Trump's No-No Words

>Research performed by any government agency is now forbidden from using the words science, evidence and, conjugations and combinations of it with other words in their reports
>Any report has to be supported by feelings, hearsay and opinions
>Drumpfkins will defend this

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Fake and gay

Exactly the opposite, all of these terms are leftist emotionally-laden and avoiding them will lead to more objective reporting

When have you heard "science-based" except in an anti-God argument where the user has no intention of actually referencing specific scientific findings?

>forbidden from using the words science, evidence and, conjugations and combinations of it with other words in their reports
Science and evidence are allowed, dumbass. Only the SJW terms "science-based" and "evidence-based" are not allowed

>a fucking leaf


Due to the evidence-based possibility of a fetus with the entitlement of a transgender person, there is a very vulnerable area in the diversity argument as far as science-based.

i don't understand why this is even news-worthy

anyone sane believes this has happened since Bush 41 or earlier.

of course, if only drumpfkins had a BA in sociology like us they would know the truth!

This. Only SJWs and kikes every use the terms "evidence-based" or "science-based". They are completely fucking stupid and unnecessary. The only reason you might use them is if your research ISN'T scientifically or evidentially based.

>If I have to read another report about gender spectrum being "evidence-based" or "science-based" I will start death camps.
I love Trump.

Called the cops

10/10 bait made me reply

just gotta say I can't fathom how "science-based" could ever be used in a legit scientific document. Pretty fucking redundant.

"x happened and we have z science-based evidence to support it"

see what I mean?

this is the only one I don't get

Fetus is abortion propaganda. It is an unborn child, when you call it a fetus you only serve to bolster the pro choice argument.

i think the motivation is that the word fetus is used to dehumanize the fetus - this instead forces researchers to use words like "unborn child"

>Muh fake news
Drumpfkins are always predictably triggered by truth and reality

>Science and evidence doesn't conform to my headcanon of mysticism and propaganda.

>Science and evidence aren't politically charged
>Once you base a conclusion on them it's SJW propaganda

It almost made sense up until you fucked up the grammar near vulnerable.
Better but science-based doesn't fit well, science is based feels better there but then that'd be not using the word.

>Drumpfkins triggered by science and evidence
No wonder you're afraid of boogie man Muller

>"x happened and I have a feeling and opinion to support it"

It triggers right to life cuckservatives

Its cute how you conveniently leave out the fact that its not science and evidence, but the buzzword terms, science-based and evidence-based. This changes it greatly.

----Shill alert-----
anyone who replies is a shill or a sap

gay and fake

and trans

and gay

commies are more pathetic than ever

when I become king of the world every first pregnancy will have to be an abortion just to fuck with you people

>This man isn't sucking orange dildos in his daily ritual to pay respects to the POTUS
>He's a share blue shill

How much science is real sfience now a days?
Bill Nye is seen as "a real science guy"

These banned words are to stop people like Trudeau from virtue signalling or derailing talks to push an agenda.

Trudeau went to fhina for trade deals and came home eith nothing after he tried getting PC with china. He did the same with the Philippines.

Faggots dont deserve the same rights as us, theyre like 3% of the population.

so i can say nigger ?

as long as it is in a ghetto hiphop context, and you need to have a nigger friend next to you, so everyone can tell you are just being casual with your jimmy.

>Trump's No-No Words
>>Science, evidence
Science-based & evidence-based*
It means they have to provide more then those word combinations to be more credible to consumers, a lot of people dont question An article when it says that

>can i say nigger?

Rustling (((intensifies)))


Science-based and evidenced-based is language that idiots use to justify their opinions. Real data and facts do not have to be justified as such.

It's like movies that claim to be "based on real life events" yet writers can just add in anything they want, a romantic subplot, whatever.

We do not need "evidence based" research when we have the revelations of the Lord our God who reveals Himself through His Holy Word, the Bible>

Fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge

Not some liberal academic

Gake and Fay

Lol these shareblue spam threads on this are so good, please keep reminding us how wise trump is of removing cuckery out of the CDC.

because that's something that's totally enforceable right?