Why do red pills always lead to crackpot conspiracy theories with questionable validity?

Why do red pills always lead to crackpot conspiracy theories with questionable validity?

For once, I want a blue pill. Blue pill me on anything you want.


Everything is fine and there's nothing to worry about.
Go back to sleep.

russiagate is real

Trump hired hookers to pee on a bed in moscow because obamaj slept there once.

OP is not a faggot.

Islam is a religion of peace.

The Attack on the USS liberty was an accident.
An unfortunate friendly fire incident

roy moore dicked me against my will 60 years ago

all of your life's problems are because of someone or something else, you will never reach your full potential or have a fulfilling life because you and people like you are at a disadvantage in life and that wont change until you rise up and fight the system that is holding you back against your will

Hollywood movies are only harmless entertainment.

So sad. Thoughts and prayers
Pretty sick that nazis on the internet use this as an excuse to attack our greatest ally

Jews are not disproportionately represented in the management of western institutions.

Cultural diversity creates jobs and lowers crime

Jews do contribute to the destruction of Western civilization, but it's not a coordinated elders of zion conspiracy. They're just inherently degenerate, have enormous power and in-group preferences, and therefore contribute massively to the decay of Western values.

Don't get me wrong - OP is a faggot - but this will probably be a great parody thread.

The Holocaust did happen, maybe not as excessive as the politically correct public wants you to believe but the Nazis definitely did murder lots and lots of women, children and men of jewish origin.

6 million jews died at the hands of nazi scum.

Jet fuel melts steel beams
The government always has your best interest in mind
Obama had a scandal free presidency
George bush is a good man
Women are smarter than men
Saddam has WMDs
Jews are in powerful positions only because they are the most qualified
Pizzagate has been debunked

John McCain is a war hero

IQ and race have no relationship

Damned American, Israel was never your ally. America will make itself the enemy of Christianity with it's ill excused Protestantism and Masonic sickness.

The federal reserve was created in or to prevent the boom-and-bust-cycle" with scientific precision and has done so successfully since its inception

Black people are no different than us, and are only violent and stupid because they don’t have as much money as we do. Giving them money will make them better people

Fuck off your trying to convert people to "blue pill"...we only do redpills on Sup Forums so fuck off....the only final pill is red-pills serb bro.

Go to School.
Get a Job.
Go to College.
Find a nice pan-transgendered xirlfriend.
Get a Mortgage.
Ignore those below your status in society. Those richer than you are the problem.
Do not question the progressive agenda.

No it wasn't, and the kikes did 9/11 too. No accident

Football is fun to watch, and I'ts ok to turn your brain off for a few hours every Sunday.


No it was create to control the money because court jews always control the money

Repeatedly observed truth is less important than dogmatic thought.

its okay to commit physical violence when confronted by speech that challenges your beliefs.

So you know the easiest way to confirm the globe earth theory? You just have to go outside at night and you can clearly see how the constellations move from one side of the sky to the other.
If you don't believe me, believe my pal pic related. He's a S*ientist AND a M*nority, so he definitely knows what's up with the universe.

IQ depends on the individual and not on race


Red pills are absolutely true

Blue pills are the social lies needed to create a productive society cohesive society.

Everything is ok
Nothing is wrong
Go back to sleep

There is probably no such thing as God or an afterlife, and you'll never have to give an account of your actions and the idle words you spoke. Even if there is, you'll probably just go to heaven because you've done some good things and that's enough, right?

This is a bluepilled thread. Don't Tell the truth in just this one thread.

There is no significant evidence that suggests people of different races differ in intelligence.


That's not what leftists think. Leftists are quite concerned - often even panicked - about a lot of things, like climate change, a mentally unstable grandfather in the White House, the loss of Net Neutrality, and also many stupid things like GMOs.

Shush sweetie. This is a blue pill thread.

There's no difference between the sexes. Gender is a social construct. Get in touch with your feminine side, and support equality. Be the perfect gentleman and the ladies will be all over you!!

we can fix climate change by allowing jewish bankers to pay africa with carbon credits purchased by europe and japan for using "carbon".

Diversity is our strength.


Wow, I'd expect this from a 51% poster but not a leaf.
I was born a female but have transcended my dull, stone-age-gender and now identify as a dolpkinkidlet (yes, that's a dolphin without gender that never grew up). I find your use of the words "feminine", "gentleman", "ladies" and "be" to be extremely offensive and I think the mods on this forum should ban you for hatespeech.

Tfw in 2017 a red pill is a blue pill.

Probably this

Most conspiracies can be summed up by the most simple explanation available.

How come some people don't get obvious sarcasm? Autism? Plain idiocy?

This, keep watching porn, playing video games, and going to the cinema. Everything is fine.

Not sure senpai, probably a mix of both.


Because everything we are told are lies via a CIA controlled Media.

>pleb hasn't read the Neslon Rockefeller Committee Report papers
>pleb hasn't read the Church Committee Report Papers
>pleb has no understanding that Hollywood shills thousands of movies annually to the CIA in return for funding and other assets to subsidize propaganda

Why are blue pillers low IQ faggots who are afriad to read information about their own government, and braindead zombies incapable of rubbing two brain cells together after years in a Prussian school system, one the Nazi's enhanced and exported into America amongst many other things.

>Von Braun, SS party became first NASA director, etc\

>pic related
>Knight of Malta Queen Elizabeth, symbolic head and owner of the London Banking Interest/Crown Corporation that owns the Commonwealth
>look back to Nazi's, European Monarchs, almost all of them sport the Malta Regelias of Rome's Army

Sweet nightmares faggot

Simply explain the Khazar Talmudic Zionism and it's repercussions on Western culture post 2001...

All "pills" are bullshit meant to control potential dissidents by distracting them and offering a sense of novelty/reward at being clever enough to comprehend it/be in on the secret— A memetic Skinner box that spreads propaganda and disinformation as a fun bonus. The only way to break the cycle of bullshit is to observe and dissect yourself and the world around you with honesty but without bias, judgement, or preconceptions.

Are your thoughts really your own? Observe. If this information is so sensitive or unknown, why is it so prevalent and easily available? Observe. Are you responding after careful consideration or are you reacting on impulse/instinct? Observe. What's the source of your thoughts? Observe. Are you acting of your own will or are you mindlessly being manipulated? Observe. Why does this post unsettle you so much? Observe. Are you really observing, or are you pretending to so you can continue to live in delusion/illusion without having to consciously face that you don't want the truth? Observe the observer.

If you want to break free it starts with one single step: Observe.

You'll thank me later for how clever I am. :)