Google is trying to make Stalin look like an attractive revolutionary

When you look up the world leaders from World War 2 on Google the pictures representing the various world leaders show them as old men.

EXCEPT Joseph Stalin, who is presented as an attractive revolutionary.

Why could this be Sup Forums?

Also, why does it specify that hitler led nazi germany? I highly doubt people would get confused and think he was the fuhrer of the Weimar Republic

Shit man it does too

holy fuck it's true, he does come up as young.

everybody knows that google are communist sympathisers

That's not a picture of Stalin though.

not statlin

It edited out his cystic acne scars.

Yeah he wore make up to cover his potato face

It's about time to charge your fucking battery

This. Stalin's regime was famous for shooping. They even shooped away party members from group shots after they were purged or fell out of the grace of Stalin (very rare to survive that one) etc.

Nigger recharge your phone, battery lifespan is reduced if you repeatedly let it fall under 40%!!!

So Google is just straight up lying to make Stalin look better?

>it's yet another "Sup Forums doesn't understand basic technology" thread

Do we have to go over how search algorithms work again?

>nazi germany

It's saying nazi germany like saying "republican america" or "democratic america"? It's dumb.

>pol doesn't understand how google search algorithms work
Fuck off, seriously.

The Stalin? Who purge 90% of Jewish element in the party except for several based Jew like Kaganovich? The one who deport all Jews to other side of Siberia and the first superpower that condemn state of Israel?


Russian hacking of course.

it's just because sexy stalin is a fucking meme picture

Here is the first result of the Romanian fascist himself.

Absolutely beautiful

I feel foolish for just unthinkingly accepting this young, attractive picture of Stalin as authentic for all these years.

>trusting anything to do with commies

It's a lesson I have to learn over and over again


pretty accurate desu

its a fake u fucking moron

Stalins face was scarred from childhood with smallpox

This is correct. Stalins face was disgusting looking and they had to hide it in every single picture