Pic related example is a married couple in Arizona, income $75,000 per year with two kids.

HUGE fucking tax cuts, basically 50% reduction in their taxes. AMAZING.





Other urls found in this thread:

Holy shit nice.. my brother (super liberal) told me it was gonna raise my taxes and I kinda just took his word for it.

why would you expect him to tell you the truth on this in the first place if he's a leftist?

Good thread user, don't capitalize entire sentences in the future though.
>Blue states no longer fucked
This seems like a bad thing.

He's my brother I didn't expect him to straight up lie. I'm sure he was just parroting what the Democrats told him so big surprise there I guess.

Fucken Drumpf!!!!! He's only there for the top 1%. Bernie was right. Bernie would have won.

A lot of the time these people are not intentionally lying. They just believe what their sources say without trying to verify the claim. I wouldn't take it to heart

Sorry I was excited when I typed it up the other day after discovering how much I save in the plan, next thread after this one archives I will remove the capitalization.

how much would i make? i make 100k a year. no kids no wife no dependents

what data are you inputting to produce this result?
Provide your:
Filing status

No worries user, it's understandable to be excited about this.

do you itemize or take the standard deduction?

If you itemize: what state do you live in, and how much do you itemize not counting property tax and state income tax? How much property tax?

you could try using the calculator yourself as well

never min d. it was ill save about 2500.
thanks trump!

Lol shut up retard

i just saw the link. it told me i would save about 2500.

I figure that's what it is but he has become increasingly hostile lately over politics. I thought them winning Alabama would help him calm down but he about lost it over Net Neutrality right after that. I almost feel bad for him

haha shills can't fucking stand the calculator, I've had multiple people attack the calculator and straight up refuse to use it because "its propaganda"
top fucking kek

I will save 270$
I will still pay $1400 a year to gibs hounds.

Too simple. My income is through an S Corporation, which this calculator apparently doesn't include an option for. I'd save around $30,000 though.

Politics has taken center stage in our life. A lot of people don't have the ability to approach certain subjects objectively. To detach any emotions it may stir. If it's effecting him that much than he needs to stop reading political news for a while and take care of himself.
>I almost feel bad for him
He's overwhelmed and losing sight of every day life and politics. Politics is war, for those involved it should be in every part of our lives. But you need the endurance to do that, it's why Democracy will always be a poor idea. The majority of a population will never be capable of being involved enough to make informed decisions without destroying themselves in the process.

The calculator is brilliant. I had no idea what was going on until somebody posted the link.

Single $80k/yr saving $2k. Nice.

It's designed for the masses to use to counter the leftist propaganda lies. It isn't really meant to replace TurboTax or HR Block software for advanced scenarios like that

the best part about this for my circle is that the grad student tuition waiver is NOT considered tuition. So instead, we just apply the massive new single household deduction and pay like fucking nothing in taxes. My refund is going to be fucking massive

Yeah I think it's gonna get a lot worse for him. Genuinely worried. He's literally a meme "Drumpf will be finished any day now, this is it!!!"

The Earned Income Tax Credit and Additional Child Tax Credit are complete scams used by illegals and low to zero income losers. Billions of our dollars get handed out to parasites every year because of these welfare programs.

Whenever politicians talk about these just understand that they are really talking about free money in the billions per year for people who pay nothing in taxes already. People act like this theft from honest working people is some kind of right it pisses me off how entitled poor and illegal scum are.

That's true of EITC but every family with kids uses the child tax credit. It's in my example in the OP, still paying taxes, not taking gibs at all, we don't take any forms of assistance at all.

Deduction isn't refundable in case you're thinking it is.

The amount of people like that appears to increase every day. He needs to disconnect from social media and the internet entirely for a few days. Go on some walks around the area, spend time with family. Being/acting unhinged doesn't change things in politics, it only hurts him.

My brother in law once told me that Trump hates him.
>buddy Trump doesn't even know you exist wtf

Trump Derangement Syndrome is a real thing.

no I know. I'm just thinking of the future

I sent him this calculator via text a min ago and he immediately replied "this is a Fox News propaganda website I already saw this."

>Trump hates me personally
A lot of left leaning types suffer from a kind of narcissistic masochism. They want to be hated because they feel they deserve it.

Yeah but the Rubio amendment makes the Additional Child Tax Credit refundable, aka, for people who pay the government ZERO.

If you pay enough taxes, it doesn’t matter whether a tax credit is refundable or non-refundable so this move helps illegals and other degenerates who shit out children and expect everybody else to pay for them.

then tell him to google tax calculator and use any other. hell see the exact same thing on any other site

>This is Fox news propaganda
The only way to really communicate with people already this unhinged is by utilizing the Socratic method. Mostly ask them questions to stimulate their critical parts of the brain and force them to consider their positions non-emotionally. Don't try and attack their positions as long as it's emotionally attached

I was under the impression the Rubio Amendment is only refundable to extend to payroll tax liability (not just income) but not FULLY refundable in the sense the EITC is (EG: Free gibs beyond anything you ever withheld)

Neat, I guess? Still get fucked by taxes, but they added a bit of lube now.

Why do you not itemize with that much income?

Yow. There's got to be a better way to get your taxes done. Your tax bill is almost as much as my entire income.

How does someone in Arizona pay less than me under this new system?

I pay $1800 in taxes with a $33k income.

Anybody got any liberal socialist tears over this to share?

I’ll take it.

Not enough itemized deductions to make up for the standard deduction, esp now that it has been doubled.

It's probably gonna be a bit lower after I go over it w/ my tax advisor, but not by much. It's all 'standard' income, not cap gains.

Married with two kids.
$75k split between four people
$33k split one way

Daaammnn thats some huge gibs right there

Have five white babies and you can too.

It looks like you should be itemizing your state income tax? Then in addition to that anything else like car registration fees and any tiny thing you can think of that qualifies

Noice. You've made up for me.

Single childless people are always paying the most in taxes.

Each child = $2000 off your total tax bill.

$36,930/yr income - A childless person owes $2800 taxes on this amount. A single parent (head of household) with 1 child owes $0.

$70,000/yr income - A childless person owes $8700 in taxes on this amount. A single parent (head of household) with 3 children owes $0.

It pays to have sex and create babies, it pays to be a single divorced parent (getting child support from a baby daddy who doesn't have custody and can't save on his taxes) having to pay no taxes on any income you make, while those who choose to get a college education and wait until marriage to have kids have to pay most of the taxes in this country while sluts get all the benefits off our back. Meh.. :/

Why should us single childless people have to pay for all the benefits single mothers & children reap from OUR HARD WORK? It didn't take any work for you to spread your legs open and pop another baby out. :/

Because you need to be getting married and having white babies

Haha I finally forced him to input his income and he saved money too. He's not replying anymore now though LOL. It'll be an interesting Christmas.

This doesn't account for the fact that your income growth tends to slow down significantly once you have kids. I'm all for having whyte babbys, but that $8700 for not having kids is nothing if you can grow your income 20-40% YoY while single.

I can itemize a cap of 10k for state income tax, which should help a bit, but not by much. No car or anything else to itemize on - company pays for p much everything else I could itemize on.

>itemize a car
What's this? Did I forget to do something stupid obvious last year?

What industry do you work in?

The tax cuts for having children should only apply if you're educated desu.

This way blacks and retards don't get tax breaks for pumping out children while white educated families do.

you can itemize the cost of car registration taxes


Even when it comes to local/state taxes single childless people are paying the most.

If it wasn't for us paying our taxes many school districts, police, firemen, etc. would have no funding and the crime rate would shoot up high.

It's funny how you'll always see these "parents" talk about how they have to pay so much in taxes over the years.. it's all bullshit.

Everyone is riding on the coattails of single childless people. We don't get any tax benefits.

phew, ok. Wouldn't have been worth it anyway. I've only ever itemized once and it was pretty meh compared to the effort so I stopped bothering. I thought maybe I'd forgotten something substantial.

But what if I'm making good money, single, and not white?

What are you being bitter about? Even single people get a break under this plan, and face it if you're not raising a beautiful white family then you're just a terminal drone in the long run.

Fuck, single dudes don't even have to worry about buying 20 pairs of the latest shoes and new furniture and bathroom towels all the time.

That and any 'business expenses' that you used your car for (i.e. gas).

>must complete a (((COMPLETELY OPTIONAL))) Marxist indoctrination to get tax breaks.
That's sure to go over great. Though if we are talking some straight up IQ tests, then I'm game.

Software Eng

Tbh I wouldn't mind getting taxed slightly higher than families if I knew these benefits were going to people of any worth, but you and I both know most of that money goes to trash that keeps reproducing.

If you're latino then you need to find a white coalburner and at the minimum keep the babies from being black then.

I don't care if it's a jew system, it's still the best way to separate whites from blacks. Of course, it'd have to come with a president that will end quotas, affirmative action, liberal arts degrees.

IQ quotas or straight up racial segregation would be too brutal for the public to take sadly.

I'm bitter that I'm stuck paying taxes for a school district when I have no kids.

I'm bitter that sluts can have a ton of babies and reap tax benefits and a ton of child support checks from baby daddies while never having an actual Job.

I'm bitter that the state & federal government awards bad behavior and bad parenting and abusive adoptive parents.

It's the new shill tactic. I noticed they switched tactics. At first it was "OMFG POOR GET A TAX HIKE"

after that was proven false, they switched to "why do kids get tax breaks wtf I hate getting tax cuts now"

How much do you typically pay in local taxes for schools? I cba to go pull up last year's tax forms but for me it's like 1/4 of what I pay to feed myself IIRC. Getting $2k back at the federal level easily covers my state and local taxes.

I pay $1200/yr to the public school district, $100/mo.

I think schools should all become private and be paid for by parents in the community. Everyone else should homeschool.

>School should be private or home school

I with you on the home schooling. But one of the things about public schools is that they need to ditch the federal funding and be returned to local control. So I can't decry local school taxes as a first priority.

Then you'll be left wondering why the next generations are retarded.

Trump spoke as the Tax Policy Center said that while all income groups would see tax reductions, on average, under the Senate bill in 2019, 9 percent of taxpayers would pay higher taxes that year than under current law. By 2027, that proportion would grow to 50 percent, largely because the legislation's personal tax cuts expire in 2026, which Republicans did to curb budget deficits the bill would create.
>inb4 alternative facts

That was prior to the conference bill which fixed the blue state tax hike problem. You can now deduct up to $10,000 on the SALT deduction, when previously it was entirely eliminated.

Try again, shill. Your article is dated November 20th. Completely outdated. See the GREEN TEXT in my first post of the thread.

What they should do is sunset the SALT deduction. Give SALTy states some time to reform rather than smack them all at once.

They also added the alt max tax which reverses the earned income tax which requires those with little or no income to pay an additional tax.

This guy probably doesn't know that some people WILL see tax increases or that goldman sach and other top economists all know this is bullshit.

Also remember when the GOP wanted to shutdown the government? Seems like it was just yesterday they gave a fuck about the deficit. Lmao.

Government shutdowns and deficits are political footballs. It's background noise no matter which team does it.

Then you agree the GOP is lying when they say this tax bill will pay for itself? Same way they couldn't have it pay for itself with Bush and Reagan?
> We were wrong twice but third times the charm!

Also here is some simple looking graphs so can learn something:

No, I don't agree or disagree, fake news shill. Until the Federal Reserve system is reformed, national debt doesn't matter. Only international strength of the USD does.

Read, "The Creature from Jekyll Island" by G. Edward Griffen before you start prattling about the national debt.

>I don't agree or disagree
Ha. Even basic economic facts you can't face. Never mind me continue attributing economic success to a president who isn't half way done with this first term while pretending you understand economics/taxes.

>Then you agree the GOP is lying when they say this tax bill will pay for itself?
WRONG again.

The CBO scored the tax plan with Obama's ABYSMAL 1.5% GDP growth. Trump is already at 3.3% most recent measurement, and approaching 4% now. When the tax plan is signed into law, we will be at 5-6% GDP growth. We will see a surplus.

Pull the CBO report yourself, page 2 of the PDF, it says right near the middle of the paragraph that due to "time restraints" they will not use Trumps new GDP growth and will use the old numbers. We will see a surplus from tax revenue increasing.

I didn't attribute economic success to anybody. Are you reading out of a flow chart or just too deranged to hold a rational conversation?


I'm responding more so to people like
Tell me if any of this is untrue:
"In the last six months of the Obama administration, an average of 180,667 jobs were created each month. In the first six months of the Trump administration, the average was 179,000.

In the final two quarters of the Obama administration, the economy grew by 3.5% and 2.1%. In the first two quarters of the Trump administration, it grew by 1.2% and 2.6%.

And wages? Average wage growth was 2.68% in the final six months under President Obama and 2.58% in the early months of Trump. "

Lmk when Trump has beaten any of Obamas highs.

>When the tax plan is signed into law, we will be at 5-6% GDP growth
Good fucking God, that marks the era of saber-rattling with China all over again. My body's ready for it regardless, but my dick is gonna be raw after these 8 years.

>Rate cuts will end in 2025

What does this mean?

It means that is one of a couple tricks the GOP is using to pay for tax cuts. See the senate has required for a while now that any tax cut can't add to the deficit after a decade. So one of the tricks is slower inflation indexing and

"As a result, when all’s said and done, the net effect of all individual provisions in the tax bill, according to the JCT, is to raise taxes on individuals by a cumulative $83 billion in 2027."

To get this stuff to pass they're basically taking a loan out to convince everyone tax cuts won't hurt them until its too late.

In order to pass legislation with less than 60 votes you have to do something called "budget reconciliation"

It basically just means that in 2025 they have to reapprove the individual rates. Individual rates for middle class never get hiked up (see Bush Tax Cut extensions being renewed, same issue)

if you think the individual rate cuts won't be extended in 2025 you're either retarded or politically inexperienced.

It means at present the tax bill is aimed at being a temporary way to try to juice the economy. In reality, they can and will just write new tax bills by then regardless.

They'll have 8 years with, at most, a few Democrats around to pass as many as they like.

Yeah I'm retarded because Republicans said the same shit with Regan and Bush. And failed with both of them. Including failure to pay for it within a decade. Deal with the facts please and no, your ability to see into the future cannot be used as fact unfortunately. This isn't the only bullshit thing. Do you understand what slower inflation indexing is? Or how it'll increase taxes on families without increasing rates?

>confederate flag
I wish we could deport all traitors to the united states of america and our flag. Would do a lot to MAGA.

>And failed with both of them
Evidence? Reality and statistics point to the opposite of what you're advocating, my drug-addled Oliver.
>Deal with the facts please
Please do, my penny-shilling friend.

>Post before this one is literally IMPEACH DRUMPF AND CONSERVATIVES
Are you even self-aware? Jesus fucking Christ, Brockpuppet. You need some uptraining stat.


You think it can read? He needs more pitchers, break it down for the druggie.

Get a job. You entered like 50$

Employers added 228,000 jobs in November 2017, while the unemployment rate remained at a 17-year low of 4.1%

Keep trying shill, you'll get blown the FUCK out every time.