The Absolute State of The Film Industry

They are now blaming the Russians on their shitty SJW multicultural films...
''Perhaps, you might think, this is the way audiences always react. An ungrateful bunch, at the best of times.'' They have no Shame.
Watched the first 20 mins.
>White Virgin Villain is a goofball
>Minority Chad Commander calls him pasty skin
>Whitey stutters and mumbles while confronted by Minority Chad
>All the Rebel Fighters are Minorities or Women; 0 white men except villains obviously
>Blow up a War ship that just so happens to have a giant weakness in it, you know like every other Star Wars movie.
>50 Virgin Fighters don't stand a chance against 1 Chad Minority.
>Chink girl Blows up War Shop dying in the process.
>Virgin Whitey Villian gets Force slapped and sent to bed.

Other urls found in this thread:

All entertainment is shit except Major League Baseball.

>low audience scores
56% to be exact

Soon UnAryan goods and services will be boycotted.

But which 56% tho ?

The dark side

This is a serious mental illness at this point Blame everything on the Russians; they can't except their pioneering SJW Multicultural Movie is Garbage

Those negative reviews don't sound Russian.

I'm probably going to see it tomorrow (not buying the ticket).
I'm fully planning to laugh my ass off at how bad it will be.


Are you kidding me? Baseball is a snoozefest and it's over half spic. Maybe if you said hockey I'd agree, but don't be retarded.

Nah, short track dirt oval racing is the shit. Specifically sprint cars.

>the last jedi sucked
one of these days russia really is going to do it and nobody is going to fucking believe them

It's a 'boy who cried wolf' type thing.


>Jews make blatant anti-white agitprop that's not even remotely entertaining
>people stay away

If they're that omnipotent then perhaps they should rule the world, fuck sake.

Anime is pretty good too.

Disney is garbage

The boy who cries wolf always gets eaten at the end. I am waiting around for Herr wolf for a while now.

>Is there a Russian force behind this?
kekk libtards

You know this has me thinking... I was late for work yesterday because of this horrible accident on the interstate, but my libcuck boss probably would have been more lenient if I told him it was because Russians.

Seriously, this needs to used for everything.
Maybe they'll finally shutup about it.

>people aren't liking the movie as much as the paid shills, it must be the russians

what even is this anymore

>Is there a Russian Force behind this

This shit better be a fucking joke

There were story inconsistencies also:

Ghost Yoda used lightning to burn the Jedi Deku tree and scriptures. Went on monologue about how people have "outgrown scriptures" (stupid point of view). Then, when Finnie, or whatever his name is, open a drawer on the smushed pizza ship (aluminum falcon), those exact Jedi scriptures we're right there - next to the blanket he pulled out for the chinese cat lady.

And there was talk about ending the Jedi. I thought they went through with it. Then, Luke... whatever he was, said the Jedi and the escaping SJW Democrats would both come back stronger.

Inconsistent. Very sad.

Premier league.

Auto Racing is starting to get cucked

>Carmen Jorda
>Pippa Mann

Muh female drivers
Muh no grid girls

Seriously, we're the "Russian hackers"

Actual russian influencers were doing shit like buying BLM ads to make the left double down on stupidity

I feel like there is a potential meme here we could gift the normies on facebook and the like. Something in line with the "Thanks Obama" meme, but instead whenever you see something trivially inconvenient or not to your liking you post "Are the Russians behind this?" If it catches on then it will serve to point out leftist absurdity and make a mockery of any Russian interference narrative some people may still believe


Anime is redpilled

Should start meming Russiophobia.


The hate for this film is very much authentic. This isn't just anti-SJW neckbeards and Russian shills downvoting this thing. I've seen people who are completely liberal complaining about it. The kind of people who would've scoffed at you for saying you had no interest in seeing the female Ghostbusters reboot. Even they hate the The Last Jedi.


>russian hackers

"the critics in our back pocket who love everything will tell the public what to think"

Rian Johnson did everything on purpose to fuck over JAR JAR Abrams
>kills snek so JJ can't asspull a throne room scene
>the first order is literally led by a cringy emo faggot
>luke is dead
>rey is an even bigger Mary Sue
>blacked with rey is denied
>leia is alive

In this thread say thanks to Rian Johnson for destroying disney wars from the inside, episode 9 will be a fucking disaster

I am sorry but the leftists have completely ruined Spiderman for me and now Star Wars.

Go fuck yourself Hollywood you rapist fucks.

>Is there a Russian force behind this?
Are they going to blame the Russians for everything now?

This movie was 100% leftist propaganda, to the point where it completely overshadowed the actual relevant plot.

The entire excursion with muh nigger and muh asian woman was just to show how evil rich people are. It was totally irrelevant to the plot, except to frame "the resistance" as poor people.

The purple haired air head that became captain of the ship only existed in the movie to tell the viewer "actually people like this are even more morally superior, even if they act retarded".... It was totally pointless... except to moralize at the audience.

The arc with luke on the island (and even yoda); the whole point of it was to tear down the idea of rules and structure. That what's good and bad is something you feel in your heart; and unrelated to knowledge or thinking or rules.

It's like the writes said "fuck starwars mythos; we're going to tell people OUR mythos".

at least hockey is still a white man's sport

Don't forget boxing.

My truck wouldn't start yesterday. Clearly Russians hacked my batteries.

I feel bad for anyone who gave their money expecting to see Star Wars and instead was forced to watch Social Justice Wars in a crowded ass theater.

Why do they have to ruin everything?

((((((They)))))) gonna blame Russians too when US dollars loses its value

And does anybody really believe that luke would consider murdering his student in cold blood while he slept???

What the fuck were they thinking??

This is just like the Wolfenstein game. Why did everything become just a way of virtue signalling instead of having an actual substance? This is a full blown intentional propaganda and they don't even hide it anymore. Who actually finances this shit?

SJWs spend all day tweeting each other about muh oppression and can't possibly believe that other people hate their shit

>Who actually finances this shit?

is this your first day on pol friendo?

wow i had no idea he was racist af. ew. that shit sounds like apartheid is in america but somehow it's socially acceptable weirdos omg

I actually liked this film but I could tell that alot of people in the theater were more like "wtf" at the end


This guy gets it.

this is good, very redpilling to anyone who reads it.

Just say "Thanks Russia" sarcastically. It has the same meaning, and leftists will clearly know that they are being mocked because they made fun of conservatives saying "Thanks Obama" for years.

Thanks Russia.

Why did you like it?
Were you stoned?
My wife and I pirated it and got more stoned than a gay saudi and our favorite part was Luke milking the four titted monster.

Touhou is not anime, though.


Its starting to turn around! I couldn't welcome it any sooner.

All film is manipulative - the key is making a film that doesn't *feel* manipulative through good writing, good characters, good stories, good effects, etc.

TLJ's problem is that it absolutely fucking feels manipulative the whole way through. There's not a single scene that goes by that doesn't feel like something that was brewed up in a corporate focus group or by a bunch of consumer psychologists to produce something that would tick as many boxes and hit as many targets as possible


no better sport to watch live than hockey

Here is actually a Russian conspiracy that is true involving Feminem upset at negative critiques (reported on by a based Canadian conservative girl believe it or not):

around the 3 minute mark


I predicted this but I don't want to tot my own horn. My logic was that since the first new SW movie sucked and only retards liked it, it would cause a lot of people not to give the second chance and the movie was going to suck even more by catering to more retards, probably causing it to flop, in a way.

What are the box office numbers? I don't think next weekend is going to be good if word of mouth is bad for this.

Something I noticed while reading audience reviews on rt was that so many of the spammed 5 star ratings had some comment to the effect of "out with the old, in with the new". Generally praising the (((new direction))) of these films and denigrating the OT as outdated and obsolete.

(((They))) are literally trying to replace the spirit and meaning of Star Wars with their bullshit.

Episode 1 was the only good SW movie because it had Jar Jar Binks in it.

Tbh I just wanted to post the sniffe

actually I appreciate Jar Jar so much more now.

If only the people that did Rogue one did the rest of them - SW would be good.

Even South Park did an episode about evil Russian hackers. The last year has been great because it has forced all cucks who formerly pretended to be somewhat unbiased to show their hand.

I never watched a Star Wars movie and I dont plan to start now but maybe I should participate in the Russian conspiracy and go leave a bad review for that movie on the site

Read the positive reviews and check out the non existent profiles that made them.
They are very clearly bots ..probably sponsored the studio.

Cheap propaganda

Basedball is fucking elite

also had the Jew looking bug that Anakin worked for.


Source on image?

Also sneaky chink alyy lmaos in the prequels.

I've noticed that too. A lot of the people who like it are people who say they don't like Star Wars. They're incredibly pretentious about it. Like the whole franchise has been beneath them until this one came out.

read and despair

Well. That's going to alienate original fans very hard.

Also, there's hidden drama on the Star Wars reddit board. People are getting banned for not liking the movie.


I don't know what the book providing the summarisation in particular is, but I do know that it refers to Aristotle's book 'The Politics'

Here's an excerpt from the text which I think more or less gives expresses his thoughts:

Heterogeneity of stocks may lead to faction – at any rate until they have had time to assimilate. A city cannot be constituted from any chance collection of people, or in any chance period of time. Most of the cities which have admitted settlers, either at the time of their foundation or later, have been troubled by faction. For example, the Achaeans joined with settlers from Troezen in founding Sybaris, but expelled them when their own numbers increased; and this involved their city in a curse. At Thurii the Sybarites quarreled with the other settlers who had joined them in its colonization; they demanded special privileges, on the ground that they were the owners of the territory, and were driven out of the colony. At Byzantium the later settlers were detected in a conspiracy against the original colonists, and were expelled by force; and a similar expulsion befell the exiles from Chios who were admitted to Antissa by the original colonists. At Zancle, on the other hand, the original colonists were themselves expelled by the Samians whom they admitted. At Apollonia, on the Black Sea, factional conflict was caused by the introduction of new settlers; at Syracuse the conferring of civic rights on aliens and mercenaries, at the end of the period of the tyrants, led to sedition and civil war; and at Amphipolis the original citizens, after admitting Chalcidian colonists, were nearly all expelled by the colonists they had admitted. (1303A13)

Mind you, this is doubly profound when you consider that these 'mixed populations' were mostlycommon in blood, language, Gods, and general culture 90% of the time.

(Search for the first sentence in the Google book page and you'll find it).

And as of last week, Disney owns all of Fox’s film rights.
Scary if true.

One thing that got me interested in Rogue One was the idea of a robot providing comic relief. Only in the end it wasn't all that well executed. When I think about a robot providing comic relief in the SW universe, I think about the murder bot HK-47 from KOtoR games. The way he talked nonchalantly about murder and assassinations made him very hilarious and memorable. I wish there was more of that kind of comic relief the movies.

I didnt even know there was a new star trek movie out

Yes burn the library

It'll make them billions so they won't change. If they wanted something different they'd let the dark side win or something. Puffy blue light side kids is shit and is a money bait plot. Not even sure if I want to see the new episode.

It will fail like the Ben Hur remake.

I am so happy that I am not a poor normie emotionaly invested in all this.
I kind of am interested in seeing Sith Emperor Trump though.
I bet new "Padme" is going to be fat. Or even better, it's going to be a "Padmo" with an artifical womb (whether internal or externalbI don't know)! CURRENT YEAR MAAAAN
I bet they'll focus on Anikins toxic male masculinity, and Padmo will try to save him from it with space soy and "tolerance" lectures, but it will be too late for him and he will join space Trump and become a Nazi.

I never got why people are so crazy about these Star Wars movies. To me, all of them are pretty bland.

more like 44%

20th century pop culture is dying, what you feel will be the norm closer than you think

I just did, comrade

Reminds me of this anecdote.
A jew is reading anti-semite paper. Why do you read it, evil people that hate us print this stuff? Well when i read their papers it's awesome we rule the world we control the everything. When i read our papers everything is very bad. I would much rather read anti-semitic stuff.

In defense of Rian Johnson, the script writer and director, Disney handed him a 3 page list of requirements. It is impossible to cobble together something good if you have to fulfill all this shit for merchandising and minority and Chinese outreach purposes.

Also, Rian is a bit of an idiot, so it is hard to get non sucking films from him. His breakthrough film was “Looper” and his only other major accomplishment was directing three eps of Breaking Bad, which he did not write.

indeed, comrade user.
i don't think this one needed any help from us though, it sounds legitimately shit.

Duchess League Croquet is still and will always be the whitest sport.

The Last Jedi is pozzed

>(((They))) are literally trying to replace the spirit and meaning of Star Wars with their bullshit.
(((They))) did the same thing to Christianity, and that's why people don't go to church much anymore, because it's just liberal bugmanism.

>Doesn't wear TNG highly appropriate cucksuit
>Instead prefers to be a disgrace to The Shatman, the only real man left in the fucking cast.

>mfw when I liked him before GG due to geek solidarity