WTF is going on here?

Why does Sup Forums have the name of FBI's Director of counter-intelligence on a ban list?

People are saying you'll be insta-banned for talking about him here.

voat Sup Forumswhatever/2294176
8 ch Sup Forumsres/11050958

And during the election one of the ShareBlue guys enjoyed a similar blacklist. First name Benjamin, don't know if it's still active.

Any mods want to comment?

Is this why they call us cuckchan?

Other urls found in this thread:

This place has been an FBI honeypot for at nearly a decade. Ever notice how they never ask for janitors for Sup Forums?

oh, probably shouldn't use his name btw just in case it's true

this is the guy who is apparently behind the whole Trump - Russia collusion shit, he and his wife are (((Chosenites))) too

Bill Priestap here, what's going on??

I wonder, was this just a psyop campaign to get us to talk about the guy, or did Sup Forums really have his name on a ban list?

idk buddy, im not your goy

Bill Priestap
Bill Priestap
Bill Priestap

Does he like pop out of my closet now?

8 chan is monitored and as soon as a dozen or so people were banned and raised a stink about this the name was taken off the auto ban list. Shysters

The real question is....what does it mean to be part of a 24/7 monitored honeypot? they can even look at you via your webcam, or listen to your conversations, yet nothing ever seems to happen...

if u google his name. nothing comes up. spoopy

Boomers are getting to the car chase in their cbts larp.

Gee Bill, two dossiers?


>His Name Is B e i n F i s h b e i n n

>Why does Sup Forums have the name of FBI's Director of counter-intelligence on a ban list?

Maybe the autoban feature for writing his name is a leftover from the campaign days, and was probably set in order to prevent threads about him.

If this was true, then he was being protected just as CTR / Shareblue.

This would imply a coordinated campaign between to stop their names being “memed” into the collective consciousness.

Bill Priestap
Seriously faggots grow up

Bill priestap fuck off

Not banned

Some annoying users get banned for any silly reason after being reported. Since they are technically "following the rules" the mods have to get creative.

Posting in a shill thread written by Russians to trick Sup Forums patsies into googling the dude's name, putting him at the top of search engines.

my guess, I suspect that for years the FBI maintained this as a honeypot for child porn distribution and similar crimes

now, temporarily, the goals of the 'good guys' at the FBI and Sup Forums are aligned, due to the actions of Donald Trump

the FBI still controls this website, and is using a simple psyop to distribute the name of this person to us--he hasn't appeared in the public eye yet, and it's beneficial to the prosecution of a case if the public is at least aware of the criminals existence first

and maybe we can dig something up on him too, why not crowdsource a bit?

Not banned either

mods and jans should be public info


How would you know if some user got kidnapped by the FBI/CIA and never saw the light of day again?

Very spoopy

Russians are tricking Americans into investigating their own deep state? Based Ruskies

or something like that

I feel really sorry for any naive idealistic FBI agents who signed up to fight corruption but ended up working for Pr13574p.

They're having trouble recruiting young people. Hmm wonder why.

The same TLA we report pizza to has Pr13574p as a high up.

Lord only knows what other fucked up shit is going on we don't know about yet.

well...its just a plausible theory. As a matter of fact saw some "auto-archived" topics a while ago about that situation you are mentioning. Of course all those "warnings" were ignored due the constant sliding, shilling and baiting from your usual bumped threads.

>Is this why they call us cuckchan?

Bill Priestap

this is the world we live in , a world were the people responsible for 911 are still alive , while the fbi comes to watch pol , not to capture terrorists or pedos but to simply cover up their own corruption

Bill Priestap

> Deep state is tricking americans into thinking the russians have tricked them into investigating their own deep state?

lol these guys

Bill Priestap?

Bill Priestap

FBI agent. Likely guilty of assinations and certainly of high level cyber espionage.

Spread the word - he is a key figure in the FBI anti-Trump campaign.

Bill Priestap
Patsei RPllib


Wouldn't surprise me. When the story broke that the US and UK had made a deal to allow their contras ISIS to escape from Raqqa, I posted it here. It was quickly deleted.


What does it mean? Do I go bang a whore?

Bill Priestap b& test

>user is tricking Anons into thinking the Deep State is tricking Americans into thinking the Russians have tricked them into investigating their own Deep State?

We don't talk about Stan anymore... Don't ask why

Someone on Trump's team leaked that they are considering firing Mueller soon as bait to the press because they are getting ready to unseal the indictments and they want everyone to be on Mueller's side when it happens.

Just kidding,
nothing ever happens.


What a year! Taylor Swift is right, 2017 has been great.
Hey, all you "muh seeekrit" people, everybody and their dog is learning your names! Wave at that cameraman from TMZ, you're famous!

>softcore for ants

Welcome to the internet, we live in a global surveillance state.

guys the rusky sleeper cells just activated in Houston metro area...I'll keep u posted

I see what you did there.


