Don't you love it when broke ass conservashit MAGAtards living in rural cuck shacks brag about the stock market going...

Don't you love it when broke ass conservashit MAGAtards living in rural cuck shacks brag about the stock market going up?

The stock market is an indicator of the entire economy, not just relevant to millionare stockholders


a rising tide lifts even the small boats
I'm not rich(at all) but the little bit I had invested has made a killing
I'm still not rich but with some creative trading I'm 62.5% richer than I was on election day

They're wealthier than the top 49.9% of the US too



When economy rises, so do the prices.
You literally don't get shit you wigger, you'll get more bux on your cuckjob but will be able to buy the same amount of shit on it

bought 2 more litecoin while you guys were busy typing
stay poor

lmao how much did u pay? $330 each?

I bought a ton of them for $5

>all that shows is that people who went international won big
next you'll wonder why national brands make more than local brands

no that's not what that shows.

lol you're a retarded bot

You mad Obama leaf?
>I can smell you from here.

>10% benefited the most
>how dare you ask why

top 10%

Do you faggots actually believe this? Anybody with a brain and the ability to budget their monthly expenses can invest in the stock market. Why do demoSHITS assume people can't better themselves in life?


'No. We own most of the stocks though.

How did you good soyim cucks think we make our money?



Obama was a terrible president

7.3 trillion debt increase and started the war in Libya and Syria.

Terrible president indeed.

>top 1% owns most of the income
>Let's bring in more immigrants, further driving down the price of working wages to make the 1% wealthier
Absolute state of leftist cucks

I don't get how this is an argument, all 3 of these guys, especially Gates and Bates started off in the middle-class and were able to get to where they are by creating shit people want.

That fat fuck Carlos Slim is the sixth richest nigger in the world and was born in a Mexican shithole and owns half the NYT.

I live paycheck to paycheck. IDGAF about the jew markets.


They're so rich they need tax cuts!

>leafcuck didn't even read the article

god leaf did read it

>god leaf
... You're serious?
