Demonizing psychopaths, the world's favorite past time at the moment

Demonizing psychopaths, the world's favorite past time at the moment.

We are demonized because people can't understand how we think. If they can't understand it, there is no preparing for it. They understand the others like them and therefore there is an understanding of what other neurotypicals will do in a given situation.

Psychopaths don't give them that. We are unknown in our thought process, which essentially means we can do anything at all. Lack of predictability coupled with the the ease in which we disregard societies morals, frightens them. We don't feel fear, we have an extremely high pain tolerance, and stressful situations don't freeze us, we are the ones moving in danger's direction.

All of these traits, plus many more of them leave people not sure what to make of us, and if history has taught us anything, it is the response to anything they don't understand that is frightening to them tends to be,


Add to this the fact that there are those of us that have done some things that resonate in the minds of neurotypicals as horrific. Since there are so few of us, we all share in the bearing of those deeds. It really doesn't help that even the best of us are dishonest by means of our masks. We manipulate and take things where we can get them. Not too different from most people, but when we do it we don't have the guilt trappings and that somehow inflames neurotypicals sensibilities.

We also are usually far too logical for the god question. There aren't any of us that I have met that subscribe to religion. We see it as a money making scheme that, if we are involved in, it is only to get as much as we can from the coffers. This is such a moral no no to neurotypical people, even the non religious ones.

There are a lot of reasons that we are demonized, and nearly all of them are fear based. Fear drives a lot of neurotypical behavior, and lack of fear drives a lot of ours. It's kind of an ugly conundrum,

tl;dr requested

i'm the jokah babey

Way ahead of you there friendo.

Is that the guy that shot up a theatre?

He was clockworkorange.exe, this is code green.

Psychopaths would not have this level of self-awareness re: their own psychopathy you fucking LARPing faggot.

Thanks for the reminder though that few things on earth are more boring than a psycho, even a fake one.

Any creative or original thought is now demonized. That is how pathetic we have become.

You’re not a psychopath. You’re just a gay emo faggot. Give it some time, your phase will pass

not politics, saged & reported

Just finished Mindhunter?

what did he mean by this?

psychos are 90% edgy faggots. this is why normals hate you.

> we disregard society's morals.

Into the oven you go nignog.

Good, intelligent psychopaths don't kill/give into their violent impulses. They can be ''happy'' in their own weird way.

(((Sociopaths))), on the other hand...

Nonsensical bullshit. Psychopaths are absolutly predictable just like everyone else you just have to understand how they think. They are the lowest of liveforms. Literal demons. Haven even an relative harmless psychopath running around in your mid is a knife in your back in given time. Psychopaths know no loyalty or morality. A Psychpath would kill his own family without hesitation if he would be sure the payoff is big enough and the risk acceptable.

The only way to deal with this is to genocide them the world would be a better place.

But without a natural predator the herd becomes weak know this!
Imagine being mercifully free of the ravages of pathological altruism. Imagine what you could do if you were so mentally endowed. Entire population strata eradicated with mechanized precision...

Are psychopaths wet little bitches? Because if not youre larping wrong

Psychopathy is a fucking condition for niggers and Jews fuck off to the gas chamber u faggot.

i was out at a bar last night and I went home with this chick and we banged, and then she passed out on my arm. my arm was falling asleep under her neck and I was just laying there imagining strangling her and planning on how I could get rid of the body, but I had no exit strategy, so she's safe.



I can see you sitting at your computer as you browse Sup Forums


Who cares if theyre unpredictable (they arent). Unpredictable people are only dangerous if you trust them; if you trust no one you never get burned. Trusting and getting burned is your own fault.