Diversity promotion dump

Trying to collect as much evidence as possible of all kinds of politicians and organizations trying to promote diversity and (replacement migration)
Show me what you got

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"oh we already fucked up so bad lets try not to fix it"

>people are food
>"you're a retard"

Leftism in a nutshell

I say we make one hell of a mess then


Oh, this guy.
He's human garbage to the very ends of his fingertips, like pretty much all of these "paid millions and you've never heard of them" types.

His analogy even shows how fucking dishonest he is since he'd be more likely to deny the eggs were ever not scrambled.

>someone shat in your pan, can't undo that so you might as well eat it

Can we just ship all the millions of muslims and blacks that are in the EU to brussels and build a BIG, BEAUTIFUL WALL around the city?

And then nuke it from orbit.

>food analogy

This is very similar to the tactic they used for immigrants in the US.

"It would take years and millions of dollars to bus everyone back, it just isn't practical."

They start something, know that it takes a while for people to catch on, vilify the quick witted early on, wait for critical mass, appeal to reason and then demand acceptance. They do this over and over on all things.

fucking women

objectivity has no place here

>its impossible to unscramble eggs

indeed it is, which is why you need to stop them being scrambled in the first place


Brussels has some beautiful buildings, would be a waste. Better to do it somewhere else

Over two hours of them admitting it:

>Humans used to be brown.
>Migration created separation.
>Each group of people evolve to adapt to the new enviroment.
>In the future, globalism will make everyone a mixture of all the races that resulted from the original migrations.
>This evolution should ocurr naturaly and slowly since mixing two oposing cultures is dangerous.
>Globalists are rushing the wole process.
>The mixing of oposing cultures result in conflict.
>The conflict threatens to eleminate european genetic code from the blueprint of the future human.

This is my only problem with all this race/religion/migration bulshit.



That's why you scrape the whole ugly mess in the pan and fire the chefs.

Link is how Stephen Moffat used his position as a writer for Dr. Who, on the BBC, to blackwash British history, even though he admits he had to bend and twist real history to shove in his narrative.


>ugh, it's too hard and messy to maintain western civilization; let's just turn all people into brown mongrel retards because that's easier

>let's try diversity, it's no big deal and won't change anything in the long run
>whoops we changed your society irreversibly and beyond recognition, too late now, just get used to it
Really trying for 110 aren't they

To give you an idea of how evil and deranged this guy is, here's a clip.


Pay careful note to how he says how "everything will be diverse", then in the next breath denies that anywhere was ever not diverse in the first place.
He's evil, he's scum.

>"Without diversity, Europe will not remain peaceful"
Why the fuck not? Granted, there can be war between ethnostates but that's only a possibility now. While if diversity increases civil war in Europe is inevitable

You've already got these communities attacking eachother now.
Everything these guys say is a lie, it's a total, rotten, festering, disgusting lie and it's said behind a suit and a TV so some part of you that follows authority thinks it's real.

They're fucking traitors, they'd even mock the very notion of loyalty.
More Europeans are slowly accepting this .

Wasn't there a quote from the Prime Minister of Singapore or something about how every ethnic community there votes for its own group?

Yes something like that, but LKY ruled over a nation the size of a city and was fucking authoritarian, when leftards go "muh singapore" i know they're clueless because it's basically a fascist state.

WTF even is "diversity"??? It's a fucking buzzword. Once you put people together, they'll start melting together, thus killing the diversity. If you wanna keep diversity, keep people separated.

I believe you had basically the same case in former Yugoslavia. Tito made sure the various kinds of groups kept peaceful. After his death nationalism began to grow among the various groups, eventually ending in the Yugoslav Wars
Samething also with the Ottoman Empire. After they were forced to give more right to minorities such as the Greeks and Armenians (who were basically second degree citizens) this led to increased nationalism among these groups. In Greece, it resulted in independence. In Armenia, it led to the Armenian Genocide

Thing is people never wanted scrambled eggs in the first place

Yeah diversity is like taking your eggs and smashing them instead of letting them grow and hatch into something better

>WTF even is "diversity"???

It's pretty obvious at this point, man.

Yugoslavia actually had a retarded and bullshit diversity policy as well. Theirs was called "brotherhood and unity".


Honestly, why haven't people like this just been dragged from their homes and clubbed to death

>Yugoslavia actually had a retarded and bullshit diversity policy as well. Theirs was called "brotherhood and unity".
Clearly it didn't work, since after Tito's death the Serbs, Croats and Albanians started killing eachother

99% he lives in a gated community, probably a mansion, with no niggers/mudslimes in there.

>once you scramble whitey with some bad genes, he's fucked forever

>humans used to be brown
>citation needed

>WTF even is "diversity"???
Tracking down whitey, destroying his nation, culture, and natural habitat, ensuring he can't breed, and then brutalizing him until he and all his kin are dead and replaced by people who can hardly feed themselves without whitey's help.

>WTF even is "diversity"??? It's a fucking buzzword.
White genocide










Wait wut





>The absolute state of Sweden

This makes no sense. In order for global diversity to exist, you need ethnic homogeneous nations, otherwise in the long run we'll all look the same.


anyone have that Stormfront copypasta?

DIVERSITY means millions of brown immigrants into EVERY white country and ONLY white countries. Diversity means less white people. DIVERSITY is a code word for WHITE GENOCIDE.

then a bunch of links to videos...






Very interesting, do you have anything more about politicians and others promoting diversity, open borders and multiculturalism?


The egg metaphor totally sold me on racial suicide!


Yes, dumping what I got as I browse my folder in reverse chronological order.


This fuck use an egg analogy? Scrambled or not scrambled it's still the same fucking egg.

>scrmbled eggs
>seems you need to beak a few eggs in order to make that.

a fitting analogy.






even if it is technically genocide by some legal definition, what's wrong with aborting the offspring of low IQ niggers and muds? Critique or defend that we must promo abortion to solve the bigger nigger problem.




So to make a scrambled egg you need to smash it open, pour the contents into a bowl, and then thoroughly beat the shit out of it until you get what you want....





We need some kind of solution on how to deal with these jews.




If blacks could get enhanced IQ from the whites and white boys could get a well-hung cock, maybe it wouldn't B so bad?

Then again, let's not fuck with Mother Nature.






the slippery slope is real





>unscramble scrambled eggs
Scrambled eggs happens when you fuck up. Throw em out and cook an egg fucking properly this time
