoint that will make Dems relax. Make them confident that one of /their guys/ is in charge, no worries. And while the left pleads with Mueller to hurry and save them, he’s buying time for OIG to complete their investigation, and charges that are airtight as fuck to be compiled. You only get one fucking shot with these people. Sessions is doing a SHITLOAD in other areas, and at the end of the day I trust Trump. I most especially trust his capacity to exact revenge.


Sessions said it was an honest innocent mistake, tee hee.
Sessions wants to see trump impeached, it's becoming clearer and clearer.

>Join server filled with EU fags
>Start talking about Guns
>all of them start freaking out

What the fuck.

Fuck Bannon and fuck McConnell.

>raise taxes on the rich
>the rich move
Cause and effect doesn't get more logical than this.

That would be 1000% fine with me

t. shill

>Being in a picture with someone means you fucked them

He is recused and Nunes will stick his dick up Muellers ass

screencap this

sessions already outed himself as a hillary plant by saying theres not enough evidence to investigate her.



Mueller is a NeverTrump Bush guy, you're crazy if you think he's anything but anti-Trump

Sessions conceded that there is a possibility of such but didn't claim that this was any fact. He isn't doing any such no matter how you take things out of context.


Has President trump ever been seen with any 80's video games? I feel like I saw this picture in Nintendo Power Magazine somewhere when they were talking about Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! but I can't find it.

How about you stick with whoever Trump says is good instead of fucking idiots like Moore.

is this some kind of super old retard pasta?

worst girl

Fuck off shill

why do you think trump fired him, cuck?

Anyone got an economic breakdown of what Trump has done for the economy so far? Perhaps an infograph?

Is your room clean, user?

Just don't turn the place into brit/pol/.

Not at all, you're misrepresenting things and outright lying. He told a republican senator that there was not enough evidence of anything to establish a special council of investigations specifically. If that is the case then that is the case.

You are a idiot. He also never said that. He said he was not investigating her. That is because the OIG is you shill faggot. If you are going to post, at least use facts.

personally i hope we never have another election. just let trumps bloodline reign.


top 1% of taxpayers in CA pay 48% of all taxes in the state.

I imagine the situation is similar in NY, but couldn't find any stats after cursory searching
CA and NY are fucked when 1/2 of their tax revenue moves out of state

They're used to a nanny state that requires a license to buy silverware. When you bring up some kind of actual firearm, you're essentially talking pins and needles to a sheet of bubble wrap.

go back

Sessions wants Mueller to have enough time to out all these fucks before the left figures out who’s really behind the curtain. Spoiler Alert-it’s pic related

Welcome. Leave any names and trips at the door.

Dems are preparing for Mueller getting fired


Joy Reid Guest: Fox News Hosts Should be “Fired” for Criticizing Mueller

Cotswold cuties.

>not taking the Miopill

Hell yeah

Don't be rude to best ally.

You tell me

>bullying any of the Keions that aren't Jun


>not investigating the demon from hell who rapes and murders children to fuel her satanic body

yeah of course hes not a plant. jesus you shills are desperate. trump must be getting close to locking her up.

rude desu. i've been here forever, hate trip/pol/

Sucka dic faggot.
Everyone can see what's going on at this point.
Trump needs to shitcan sessions and rosenkike and get somebody else.

The Boston Harbor just got ten feet higher!

Nah. If anything Sessions will stop Nunes if he gets close to exposing Mueller. I really don't understand how people don't think Sessions was Trumps biggest mistake.

Finally a deconcentration of wealth.
It’s easy to stay rich when you’re up against some dumb broke immigrants and nogs. Wait till you’ve got scrappy suburban entrepreneurs as competition.

i like

What is /ptg/ imbibing this night?

hi where are the milkers

>koi in your ID

>Fuck Bannon and fuck McConnell.
I wouldn't care about Bannon if he didn't run an unelectable candidate that can't campaign and can't win, all because of his bitch feud with Turtleman
I wouldn't care about Turtleman if he didn't play favorites with Strange and then throw a tantrum like a spoiled child when Moore ended up winning the primaries with Bannon's backing.
These fucking idiots need to grow up and realize that nothing is more important than keeping the Democrats out of power.

I'm not sure about infograph, but the achievements are on the OP.
>B-but Trump didn't...

>not the Azusapill

If you admit to this.
You admit to the corollary that there is enough evidence according to Sessions to investigate Trump.

I wasn't meaning to be rude but the other guy was rude. This is a nice thread.

What we have said is factually correct and your insinuations are garbage without basis in fact or reality.

That would be a mistake as Sessions is doing a great job.

Sincerely, we do have some great British posters and I don't wish for senseless divisionism

Hillary is being investigated you cunt

don't even like him, but he resigned when he said he would, you are an obvious divide and conquer shill, same as the Syrian airport shills. and are convincing no one

Trump likes non violent video games.

>pic related
So no body?
not sure if ugly girl or cute boy..

Are those books organized or just piled on their haphazardly? Looks like you need to take out the trash. And re-arrange your computer desk to give you a little more space. Put that other chair back in the kitchen too.

>tfw I had this game


alex jones reported on her sulphur smell a year ago you retard. thats a fact for you, fucking shill.

The weed lmaos have been here 8 hours or so ago, anti Sessions stuff and all.