Quebec children to get sex ed starting in kindergarten

> In kindergarten, five-year-olds will get a brief explanation of the steps involved in making a baby.

> They will also be given the proper terms for male and female body parts, including the vulva, penis, scrotum and testicles.

> At six or seven years old, children will be learning about gender stereotyping and be taught to recognize situations that could lead to sexual assault.

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Literally nothing wrong with that retard. I bet you would like the dumb redneck christians who don't know about sex and get pregnant when they are fifteen



>Literal pedophilia
>Brainwashing toddlers into modern gender politics
>"Literally nothing wrong with that"
Damn memelfag...

>Dumb redneck christians who don't know about sex and get pregnant when they are fifteen
Pretty sure an overwhelming majority of religions emphasis chastity until marriage, which is 16 at the youngest with parental approval in Canada.

>we should educate the children with internet

Don't really care

This is why I'm sending my children to private catholic school.
These Mgshill libs are asking to be hanged at this point.

The parents should be teaching the birds and the bees to the kids. If they're too irresponsible to do that, they're driving their children to deviance and should be hanged henceforth.

>Not monitoring your child's internet activity
You fucking degenerate.

>nothing wrong with exposing your kids to sex education before they learn their letters, how to behave themselves around others, how to take care of themselves

But most don't becauce is a fucking taboo for these conservative people

Even conservatives should realize that talking about sex to a boy and a girl is necessary, these people aren't being ''conservative'', they're avoiding responsabilities inherent to their actions.

>gender steoreotyping(read: recognizing obvious behavioural trends of the sexes)
>something perfectly fine
>presented as a problem

That's very wrong.


>situations that could lead to a sexual assault
>to 7 years old kids

Might as well try to explain them advanced physics while you are at it, they lack the ability to understand the topic

>Let the State do it instead!
Right because the State does such a good job with educating people in everything else right?

Valérie Plante, mayor of Mtl and feminist cunt wants to honor the memory of a low-life teenage spic thug, fuck am I surprised.

je me souviens plus?

Montréal mérite une esti de Czar Bomba.

Are you implying that we think having the State educating our children is a good thing? Because it isn't, and we haven't even hinted at that.

Pas avant de faire sauter tous ses ponts, un peu de famine pour les commies :D

This is child abuse.

Ton trio de 1 est très convaincant, frère.
Dieu te bénisse, et passe une bonne journée.

And yall wonder why the hell we hate Quebec? This is simply another reason to say.


Get them while their young. This line is a little bit over the top.

>five-year-olds will get a ....... including those involving same-sex couples.

What to think,...? Just let it burn, have bump

Forgot the bump, too many slide threads lately

>Montréal mérite une esti de Czar Bomba.


You think Mohamed will talk about sex with their kids...

And then when the 5 year olds are on the playground and the boy pulls his pants down to show a girl his scrotum, because it's a new word he learned, it will be branded a sexual assault, and he will be expelled and put in the alternative school, where muslim youths, that have been held back for 3 straight years, do sexually assault him, and then muslim teens kill him for being gay as he's walking home from school.

Mohammad va essayer de faire une démonstration pratique sur eux comme le nègre musulman qu'il est vraiment.

And what exactly is wrong with that?

It's okay because the faggots who voted no are mostly dead by now and they don't really have to look at the shit they did, some lucky fella let me tell ya.
I fucking hate boomers and minorities.

You will burn.

You people are very ethnoracist and perverted. I do like that
>be me
>vacation in France
>I'm sitting and drinking beer and reading a book in fisherman cafe
>handsome girls comes by and literally seduces me
>we at hot place in 20 minutes
>in three days time I suck cocks for her amusement in FMMM hookup
>she's from Quebec and is super tribalistic, smart and outdoorsy
>we've been dating for some time now with all the kinky sex imaginable
>going to spend next five month in Russia, Czechia, Italy and Austria
>then moving to Quebec

Le problème avec ca c'est que ici on n'est pas:
>Une nation musulmane
>Une nation homo
On a survécu purement par défiance et résistance à l'assimilation, et les juifs de Montréal et d'Ottawa sont en train de nous faire convertir à la Loi Sharia parce que "au moins, c'est pas anglo".

Am I supposed to be angry about this? This sounds like a pretty good idea. Only religious retards would get mad about this.


Memelords need not apply.

This is why we need this sex education in kindergarten Jeau Jaques

This will open the gates for "homosexual education" as well.

Archive next time , OP. Please.
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No saving Muslims you fucking autists, their Kuran practically advocates sexual assaults on minors.

I'm pretty sure we don't have much of a say regarding the migration bs other than they must speak french and even there we don't get that.
Hate us because of 1% who voted no, but we didn't invit the niggers in the first place. And it would have been enough to make a change.
No one can understand the value of ethno centrism like a nationalist from Quebec.

Yes let the government have even more control over your children


Gee I could have never predicted this

My point it is about all conservative people who hate talk about sex no mather their religions. like I said, I prefer that over internet

We need him back NOW
Duplessis did nothing wrong!

youre such a dumb kike faggot, children need no such education until well into their teens. What would this do besides simply sexualize them at a young age and corrupt them?

>>only commie kike pedophile faggot niggers would have a problem with the above comment.

>Quebec's new curriculum FALLS IN LINE with the ones that EXIST, or will SOON be implemented, in British Columbia and Alberta, as well as in Ontario, where some parents protested and pulled their children from school when the new subject matter was brought into the classroom.

t. john money

This is how they get pedophilia normalized.

Ever since the mess of Godbout that bastard has been trying to hold the province together. Then he died, and so did his dauphin, Sauvé.
Press f to pay respects.

Im very Nordic looking, educated and ready for race war
it’s okay to fuck shitskins and horses in Canada and that’s far more degenerate that banging corpses.

They already speak a gay language (french), you can't delay the inevitable

>it’s okay to fuck shitskins and horses in Canada and that’s far more degenerate that banging corpses.

I think you're confused with ''necrophilia''

>During the 1944 election, Duplessis claimed in a very anti-Semitic speech that Godbout had together with the Dominion government agreed to take in 100, 000 Jewish refugees and settle them in Quebec after the war in exchange for which the "International Zionist Brotherhood" was funding his reelection campaign.[4] Duplessis claimed that he would never take money from the Jews, and if were elected Premier again, he would stop this alleged plan to settle 100, 000 Jewish refugees in Quebec
holy fuck i never knew this part

Duplessis was 100% redpilled
While most Prime Ministers acknowledged Neosyndicalism, Duplessis couldn't since every single syndicate that existed in the province originated from classical syndicalism, which is just another stepping stone for a communist state.
He openly smashed syndicates and socialist protests, and legally binded them to inaction for twelve years; he was a successful McCarthy.

seems legit to me. i learned the existence of sex at 8-9 and i felt retarted for not finding it out earlier

Yeah, but where? The porn Jew or just picking it up from having caught someone or having "the talk"?
In the first case, you doom yourself to masturbation and cuckoldry. If it's the second, then it's fine, since you want to experience it YOURSELF, not throught a medium.

>> In kindergarten, five-year-olds will get a brief explanation of the steps involved in making a baby.
That will just make them want to try it out themselves. I hope Canada gets nuked.

You're a nation homo.

Sex should be parent taught at fifteen, or right before marriage if this one is arranged. Also, it must always be taught by someone the same sex as the learner.

Next will come "children's rights." Children can choose to have sex too!

I'm sorry, we're homosexuals?
Honestly I haven't seen one Québecois I talk to who isn't against homosexuality (except one woman, who's a lesbian, but who gives a shit about a woman), and I live right next to Montréal, in Repentigny; basically its suburbs.

canada most backwards piece of shit country ever

At least you're blaming this shit country and the Jews running it, not the people of my province.

>Repentigny une banlieue de Montréal

Montreal is the only canadian thing about this whole province. I can't wait for the city to become a fucking economical ruin once the new mayor is done with it

We're in the Région métropolitaine, we ARE a banlieue of Montréal.
A majority of the people living here go to work on the island.
I'm not saying we were literally its suburbs, but we're approaching that status fast enough for me to consider calling my city this.
En plus, ils exportent tous leur nègres dans nos quartiers, les dégueulasses. Montréal était leur zone de confinement, mais ils coulent plus que Sup Forums sur le reste de l'Internet.

Alors vous commencez à ressembler au sud de Laval?

Thanks for your 25 year-old statistics, and stay mad.

>Sud de Laval
You mean all of Laval?
And yes, we do. It's shitty, the properties are getting smaller (or are becoming duplex, triplex and the likes) and the costs are augmenting.
Oh, and did I also mention the niggers?

Asti que j'suis épuisé de contenir ma rage. Mon power-level paraît un peu plus à chaque jour. Faut que je m'entraîne 2h par jour pour rester sain d'esprit. On aura pas de reconquista de Mtl avant d'avoir efficacement memer le chaos à la réalité. Criss de bastion juif, voilà tout ce qu'est cette ville de marde.

Jvais recommencer à lift en février, après mon déménagement et rénovations. Peut-être aussi m'inscrire à un cours de tir pour essayer d'avoir un permis de possession d'armes à feu moyennes.
Le travail me libèrera, ironiquement.


Non, mais le nom est dans la famille?

Tu fais bien. La culture des armes avec toute la discipline qui vient avec est un bon moyen de développer le focus de qqun. La chasse est encore meilleur.

So basically they are training young children on how to please their pedo masters. Damn, the left is fucking disgusting.

ah ok i thought you were one of my friends from the burbs of montreal

Well, it's no wonder two people think alike with all this shit going on.

>white pride
>QoS tattoo

literally a white nationalist that has niggers fuck her while her white nationalist boyfriend jerks off in the corner

they've been doing this in the netherlands forever. it curtails child abuse. average age of first sex is 17. teen pregnancy is unheard of there.

now leave it to Sup Forums to find a problem with this

This is what happens when your province is turned into a Godless marxist hellhole.

imagine ma face quand tout ce que je vois à ULAVAL c'est de plus en plus de gars efféminés et des ethnies

>Faggot telling the rest of us what's right and wrong

Women can't into politics you fucking nigger, even the autists here knows that
Bah, moi je me dis que ça va pas durer longtemps; au Québec en général, en tout cas. Les "réfugiés" haïtiens ont déjà été refusé d'entrée à Québec, et en plus on a des groupes comme La Meute et d'autres plus borderline encore.

J'en ai une bonne idée.

All pedos need the fucking rope

je connais tellement de gens à l'uni qui pourrait être redpill, mais c'est juste une question de temps je pense, le clivage entre la gauche et la droite au quebec s'intensifie et ça s'en vient intéressant

Okay /Quebecpol/, qu'est-ce qui va éclater en premier :
>La guerre idéologique
>La guerre religieuse
>La guerre de races

Bah moi j'y etait ak les boomers dla meute cet ete mais y'avais quand mm plus de gogoches.
Yen a beaucoup qui parlent mais qui font rien.
Pas tant que c'est de faire de quoi d'aller manifester mais quand t'as une contre manifestation avec casiment autant de monde un gros fuck you aux asti qui etaient en char pis qui pippaient en envoyant la main pour nous supporter.
Stu fais dans ton char criss dboomer amene ton asti dcul lplein dmarde

religieuse, je connais pas grand monde qui aime l'islam et je dis du point de vue d'une personne aux cycles supérieures, même les races à l'université, tout le monde que je connais évite les africains

>La guerre idéologique
déjà commencée
>La guerre religieuse
déjà commencée


C'est quoi le end game de atalante^
J'ai vue un post d'un SJW qui disait qui etaient financer par des organization neo nazi ukrainienne

Qu'est-ce que t'attends des boomers qui ont crissé la province dans cte marde-là?
Le monde commence à être redpill enc riss sur l'Islam, ça c'est vrai.
Pis c'est vrai qu'on ségrège naturellement dans les écoles et au travail, une chance qu'on a encore notre droit à l'association libre ici.

Au moins y'en avait dleur generation.
On etait quoi genre 10 dans 20ines

Jme souvien encore d'une tapette francaise du bord des antifas qui gueulait TU CROIS QUE MARTEL SERAIT FIER PETIT FASHO REEEEEE
Asti que jlaurais eclater

C'est les mêmes false flags qu'aux États.
Le problème, c'est qu'ils s'identifient encore aux Français ordinaires et à la Francophonie.
La Francophonie est pleine de nègres, et spécialement la France. Qu'est-ce qu'on voudrait à voir avec eux?