Kraut/pol/ - Kraut and Tea is getting gassed edition

Jamaica coalition is kill.
FDP won't do the Jamaica Jive.
SPD in full damage control mode LARPing as opposition.
Grüne & CSU almost french kissing each other.
Presicuck Steinmeier won't call for new election.

>upcoming elections
early 2018: possible federal re-election
06.05.2018: regional election in Schleswig-Holstein
autumn: regional elections in Bavaria and Hessen

>AfD related

>AfD Basic Program's list of contents in english
>AfD's Basic Program (in german)

If you can spare some shekels:




>Jewtube videos (commentary, AfD shitposting and aesthetics):

>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

Other urls found in this thread:!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg

Very valuable book collection:

Some absolutely awesome faggot hosted this on, try it out, it features tons of valuable literature.
In fact, I could be reading stupid social media posts and I'd still become wiser by that than by
reading this low effort shitpost/sage-worthy shill-thread.
I personally started with 1984, for the entertainment factor. If you still don't know what to
continue reading after that, maybe try "The Republic" by Plato, it's a good read as well.
At that point you should get a natural interest for what you would like to learn about next.
As a general rule fo thumb: If you aren't improving yourself right now, you are doing something
wrong. Another nice one is "Men Among the Ruins" by Juilius Evola, it fits well with the current
downtrend that we are witnessing in the west.!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg

A book an user COMPED:

morning lads


griaß di

Wird doch eh wieder gelöscht, kommt

We need new headers.
>GroKo talks start in January
>majority of Germans prefers GroKo over minority government or reelections
>Parliament uniting against AfD, the only party whose members are actually present

Ach ronny....
Hier haben wir die Zahlen, hier haben wir zulauf, warum linkst du zu KC?

based or not?


Weil KC einfach besser ist, und man sich nicht beim englischen anbiedern muss.
Für was auf englisch über deutsche Politik unterhalten, das macht einfach keinen Sinn und ist cucked.


>going on an english website to complain that you must speak english

Okay, naja, ich crossposte sowieso.
Problem ist, keine sau kennt KC, kannst ja robieren es zu popularisieren.

>Mfw I discovered the "S stands for..." meme about 2 moths too late...
Some are pretty dank:


is this OC?

because there is no entry for image search

Gab mal ein ganzes Album keine ob OP es verlinkt hat

What do you mean, the weeb or the weeb meme?

>postimg org/gallery/13dw1v50q/
postimg org/gallery/13dw1v50q/

Social media is absolutely not exploitable in any way at all :^) ? lol
Memetic Warfare albums (anti-Hillary meme galleries): ***many of these have sources, it’s not all hearsay
Normie memes

Advanced Meme Warfare:
font suggested by belgian user: Use Roboto Sans & Playfair Display
Social media tactics:

Connecting Social Media and Pushing Content 101:

>Godwins Law (Revival of memetics in Usenet)

>Book collection on radical bottom up activism
>Links says it all (There is more out, it makes sense looking for the earlier versions, will post if i find them)

>Nice easy readable introduction to cyber warfare

>Finkelsteins Meme Compendium!7pcRjLrY!K2dCLXsawbnk71B8-NYXag

>Sup Forums Book collection!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg

>Step by step how to manipulate narratives

Spic Ausländer who unironically supports the AfD reporting in.
You guys think they will let it get to new elections? I think they would rather do that GroKo abomination instead of risking the AfD getting more seats

Groko will probably happen...sigh

that's what I said earlier about Jamaica. Let's see.

I wanted schwarz-gelb minority gov

>schwarz gelb
sadly not...

All heil Kraut and Tea. He will defeat the evil racists and restore peace to the galaxy

Hey Krauts, I need legal advice.

Let's say a relative died in Germany and left some shekels. He had 5 brothers. 4 brothers (A, B, C, D) had 2 kids each. Brother number 5 (brother E) had 4 children. These 5 brothers are only relatives he has. There are 12 children total of his brothers.

Now let's say all brothers are dead. Does each group of brothers' children get 1/5 of the inheritance which is then divided among them, or does every child get 1/12th of the inheritance?

If I'm being too incoherent, the difference is:
>Each child gets 1/12 of inheritance
>Each child of [A, B, C, D] gets 1/10, while children of "E" get 1/20

Irrelevant scenario - what if one brother is alive?

He isn't even german

>every child get 1/12th of the inheritance
Should be this one

Guten Tag liebe Leute,
habt ihr heute schon die ersten Suizidgedanken gehabt? Wenn nein, dann bitte folgendes Video anschauen und darüber nachdenken was der Neger für eine Strafe bekommt (Protip: er wird auf Bewährung freigelassen, da er ein missverstandener Geflüchteter ist)
Sorgt garantiert für den täglichen Selbstmordwunsch.

Sad! But I'll take it for what it is.

My mind started playing Jewish tricks with questions like "what if he had two brothers, one brother was alive and had 2 children and other was dead but had 50 children" if you know what I'm getting at.

Thanks for answering.

aber shlomo

If i'd been the guy on the balcony, the negro fellow would probably resisted my citizen arrest pretty hard hence looking a bit swollen in the testicle and facial areas. If you know what I mean

To be honest, my desire kill him is bigger than my desire to kill me.

Which one of you is shilling for the pedo?

There are calculating tools for that but they are in german of course.


one brother gets all shekels


murdering your nephews and nices is bad hmkay

Thanks a lot for this, will send this link

>one brother gets all shekels
Luckily, no one has risen from the dead yet

Wasn't Sellner buddy buddy with him?


No not really, more like respectfull enemys. But after that shit this will be history. Brittany was one of their targets and i don't think Martin will like this.

If Israel wanted to genocide palestinians, why didn't they just carpet bomb hamas' 30th birthday party?

I am dissapoint

Bump for the Kaiser


Hey, Tayanon, wie geht es dir?

Sellner needs to learn that the centrists are just as much if not even moreso the enemy than the leftists. They'll never agree to take measures to stop the decline because muh 'you're all the same' when we've had marxist policies run wild for nigh on a hundred years.

Indeed, we probably would have much less of a problem when they showed some spine and didn't create and cover up the cracks which the judeo-marxist mind virus exploited.

The sooner Sellner stops with the whole D3R bullshit the better.


Nicht besonders gut

Ich antworte dir später, muss mal kurz weg mit 'nem Kumpel was wichtiges erledigen.

Was ist los?
Ist es immer noch der Verlust?
Ist es wenigstens ein winziges bisschen besser?
Wenn es dich etwas tröstet, mir geht es auch scheiße, man, ich glaube ich habe wirklich Depression.

>was wichtiges erledigen
Sure. Just dont forget to wash your hands.

Bümp aus schierer Langeweile.


>Ist es immer noch der Verlust?
Ja das Ganze macht mir ziemlich zu schaffen.

>Ist es wenigstens ein winziges bisschen besser?
Eher das Gegenteil. Ich habe gestern und heute mehr geweint als am Freitag. Alle paar Minuten kommen irgendwelche Erinnerungen hoch und ich muss weinen.

>Wenn es dich etwas tröstet, mir geht es auch scheiße, man, ich glaube ich habe wirklich Depression.
Alles nicht so einfach

Sure, np. Don't take this the wrong way, I think IB is going to become one important step in fixing our people but you have to be realistic about things. Some people will always be your enemies. A German male ANTIFA you might be able to turn around because he realizes the system is fucked, someone who is deeply committed to the post WW2 order, 'transatlanticism', liberal democracy? Probably not.

I turned myself off democracy with this:

As someone who has suffered deaths of close ones in the past - it'll stay with you but in time you'll be able to remember all the good times you shared and not be sad anymore. Don't give up.

It will take time I know that. Right now I still can't really realise that he is gone for ever. It feels so fucking surreal

I still vouch that some user compiles a series of diversity riots, antifa and post-ww2 captures of monuments being shot down by soviets (the swastika removal from the several buildings all over berlin and around) while Freude schöner Götterfunken plays.

>It will take time I know that. Right now I still can't really realise that he is gone for ever. It feels so fucking surreal

Sorry about your loss, user.
I remember that I felt the same when my father died. I took me a while to go back to a normal life.


It's so hard to handle the death of a family member. No matter how old a person is it's always to soon.

But I guess it's part of our life, we are humans after all and one day we will go too.

That war did you a lot of good, Jamal-Hakim.

>muslim free
Non-Germanic free

We all know what kind of subhumans and mongrels post from Britain. From mulattos to part jews and part gypsies to trannies. Just have a good look at this general. 8million non-whites in Britain, James. More than in Germany or Sweden. Highest rate of race-mixing in the Western world. 90+% of all adult negroids in your country are in relationships with non-blacks, mostly “white”. More biracial children than any other Western country

Difference is that even ethnic mixing, let alone racial, is super rare in Germany.

Difference is that we own way more weapons and hella proud to be Germans.

Difference is that I can come over to "my Chancellor" (Merkel is a polish Jewish subhuman) and say it to her.
Video related

Average Briton can't get near their PM

You lost the WWII, Empire, Royal House as Tribal Leader and dignity

never reply to me ever again subhumans

I'm back and don't have much to ad to this. As far as i know is Shlomo for Sellner just a usefull Tool with some of his Videos about Islam,SJW and Rapefugees but he don't agrees with him about mostly everything else.

>goes to kraut/pol/
>angry germans reply to his inane shit
I went someplace i dislike and now i'm mad, how could this be happening to me?

Is Lindner /ourguy/?


No he's a corporate douche and a turncoat, he says something this month and sees it hurts his reputation and instead of apologizing, he turns 180° on it betraying every principle as if he read the SPD Manual.

He had to cancel the coalition talks because signing a contract with the Greens would have been the Liberals' political death (this time without resurrection). They're the most sensible among the old parties, but that doesn't mean a lot.

Just report him, his content is theoretically a rule violation.

pic related in case you didn't have the meme.

Gott strafe England

Don't report people in Kraut/pol/ please

Everytime people report someone mods show up, see that ~ 1/3 of the post are in german and kill the thread then

Well, okay then, that is a good point.

I know I shouldn't feelfag on pol, but does anyone here literally want to die?

Good meme
True, say that out loud so the foreign scum gets the idea.
You big oaf.

if the majority of posts is in english they leave us be. In the last 4 weeks the thread was deleted only once because we stopped using english entirely.

>here literally want to die?
A few years ago I felt like that.

Britain is a cucked shithole and that's a damn fact.
you got any other joke politicians to name other than Nigel Farcuck from UKIP or MI5 shills from Britain First, or can we admit that you live in a shithole whilst South Germany and Austria are basically a paradise?
like, open a fucking history book and check for "how bad" it has to get, for us to even start giving a fuck, and so far your inbred shitskin friends with their inbred cousin marriages, look like a joke

Suck my Big Bavarian Cock
No, he’s a cuck brainlet with nice facial features

Anyone who doesn’t support full Germanic purity or at least speaks about ethnic German existence is THE enemy. Höcke is /ourguy/, Gauland is so-so

This. Got more than 40 warnings and bans for speaking German

>we're all gonna make it

Not feeling like that desu.
I have a feeling I won't live to 30.

> literally want to die?

I had such a phase around ten years ago but not anymore.

Any news on current gov? Feels pretty comfy without one

Are you by any chance the dude who did Brit/pol/ today?

>Same pics used
>slight bants on the brits

You do check out.

Welp, glad to hear it is somthing that can be escape from, just feels nothing near to a possibility rn...

Me. Don't even know why exactly

Probably depression, you should try to get meds, or try to improve or something.
I'm taking meds, but the memes about the medical jew seem to be true.
Getting up the motivation to change myself is seemingly undoable for me.

Withou you, who will defeat antifa?
>There are all these other people
but what if they feel like you?
Isn't a chain as strong as its weakest link?
If you aren't strong for your own sake, be strong for us.

Don’t give up user, there is always something worth living for. Are you religious? Back when I had my darkest moments my religion helped me to keep going.

As a strong supporter of unification of all German speaking Germanics on continental Europe under nuclear-armed Berlin, I do believe Germany Reborn would need some semi-segregation laws to prevent the corruption of locals cultures and loss of unique German diversity after all non-Germanics are repatriated and degenerates are sterilized

Since I don't actively follow German news, can anyone give me a quick update on what the coalition will be? How likely is GroKo compared to a new election or minority gov?

>my religion helped me to keep going.

Yeah, maybe. It's just all so tiresome.

You are probably right, prblem is, I have no system of values, I have become nihilistic, so nothing really seems to be able to compel me not even the power of christ :^).

I wish I could just decide in a moment to change my life and to go on chnged from there....

Wanted to go to church today, even stood up early for that, but instead I just kept lying in bed after showering and got up when I couldn't bear the hunger anymore.
Kind of comfy, but still....

>but does anyone here literally want to die?
Don't get mad. Get even.