These are the Norwegian and French national womens handball teams playing in the wc finals today

These are the Norwegian and French national womens handball teams playing in the wc finals today

This shows clearly how far France already are in their population replacement and how quickly an entire group of people can be replaced

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isnt your country like 15% first generation immigrant?

Immigrants don't participate in sports other than football

There is a graphic showing the birth rates and almost all areas of France are having majority black births.


/noregtråden/ seie hei

>and the mutt race is winning

He warned them
We all fought on the wrong side

eg e... bare ein mann

>Country becomes niggerified
>at least we won something irrelevant XD

Norway is getting cucked too desu

>mitt ansikt når ingen rullestol jv

We're still 85% white through.
Our situation is far better then the US.

No, it shows only niggers play soccer, handball and basketball


The U.S. was 85% nearly a decade ago too. Heed our warning.

is that the one

different countries prioritize different sports, in Norway and France for example womens handball get a lot of attention because we both have good teams that tend to win a lot

France has a long history of mutts though. You will be incapable of enforcing racial policies because there are so many people inbetween. This is why the jew promotes racemixing.

At least I got to visit your country when Paris was still (somewhat) the city of love...

ya just look at the world winter championship. tiny nation of 5 million stomping the shit out of stinky russkies, burgers, bongs, swes and everybody else. and thats a white mans sport btw, not a single nigger ever set foot near a ski event unless as a joke or a pariah.

Not true when it comes to handball, in France at least
It's the only sport where the NT actually wins so there is no wonder it's popular to congoids

>mfw "Le 56%" will be grammatically and factually correct in Europe in your lifetime

I doubt you did, unless you are 120+ years old

Don't pretend you're surprised. You Frenchies are fucking communist faggots who started all this shit back in 1789.

any stream for this?

Heh, yeah.. That's why I said somewhat. The nigger status has become exponentially worse though.

It's because Europeans have such a LOW birthrate.

The fucking stupid part is that half the people complaining about this shit on this board will likely either NOT have any children or have just 1 or 2 (thus equalizing the population loss that will occur with the death of the husband and wife).

European men and women need to step up and start pumping out 3+ children and stop accepting migrants in large numbers.

It won't happen though, and the West is already gone.

All of the West will turn into a neo Latin America.

Half norway isn´t white acording to certain vikangz

US was 85% white at the start of the 1980s.
It's only been 37 years.
37 fucking years.

The current stuff probably couldn't have happened without birth control. But it didn't need to happen either way. The only responsible group is the jews and their henchmen, you can't blame the general population for falling for their scheme.

Wouldn't be a problem without niggers/muslims

That's not what replacement rate means you fucking imbecile. It's not >2.1 because you need more than 2 kids to replace Mom&Dad, it's >2.1 because statistically you're a little bit more likely out of 2 children to have 2 sons than 1 son/1 daughter. You need a daughter for "replacement" since they're the ones having children. So 2.1 children should, based on the odds, give you a daughter. It doesn't make sense to think about it in terms of individual family units since you can't have 2.1 children, but on a population level the math works out.

Basically: don't stop making children until you have at least one daughter

this, if you have a daughter, continue having kids, otherwise stop
This way we can increase the female population
(im just pretending to be retarded)


It's not just that. The modern age makes travel impossibly easy.

Shitskins have been multiplying in rapid numbers.
Africa alone with triple in population to 4 BILLION in the next 8 decades.

It's a continuous wave that won't be stopped and with rapid communication and even poor Africans carrying around phones with cameras, everything is seen instantly and any strongman approach to circumvent even a fraction of this influx will be met with a bunch of pussies saying this or that is wrong.

It's unwinnable.

>Africa alone with triple in population to 4 BILLION in the next 8 decades.
One of the funny ironies of life. Africa will fucking explode in population, thanks to whitey's gibs.
They'll replace whitey, due to sheer mass of numbers.
Gibs will stop flowing to Africa.
Population will crash to a sane number (hopefully less than 1).

What the fuck are you talking about?
Both daughter and son can pass on genetics. And in fact, a male is more effective at passing on genetics than a woman.

Watch and spread this.

Almost only the immigrants practice sport in France. Even more if it is professional.

Travel, like vacations, would not put our race at risk dude. And niggers crossing the med would be met like the allies were at Normandy if we weren't brainwashed. And then they would stop trying.

Africa only exist because we give them money. Let them starve.

No and no.

Sorry for calling you an imbecile, but this is why the rate is 2.1:

"Replacement rate fertility requires each woman to replace herself." Only women can have children, so you have to have women in the next generation. Sure, males can pass their genetics to more people, BUT they have to pass them to women. If you have 2 children and they're both males, who are those males going to impregnate? Do you see where the math is going? This is because it isn't a perfect 50/50 split in likelihood of having a male/female at birth.

Weird it's the opposite here, only had some turks at my football club
they dont integrate in social life, thats a good thing

You have niggers too.
Ours win medals, yours rape kids and deal drugs.

New England Patriots are the whitest NFL team in a country that is 13% black.

True, this is one of the things which shocked me when I arrived in Belgium. A lot of white people seem to practice sport here and as I saw it at the uni it must be even more outside.

>assimilation is a good thing
Jesus christ Pierre...

Indeed it is.

>paying money to watch apes throw an egg

Go back Ahmed. Nobody gives in your French larping.

Keep telling yourself that. At least Americans are ALLOWED to speak about it without fearing being sent in prison.

damn, i made that like 2 months ago

is #22 Norway a Slav?

They chimp out, don't lie to me Blaise NGongo
Remember the justice pour Theo protest, just because a nigger got fisted

I don't watch football, nor do I pay for it when I do (super bowl).

I was simply pointing out that nigtier races are better at most sports because while we evolved to problem solve and survive winters, they evolved to evade lions and catch gazelles.


She is, I couldn't see it
I'm perplexed lol

>Half norway isn´t white acording to certain vikangz

Not true. That's only a town named Drammen near Oslo and I think it's not even half but somewhere around 40% non white

And it's a shame.

That's because blacks have genetics suited for sports involving speed. It's the same reason Indians and Chinese win our spelling bees each year.



>When leftists really state it should be incumbent on the native Brits to assimilate to the foreign browns

Fucking hell.

Also not surprised. Brits don't want to have children. RIP


We're all fucked dude, some countries are a few decades before replacement than others, but that doesn't really matter. The Black plague is the only crisis in history which can compare to this. At least we live in interesting times.

>Also not surprised. Brits don't want to have children. RIP

We are past the threshold.

Only a sadist would have a white child now.

This is precisely the problem.
Every white person has this or that reason to not have children, and as a result, we get browner and browner.

Fuck you, you useless twat.

I've never thought of this comparison. It makes sense. That's clever, and the name is fitting, too. I will reuse it when I have the opportunity.

France is shit let them die

and France won. well well better luck next time

You best believe they're working on a way to remove the 1st Amendment.

French teams are like this since time immemorial.

Why would I bring a child into the world, my child, when I know that it will have difficulties for being white?

What kind of shit parent puts their kid in a fucked up situation?

Le blacked

King Harald the fifth of Norway gave a speech on Thursday 1st of September 2016, in which he claimed that there isn’t really a Norwegian nationality.

Speaking at the garden party hosted in his Royal Palace he said:

“Norwegians come from the north of Norway, from the middle, from the south and all the other regions.”

“Norwegians are also immigrants from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Poland, – Sweden, Somalia and Syria.”

“It is not always easy to say where we come from; to which nationality we belong.”

“Home is where the heart is. That cannot always be placed within country borders.”

“Norwegians are girls who love girls. Boys who love boys. And boys and girls who love each other.”

“Norwegians believe in God, Allah, everything and nothing. Norwegians like Grieg, Kygo, Hellbillies and Kari Bremnes. In other words: you are Norway. We are Norway”

Your own king doesn't know what a Norwegian is. Fucking disgusting

This is this belief which is killing us, not facts. If whites stopped questioning the basic principles of life, it would never have got so bad in first instance.

>Oh no, times are not easy! I'm going to end my genetic lines here because life is so difficult :(
Literally kill yourself.

>almost all

Not yet, also the chart includes north africans


nice try ahmed

Try 70% and just wait till the boomers start dying like flies.

Why do people keep watching when this happens?

>mfw my name is included (not muhammad)

Beautiful words.

You fuckers are bigger migrant/niggers cock suckers than us.
So stfu, and i hope that our black women will rape your shitty team in the showers now that we won.

>(not muhammad)

nice try

Your country is going down the drain too

>“Norwegians are girls who love girls.

I bet you liked that part you dirty maple leaf

>our team
>t. Mohamed Sissoko

>doesn't mention hockey

Good, just checking.

I HIGHLY doubt that. We were at 87% in 2011 and demographically, we are not as bad as you. No offence.

What do whites win?

And we all though Canada was 80%+ white when its only 67%, and that change took place over less than 20 years.

Yes i'm black. Went to Germany and Denmark. Incredible how white girls love my bbc overthere.

Why are “athletic” women always disgusting?

Esoteric post
.Love u

Globalization is just a conspiracy theory they said.

All of this is just a huge coincidence.

My point stands faggot.

wtf is just as bad as the USA jesus christ

>unironically being a nigger
Ouch, I feel bad for you