Brexit Splits

>Men, business owners, the employed and the educated all vote remain.

>The unemployed, benefits claimants and completely uneducated all vote for leave.

Really activates the almonds.

Other urls found in this thread:

good one user, universities are shit, you don't learn anything there outside of thinking like a leftie


>this is what brainlets from prerov or some shithole like that believe

Ne, to je přesně to co ví každý kdo byl někdy na výšce, především v Praze atp.

For economic reasons it does make sense to remain in the EU.
However, the EU stopped being only an economic bloc for quite some time now... It's too centralized and interventionist. It erased the concept of nation state. In the long run the UK is better off out.

correct, universities are brainwashing machines. And I'm a college graduate.

Government never wanted to leave
So they delay the Brexit while shitting on everyone as long as possible

People get sick of it, its hurting business to drag it out and people just want it over with now
So They claim people wanting it to end means we all want to remain now

Oh look text from no source at all. This is why I used to like throwing students into canals as a young man. Sage.

Also why are so many Britposters such lazy cunts?

because they are the fuckers that vote for Labour and are on welfare

suprise suprise

píčovina, obory nesouvisející s politikou pro nějakou levicovou agendu nemají prostor a u oborů souvisejících s politikou je samozřejmý, že se setkáš s levicově zaměřenejma lidma, ale kdybys nebyl autista tak ti dojde, že pravicově smýšlejících lidí je tam snad i víc a že těm levicovejm nemůžeš odpírat právo na jejich názor.

So much this.
>1 post with a shariablue picture follow up
>no facts, just text
>guilt, shame, anger
>divisional tactics
You people eat so much bait. So much obvious bait.

názor který je jasně píčovina budu odepírat jak jenom chci a na druhou stranu ti """pravičáci""" kteří volili TOPku a Piráty což nejsou moc pravičáci definitivně ne co se týče sociální politiky ( buzíci, fet, internacionalismus a jiné srágory místní rádoby intelektuální pražské liberální elity ).

Většina študeníků jsou levičáci - to je fakt

A těch pár, kterých není, těm poklona za sebe

většina studentů je celkem apolitickejch a zbytek inklinuje k levicovejm a pravicovejm stranám celkem vyrovnaně, i když samozřejmě sociálně liberální strany jsou pro ně atraktivnější, protože na ně cílí. já jsem volil stan kteří jsou sice jako všichni ostatní dost neefektivní a nahovno ale v mým kraji aspoň měli solidní kandidátku. koho volíš ty?

It's BGM via Sky News.

Now get out of here you paranoid brainlets.

Nothings going to happen anyway.
Our politics are a joke

And suddenly the benefits-scrounging, school dropouts of Sup Forums go silent.


>People who have more to lose from leaving the EU vote remain
If this activates your almonds you are a certified brainlet

>Leeds BA, Oxford MA
>SME owner
>Army Reserve officer
>land owner
>well traveled, own property in the EU
>voted to Leave

People who voted Remain hate contact sport and have names like Imogen.

It's more that Leave voters are losers and Sup Forums supports Leave.

Well as it happens losers have just as many votes as a billionaire, nice political system lmao.

people in the system are mostly subservient to it

NEET master-race?

Move to Belgium if you like the EU so much faggot

Move to Somalia if you like not being in the EU so much brainlet

>People who have their shit sorted out don't want change, in case it fucks their shit up
>People who don't want change because they hope with it their lives will get better
gee what a goddamn relevation

reminder that by 2020 britain will be out of the EU, and no number of kicking, screaming, shitposting or whining will do a thing to change it :)

>reminder that by 2020 britain will be out of the EU

Wrong, expect an announcement by mid March

>Men and women both voted to Remain


This is from current polling which has Remain at a 10 point (and rising) lead over Leave.

you both already live in somalia, nigger

*tips fedora*

OP is autistic, both male and female voted remain, yet leave won.
Who voted leave then? Genderfluid and trannies?
Please kys faggot

also voter statistics are not released so this is a poll

So the source is the same people who said a leave win would mean we'd all be out of jobs by now? Excuse me for not believing a 2nd dose of bullshit

I didn't realise Shareblue had opened a London office. Tell me old bean, are you cunts all as beta as your colleagues over the pond?

What's surprising about that? Of course the low wage sector is going to suffer the most from unlimited immigration.
A low wage worker 30 years ago could demand a higher wage because there weren't millions of Paki sandniggers around willing to work for much less.

I wonder what people Commies are trying to tell us with these statistics?
Is it that low wage workers are subhumans to them who shouldn't have anyone representing their interests?

I go to college and this is true. The whole place is a leftist cesspool

u r
ch art i
s h are t
o rea d

Oh, you mean the pampered elite and brainwashed SJW college kids supported brexit?

Wow such new information
