Ontario is going to raise the minimum wage to $15 dollars an hour soon

Ontario is going to raise the minimum wage to $15 dollars an hour soon.

The economy is going to be totally fucked and unemployment is going to be rampant.

Can the fuck can people defend this bullshit?

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It's 14 bucks come Jan 1 2018. 15 a year after that. Our provincial government has totoally fucked a up a lot of things financially and this is the last of the main things theyre doing in hopes of reelection, despite with a 15 percent approval rating. It's going to happen though, and a lot of people are scared, and angry.

Best thing to do is just say fuck it and let these kids get fired /hours cut, etc. It's sad but people have to learn the hard way that a victim/welfare culture just doesn't work.

This is going to heavily backfire on the liberals.

I'm not even from Ontario.

How is the approval rating of the liberals there?

like I said, around 15. I've heard as low as 12 at one point. She's a literal short haired dyke academia elitist who gets her power from nonwhites in Toronto.

Thank god. The sooner we crash the better. I eagerly await the suffering of my faggot countrymen

Who is there to replace them?

The conservatives?

Are the leaves actually going to rake themselves?

>hurdurr I can't wait for this country to crash
>fucking liberals the minimum wage should be lower
Get a life you rural and suburban retards

Ontario, even Canada on the federal level as a whole doesn't really have a right learning party unfortunately.

you be the judge


Better than the liberals but not by much. Of course everything wrong with Ontario is magnified if you live in Toronto, as I do. White flight is happening at breakneck speed, joined by myself in the spring.

>rural and suburban retards
I never want this US election meme to die

>In other news
>Ontario Moving Forward with Environmental Assessment for High Speed Rail
More people are gonna be moving out from Toronto once this happens.


maybe in 15 years lol

It took almost a decade to build a 6 stop subway extension that opened today.

>implying Toronto and the greater cuck area votes anything but Liberal

She'll be elected again.

But I make $16 an hour currently working at a sandblasting shop.

Might as well just get a job at Mcdonalds full time because their benefits plans are slightly better.

ITS already starting. Automated checkout stations at every shoppers drug mart that isn't in a high crime area, I never thought I'd see the day with the high average age of their customer. I was in one with my gramma today and I was waiting out front for her, I seen a guy manager i guess take her over to one ofnthe machine from the window, I went in and over and he's trying to train her on the thing when she never asked for it. I told him my gramma isn't some cuck who does it for free and if he ain't paying her she's not scanning and bagging her own shit, and I advised him that that he's a disgusting subhuman. He was brown but I didn't call him subhuman because of that but because he was actively trying to sabatoge the employment of his workers, but still he felt compelled to say 'let's not get race involved in this and I don't appreciate your Nazi comments '. Then I pulled out my based pepe meme war coin out of the left middle pocket where I keep it in my cargo pants, took it out of it's protective plastic cover (quite rare for me) and shoved it right in his face like a sheriff's badge and yelled at him " NOT.......WELCOME......HERE". The store was in the nice area where my gramma lives so of course pretty much all the customers and staff except the manager were white., but when I hopped up on the till and tried to get everyone mobilized to destroy the store and start the racewar over this elder abuse they just stared at me with dead eyes looking scared and confused. I told them they're all cuck pieces of human garbage and I'll kiss on their graves once the machines turn on them.

And on another note, we really have no one to blame for Wynnes victory other then the OPC. They ran a lifeless unlikable robot who couldn't stop talking about laying off 100k people.

>implying commies have the introspective qualities to see that their policies have failed, or why.

If they could do that they wouldn't be commies. When their shit implodes it'll be GROBABANLD GROOFTS fault for creating an unsafe enviroment, or they'll just bury the stats and say it's fine goyim only Hitlers want to see the stats

you made me actually laugh hard, got up and showed my friend, he laughed to

$15 in leaf money is $11.65 in liberty lucre. There's actually a few States here that have minimum wages that are $10-$11 and their unemployment rates are 3.7% - 4.5%--not too bad.


I can't defend it. I know people that have already been "let go" from their jobs. Robots will replace you, thats what libcucks don't fucking understand. I hate this country.

Shut the fuck up already about the minimum wage. Are you saying that raising wages is a bad thing when nobody can afford to live as it is?

Flat roofers get payed overtime now.
This is good news for me.

$10-$11 isn't bad and is quite manageable, $15 an hour minimum for ever employee? I see you don't like undereducated working poor people then

any other ottawatards here?

Listen, I'm going to say this as kind and easy to understand as possible, Kay? Ready?
Get that atlright?

Some money is better than having no money from getting fired cuz the robots will do it cheaper

>Free money

It's not free money you jackass. It's called being payed a livable wage in an age when automation is replacing jobs and the cost of living is increasing.

>Some money is better than having no money

By that logic instead of hiring 1 person for $10 an hour we could hire 10 people for $1 an hour, right?

Its all swell as long as you're that sole person getting paid 10bux an hour eh?
You sonuvabitch
Theres a special place in hell for the likes of you labor union bourgeois

Is that you Kathleen? You know that raising the minimum wage will only significantly impact the cost of food and rent, right? The things that people who think $15 is a liveable wage are already most concerned about?

Shouldn't housing costs be proportionate with the amount of dollars wages go up by

housing has more than doubled in price in 5 years so who cares it's not like you can afford a house anyway..

Wait, do you honestly believe raising the minimum wage is a good idea?

Are you actually proud of being a low IQ retard that doesn't understand basic economics and science?

To think brainlets like you get to vote and have a say on the direction of the nation's economy. Democracy was a mistake.

Housing prices have gone up thanks to the central bank printing money and pumping it into the housing market.

It's incredible people still don't understand this

Fuck central banks

If we had a free market, private companies would build this shit, and build it faster and better

Government just causes stagnation

So a tradesman has to pay his grunt 15/hr to train him for several months before he actually becomes an asset? This will ruin indie businesses. Its just a way to funnel more money away from the middleclass and to turn canada into a mall ala logans run. Glad I left.

With a decimated Ontario because of the Libs, Alberta fucked because of the NDPs, our boy Scheer should be able to win in 2019.

$15 in Canadian money is $11.65 in US dollars, which is my point, that it doesn't appear that radical if Quebec is a high cost province.

The minimum wage should be abolished
You're a fucking retarded

Those exchange rates are completely irrelevant

You don't know what local purchasing power means

Scheer is a Jeb bush tier cuck

Bernier should have won
He would have dramatically cut spending and taxes

Kill yourself

You're only fucking over the poor with minimum wage increases

>Scheer will fix this

Canada is basically a write off at this point. It's like a homeowner watching their house go up in flames and delusionally thinking "h...ha ha no big deal, the fire department will show up soon and fix this, a quick coat of paint and a few new windows and it'll be just like new!"

Should be good news here in Manitoba, still holding at $11.15 with a PC government (that's "Progressive Conservative", essentially a branch of the Conservative Party). Could get some business relocating one province to the west.

>Well it isn't that much when I convert it to my money with my relative purchasing power so no big deal

>Can the fuck can people defend this bullshit?

You know whats really sad?

The Liberals will win the next election.

The only people pissed off about this already live in Conservative areas. Wynne is going full on in Toronto, the only place that actually matters in Ontario, and those stupid fucks will vote for her again.

Couple that with the fact that Brown is about as useless as a wet paper bag floating in the ocean, and flip flops on opinions like a fish out of water, and its not going to end well.

The most perfect scenario would be a Liberal minority, with Brown stepping down and a real leader taking his place. Then it can be 4 years of blocking all the bullshit until the next election when someone truly better steps up to bat.

yes hi

Maybe get a better job instead of screeching "GIB MOAR $ FOR SAME BURGER-FLIPPING!"

>economy going to be fine because rich jews either pay the cost to actually treat employees like people instead of machines or the miss out on the 600billion gdp ontario puts out

Would be great in theory but it's all about cheap access to US markets and infrastructure in place. Toronto's not going anywhere unfortunately, but the cities hurting now are going to be hurting more. What you might see are the same sort of shitty refugees Texas is getting from commiefornia shitting up Winnipeg worse than it already is.

Do a little research on wage-inflation and you'll know why the educated are concerned, burger-flipper.

Wanna meetup, i could always use more redpilled friends
I live in nepean
I'm not csis btw

because when people have more money they spend it. its simple really.

>It's called being payed a livable wage
These days, most of the cost of living is positional. Your ability to eat well depends on how much higher your earnings are than the minimum-wagers at the grocery stores and in the distribution centers. Your ability to afford an apartment depends on how high you can bid for rent against minimum-wagers. Gas prices go up to meet the amount of money people can afford to spend on gas, until people are deterred enough by high prices that they stop trying to buy more gas than is produced.

If you want better than that, you need government to have economic policy that makes life out in the countryside viable, where people can actually own the land they live on and live off of. Currently, they tax neighbor-to-neighbor transactions in the country and spend it in the cities, draining small communities of currency and beating them down to the minimums required to extract resources for the cities.

>"give more money for free"
>get hours cut and expected to work even harder
>get less money
>business closes down
>get no money
>"give me even more money for free"

Day Of The Flame soon leafs

u won't find shit-libs here defending it,

look on the bright side with canada going up in flames there has never been a better time to sell your house in canada so others can have a front row seat for the shit show

also they are taking all action on if le weed man will be executed for the impending disaster in vegas. also if he is executed will it just be blunt force trauma by mob justice or the electric chair? 20 / 1 odds on electric chair and he has to be executed within 2 years after the collapse

They do understand. They are not fools. They want a totally dependent population. Look at their actions. Where does every decision they make lead?