im jewish, im israeli.
i don't hate white people, i have white skin myself.
WHY THE FUCK would i want a White genocide??

>all the nations israel has good relationd with are white, except for chaina
>all the nations israel is enemies with are black/brown/muslim
>israel is economically dependant on trade and tourism from white, christian nations.
>israel has strategic military alliances with white nations. spesifically NATO, US, and Greece/Cyprus
israel needs constant political support from said states to make sure it won't be invaded again

if white genocide really will happen, israel is fucking toast. it be financially broken, will lose its military tech, and will be constantly invaded and will lose valuble allies.

the whole "it will make the jews rule the world easier" is fucking retarded. israel is barely able to keep their own muslim population in check, how the fuck will it be able to do so 1000 miles across the sea???

if we wanted white genocide, it would have been easier to simply KILL OURSELVES
because the outcome would have been the same.

Other urls found in this thread:


I will reply as honest as possible, only because there is a slim chance you are being honest.
Jews have, throughout history, taken measures that are completely counter to their own cultural survival and the survival of their people for the benefit of the individual. A jew will gladly throw all of his fellow jews under the bus in order to slightly better his situation, even for the very short term. In the process they do it to whatever people that have taken them in as well.
Look at your people's history. There is a reason you have been told to leave so many times and "suffered" so much throughout time. It is in your blood to be a nuisance to everyone, including yourselves. At the moment your people are meddling with our countries. Not you directly, but your people none the less. If given the opportunity it would be you.
It is what you are.

Israel, gather your people back unto you. All these bankers and media moguls, especially. Then we can talk.

>"it's in your blood to be a nuisance for everyone"
what horseshit, you people actually belive this retarded crap?
"blood" and genetics can't dictate this sort of things!
why are you ignoring all the jews that sacrificed their lives for the greater good?
why are you ignoring all the jews that fought alongside the allies in WW2
and all the jews who fought for the German empire in WW1?

the reason why we were kicked out out of all the christian countries in the 1500's is the same reason these ignorant hillbillies burned witiches and tortured "heretics" to death.






we don't control these people ffs. we can't force anyone to go to israel agianist their will.

also why would we want to have these scumbags anyway?



that's a completely retarded post.
how will we benefit from countries collapsing around us?

how will we benefit from muslims ruining everything and threaten our very existence??

Welcome to Sup Forums where we recycle infographics and no one can really tell if we're joking about the jews.
I agree with you though, if you aren't a communist jew, or high up in their little globalist club, then no, white genocide doesn't make much sense.
When people complain about jews they're likely refering to the diaspora or communist jews.
At least that's my take on it.

I know in Jewish thought Jews have hatred for Europeans and the west. For example what do you think of the roman empire?

except only like 1% of the jews are communists
and the rest of the jews suffer from these communists just like everyone else.

yet Sup Forums and the nazis in general consider ALL JEWS to be bad.
and when jews fight against these communists, like PregerU and Breitbart, they are just considered "controlled opposition"
which is beyond retarded. it's bascially claming that all jews have unified identity and they have a hive-mind that allows them to be in total global cooperation

you're not fooling anyone you stinking kike
i know enough israelis personally to know literally ALL the stereotypes are true, even the friendly ones can't resist their jewiness

disgusting parasites is what you are
also someone post the vid with the rabbi saying white genocide is payback for what the nazis did, even tho the nazis dindu nuffin

Cuz Jews always try to steal land from others, like the fugu plan and west side of jerusalem.



what is this pathetic mental gymnastics?

hating the roman empire does'nt =\= hating modern west!
it enslaved and murdered millions of people, including my own.
it was corrupt and run by greedy hedonistic emperors and senates, and anyone who wasn't tied to the higher-ups was pretty much a slave

that has nothing to do with modern europe of 2017!

I think average Jews are in a way being used as a scapegoat and have been used as such throughout history. The people running the banking system and driving globalization have basicly nothing in common with you or I but are "Jewish". Now as for their belief systems and such I would bet they have nothing much in common with you. As a goy looking from the outside its very hard to differentiate between the elite groups running some very suspect programs in the world and a normie Jew in Israel.


Israel is not the same as the socialist jew, who most of the time is atheist and jew in name only.

willkommen in der sozialen Realität - ALLE hassen euch . es ist nicht wie in Hollywood wo euch angeblich alle irgendwie mögen . Nein - ihr seid Ausgestoßene - und werdet es bleiben

He thought that "Jews were responsible for bringing Negroes into the Rhineland, with the ultimate idea of bastardizing the white race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jew might dominate."


You have the reconquista. Inquisition and the way the Tsars treated the Jews. And finally the holocaust but that was more a defence against Jewish Bolshevism. Unlike others here I can understand the hate Jews have towards us. Still fucked up none the less.

Go take a bullet like your fuhrer, naziboo dog.

>and when jews fight against these communists, like PregerU and Breitbart, they are just considered "controlled opposition"
It's one of these games you simply can't win. If there aren't any anti-progressive Jews, it means the Jewry as a whole supports progressivism. If there are, that is a sign of subversion and controlled opposition. It's almost like nothing could change your typical Sup Forumslack's opinion on us.

Jews understand that white nationalism will inevitabily rise again if not for mass media manipulation. White nationalism is bad for jews, it is even worse than no whites at all, that's why your people decided the goyim must vanish.

sicherlich ein geiles Gefühl wenn dich die ganze Welt hasst . ihr Juden seid noch viel dümmer als du ahnst

literally no explanation how white genecodie benefits us.
only a temper tanturm because jews hate you for being a ligitimatly shit person.

>Japan's support of Zionism (inside this link)
oh yeah, we totally stole japanese land lullz

>hating the roman empire does'nt =\= hating modern west!
Not him, but the Romans literally invented the west.

aber vorher bringe ich 6 Millionen von deiner Sorte auf dem Schlachtfeld um - du bist nichts weiter als ein mieses Stück Scheiße , häng dich auf du Drecksfreimaurer

Adolf escaped to Argentina, newly released FBI documents confirm this.

I don't think world jewery every ended the war they declared on natsoc Germany. I would bet a small group vs a massive group would use gorilla tactics, propaganda, government infiltration and policy change to destroy its enemy as open conflict would be suicide

come back if you understand your social reality . b) read Mearsheimer about aipac and adl . in this world you do not manipulate anyone

Very true Soros sold out his own for some reich marks.

brown people are stupid and more easily made slaves. killing/breeding out whites means only cattle are left. the jew strives with all his might towards this end.

>i have white skin
Stopped reading right there,nice try schlomo....

The wrong side won WWII

You aren't killing shit, nazi bootlick. Go ahead and wreck Europe some more and blame its shit state on the jews.

It wont. End Israel to End White Genocide. Only way. Hitler was right. NatSoc is needed.


>WHY THE FUCK would i want a White genocide??
Because it's what you people have been doing for hundreds of years

711 July 19, TARIK IBN ZIYAD (Spain)

A Moslem general. He defeated King Roderick, the last of the Visigoth kings, at the Battle of Rio Barbate (Guadalete) near Xeres de la Frontera. The Jews backed him in his battles. After each city was conquered (Cordova, Granada, Malaga), Jews were often given positions of safeguarding Moslem interests. One of his generals, Kaula al Yahudi, had many Jews under his command.

712 March, TOLEDO (Spain)

The Jewish inhabitants opened the gates for the Moslem invaders under Tarik ibn Zayid marking the end of Visigothic rule in Spain and the beginning of 150 years of peace. Thus began what was known as the Golden Age of Spain. The Iberian caliphate was independent of Baghdad and encouraged the flowering of Spanish-Jewish culture at the same time that it was being suppressed by the Baghdad caliphate.

716 RAMLE (Eretz Israel)

Was founded by Caliph Suleiman to be the administrative capital of the country. Many Babylonian and Persian Jews settled there. Ramle was the only town established by Arabs in Eretz Israel.

717 - 720 CALIPH OMAR II (Syria-Eretz Israel)

Did his best to force Jews and Christians to convert to Islam. This was after a period of respite during the Umayyad dynasty. This religious revival was partly due to the Arab failure to capture Constantinople and the feeling that the end of the world was imminent.

717 - 741 LEO III (The Isaurian) (Byzantine Empire)

Reigned in Constantinople. After narrowly defeating the Arab army at his gates and preventing the fall of his empire, he decided that the weakness of his empire lay in its heterogeneous population and therefore, in 722, he forcibly converted Jews as well as those known as the "New Christians". Most of them converted outwardly while secretly remaining faithful.

Convince your fellow "men" to stop.

i, and most people on the planet. don't hate people for something their great great great great great great great grandads did.

exactly, and that means they are retards who are pretendin to be "enlightened" and "woken up"
white nationalism is NOT bad for jews, because that will enable jewish nationalism to rise.
literally all our enemies are the enemies of the white people as well.
but nope, and jew that supports white people is "controlled opposition" FFS

Why don't you explain why you people act the way they do?

Here's the real red pill. The 'jews' in charge of everything that matters aren't real Jews, but a cult of elite who use Jewish religion as a call to others AND cover from prying eyes.
They don't want white genocide, they want dumb communities who can't and/or won't challenge them, can't fight back. Whites just happen to be most aware of this threat

Problem is not Jews who stays in Israel. Problem is Jews outside of Israel.

now you screwed it up with the anglos and you know it - by 2044 the anglos will remove you from the us . enjoy

The kike is the mortal enemy of the white race

Kike plan

>Mongrelize Europe like they mongrelized America
>Turn us into their kike-puppet, like America



nigger wie dich mache ich mit links fertig - du dummes unterbelichtetes Stück Scheiße , häng dich auf .

>that will enable jewish nationalism to rise.
Jewish Nationalism isn't scrutinized by the media, academia and the political realm like white nationalism, though.


I dont give a fuck about white genocide but
You guys invaded and took a territory from the people currently living there just because you used to live there a long time ago. Before you lived their, Pagans did, and for a lot longer to. Just by you living in Israel you are supporting an illegal occupation of a territory. If you came to America and pulled that shit on us we'd fuck the shit out of you while holding on to your curly brown locks of hair
The Jew is hated because it is an insidious disease that slowly strangles its host. Just look at Palestine. You Jews slowly occupied like a multiplying virus until one day you infested a giant chunk of land.

versuch es härter mein nigger :-)



its not all jews its only the high ranked jews with power just look who pushes the anit-white agenda its only jewish papers jew high rank
the jew up there dont care for u lowjews its only the high ups thats fuck all up why do you not see it.
so better u allianz with the white around the world to save your own ass.
Or you just will be thrown away like we whites

retarded, the reason there is two sides is because jews get shekels eitherway in the two party system, politics is a fucking game and it's all rigged to start with, jews on both side aren't against each other in truth but for us goyim they are, so they proceed to battle it out whilst extracting as much money as they can from people that invest their lives into their retarded bias politics.

it's all bullshit and voting doesn't matter at all, it's been proven already countless times that jews do this and it is an extremely smart strategy to stir things up and if they feel things are getting a bit fucky and nobody is showing interest they'll just vote for a random war to ge people interested again, they do all sorts to keep that cash cow going that is the two party system.

who do you think you are fooling you motherfucker?

>Anonymous (ID: xcP4Fj9h) 12/17/17(Sun)05:06:55 No.153575074▶
> (OP)
> I dont give a fuck about white genocide but
> You guys invaded and took a territory from the people currently living there just because you used to live there a long time ago. Before you lived their, Pagans did, and for a lot longer to. Just by you living in Israel you are supporting an illegal occupation of a territory. If you came to America and pulled that shit on us we'd fuck the shit out of you while holding on to your curly brown locks of hair
> The Jew is hated because it is an insidious disease that slowly strangles its host. Just look at Palestine. You Jews slowly occupied like a multiplying virus until one day you infested a giant chunk of land.
Good point, look at Dual Israeli ZOG occupied Palestine. That's what they want to turn White Genocide into, a Holodomor 2.0

Fred Leuchter Stalked by The Israeli Mossad for Researching The HoloHoax

The kike will ignore this. This is how the kike argues

>Dismiss evidence
>Ignore impossible to defend against evidence
>Pretend the argument was never made

The kike is hated for good reason

We all hate you cum skin fucks, but we ain’t gonna kill y’all, cause who else will be paying for our free shit. Man y’all cumskin are basically are stuck paying for our houses, food, and other crap and there is nothing y’all can do about it, don’t even need to use my own money so I got a lot saved up to buy luxury items like my new Gucci belt, and timbs. Fuck y’all cumskins and thanks for paying for my shits.

The Disturbing Deeds of the Jews - Adolf Hitler's Warning

Why are posting here? Don't you have any foreskins to munch on?

its irrelevant what you think. you dont set the agenda, you dont have lots of capital or prestige, hell i doubt my rich fucking doctor has heard of amalek or read the talmud. some peoples concept of god is far more morbid than yours.

die Drecksjuden werden noch ihr blaues Wunder erleben .

Stop lying about the holohoax, stop making us fight your wars for you, accept the crimes your people have committed through the generations, and maybe we won't give as much of a shit about Jews.

You're welcome Jamal, pay homage to the white man.


the Greeks, the Macedonian and Persian empires invented the west.
the Romans feasted on their carcasses and when they ran out of fresh meat they collpased on themselves.
only the Byzantines who accepted christianity actually did something.

yeah brown people are so easy to control, that isael needs a whole army and 10 military operations a year to keep them in check. yes, very easy to control.
now lets multiply the amount of brown people x200
nope, can't see how that will backfire at all.

what a shit argument back in 717, the muslims were actually one of the most advanced civilizations on the globe, who treated jews very well. why SHOULDN'T they supported them?

they are NOT "fellow men" stop pretending we are some kind of tyranid hive-mind that has total control over every single induvidual.

scumvacks like that proffesor are faithless self-hatint jews who are jewish only by surname

Do you kikes really think that we are that stupid and we will belive you?

The Jews betrayed the Germans in WW1 for Palestine

You'd only have yourselves and shitty brown people complaining about how evil you are. Then, the Asians would kill you.

Vikings invented the West , and now get the fukk out off here. verpiss dich du krankes Stück Judenscheiße. RAUS HIER ! aber ganz schnell !


verfluchter Parasit

>they are NOT "fellow men" stop pretending we are some kind of tyranid hive-mind
Every single law, item, propaganda, social movement, and otherwise social effect that is harmful to the white race is propagated, authored, and championed by the jew.


>>"it's in your blood to be a nuisance for everyone"
>what horseshit
>proceeds to be a nuisance.

The Finland one is absolute shit and so makes me question literally everything else. If you have the truth on your side, then use it, not half-truths, mistakes, misunderstandings and lies.

Jews hate white Christians, whenever white Christian nation asserts itself some kike screams that its like that time they got shoad. They start media attacks that attack these countries and try to get foreign governments as well as local people against the country. Jews constantly shout how nationalism is bad, that white countries need more immigration from non-whites, that fags are okay, that feminism is good. While they themselves act differently.

Jews control both parties in USA keeping both of them kosher as not to hurt their agenda. Democrats can never actually help white middle and working class because niggers, spics, fags have to come first and white male is evil. Republicans want to send American soldiers to fight the Jewish wars in Middle East. They also make GOP kosher by making sure that it can never be just pro-white party.

Just top of my head, could probably go more in depth

It is like the story about the scorpion and the turtle. The jew cannot escape it's nature of hate and evil.

A "nuisance" to nazi subhumans like you, yes.

Its not intentional. A cancer cell doesn't know that its killing its host, so too does the average jew not know he or she is contributing to the destruction of their host (white people). Humans do human things. Jews do jew things. Whites do white things. Like clockwork, we all revert to the mean.

Think of every jew as making up an entire organism. Think of every white person making up an organism. Through different cultures different ideas spread on the foundation of genetics. Thanks to the internet, these "organisms" or collections of people with similar ideas are becoming hyper aware as a larger organism than just individual. Strength in numbers is also true in ideas.

That's why there will come a time when the white people organism either in europe or america will lash out to remove itself of the cancer. Do not be shocked when that day comes.

Filmed in Israel, this is what you think of us.
You can express your victim status here as you want, but you are not fooling anyone.
Excrement boiled fuck

>what a shit argument back in 717, the muslims were actually one of the most advanced civilizations on the globe, who treated jews very well. why SHOULDN'T they supported them?
If Muslims were so nice to Jews then why the fuck did Jews pal around Europe for so long? Seems like you put up with le ebil white Christians if it meant making a few shekels

Sup Forums has this strange mental gymnastic that whites are the master race but Jews somehow found a way to take them down, yet Sup Forums considers them to be inferior somehow. Their logic is that once the whites are gone, Jews will rule over the darker tribes and treat them as an enslaved class.

>that file name

watcha doing juda?

>nazi subhumans
I'm a Muslim.

>everyone who doesn't buy into my fringe ideology is a jew


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