Which side of the successful person spectrum does Sup Forums sit?

Which side of the successful person spectrum does Sup Forums sit?

The one that's actually successful. I've adopted most of the traits listed, my business is up 35% this year, and I'm happier than I've been in over a decade. Life is good!

How old are you?
I have most of the traits in the unsuccessful category and, guess what...
I'm unsuccessful.

I have most of the traits of the successful but im unsuccessful. This image is horse shit.

I fall in the 92th percentile in income for my age (25) and I have a shitton in cash and investments because I don't pay rent and bills (Still living with mommy & daddy), and I think I feel more like the guy on the right than the slut on the left.

Where do I fall if other people think I'm successful and I make $30 an hour machining, but I hate myself and I'm going fucking crazy? Because that's where I am.

Why do you hate yourself and why are you going crazy?

$30/hr is so fucking good in this economy if you're a millennial.

The "I make a fuck ton of money but have near crippling depression so it doesn't matter" category.

Meant to say 92nd, not 92th. LOL

30 dollars an hour is far, VERY far beyond the wildest dreams of 95% of the people in my country.

What if I hate society so much I don't care if I'm successful towards it?

>everything is this black and white.

most of Sup Forums leans towards unsuccessful people even the rich people.

if you are a bigot you really hold yourself back in so many ways you can't even see.

30e/h is welfare tier. You still need to ask for gibs.

Everything is a lie, everything is controlled, and everyone I know is blind. Everyone is so thoroughly brain washed that the mere suggestion that the government and media are lying is crazy. I wake up and go through the motions everyday and try to be happy like everyone else but I don't even know what the fuck is real. Maybe I'm just OD'ing on too many redpills.

or maybe blackpills

White left. Shitskins right.

I can't Speak on the behalf of Sup Forums but for myself well I'm more successful than unsuccessful i could do almost everything except the continuously learning, I don't keep a to be list, and really don't exude joy

I already do all these traits on the successful list. I am incredibly unsuccessful

cliche faggot. sage

>gotta have my whole life and career planned and know exactly what I want and what other people want at every single minute if I ever want to see success

Also is really something you should be holding against libs and niggers. Why don't you show this to leftypol?

Humans are selfish by nature, success is defined by your wealth in this day and age. The list is meaningless, an absolute retard could make a million dollars and it would be seen as a successful person.

Sup Forums on the right

Having worked 30 years, I can say this chart is utterly wrong. Say you go to your performance review and you praise your coworkers accomplishments. ("Give Other People Credit for their victories"). I can assure you your coworkers will bad mouth the shit out of you and claim anything you did was their doing. "Take all the credit for their victories", "Blame others for their failures", and "criticize".
Guess who gets the raise?
This chart is naive, idealistic, and flat out wrong.

Why should anything on the left be considered successful triats? Most successful people are just overly brutish and take what they want.
The person on the left would wind up stepped on a lot.

Picture is full of assumptions.
Some of the attributes on the green side are just essentially good for living. Some are bogus self-help.
The main assumption underlying the whole graphic is that being a good person makes you successful. The system we live in is not made that way.
gets it

I'm half / half. I'm happy enough.

Yeah man I was the same way most of my life. Remade my a lot over the last two years, feel better than ever. Back in school in my mid-20s, grades are solid, change is possible.

yes in a perfect world its like this. but i have to tell you: the most successful people are psychopaths.

Im a doctor and an asshole, a bit of both

Rate me

Yeah, my bigotry is what is stopping me from applying for that job at the successful black-owned business.

Fucking retards, I swear.

>how to be successful
>know the right people
>dont be a dumbass

>Which side of the successful person spectrum does Sup Forums sit?
On the Autistic side.

someone virgin/Chad this shit. I'm on phone

While I am a poorfag, largely because I want to focus on spiritual gainz, I am doin pretty well by that pic. Should journal more.

Spending as much time on /fit/ as I do here, taking care of myself, and doing martial arts...it helps, anons

I have most of the traits of the unsuccessful but im successful.

Primarily successful, I’m more likely to criticize than compliment, I don’t keep a journal and especially not a faggy “to be list”. I wouldn’t say I fear change but uncontrolled change can be discomforting. I’m not great at goal setting.


I exhibit an overwhelming tendency towards the traits on the right, but I've had great success.

I actively work to ensure my competition fails, I secretly (and openly) play competitively at everything I do, journals are for pussies, everything is a transaction (literally everything), I have a good instinct and gut, and use it regularly; it serves better than over-waiting and over-analyzing every task and interaction.

This is just a positivity meme. Positivity means nothing; hard work, aspiration and cleverness take you far.

Drugs, guns, cars, no cell phone or social media, and immortality.

patrician taste

>I have most of the traits of the successful but im unsuccessful.
>>"most of"
Obviously not all or enough
kill yourself faggot

>give other people credit for their work


Its just some shallow self improvement shit, its no different than saying "just be positive" or "just bee yourself."

>Succesfull people
>Wants others to succeed
Top fucking kek

These kinds of images are waffles. Just feel good stuff that doesn't serve any other purpose whatsoever.


>1 post by this ID

>embrace change
>if you don't like shit in your coffee you're an unsuccessful person

We are not on that list
We want a total war of destruction until or enemies are destroyed

Im successful at being unsuccessful hence im successful.

Checked and this. Leftists should practice what they preach for fucking once.

What a load of shit

I remember during my studies I read a quote from a social psychologist who said

>Why do we teach children that christian values such as kindness, forgiveness, compassion and generosity are the keys to success when in reality all the evidence shows that greed, selfishness, cruelty and spite are what really creates success

apply chart to "black urban culture"

Holy shit this. Had some crazy bitch that joined my job after me complain about the work I do even when my boss approved of it. Everything she misplaced she also blamed on me. Thankfully my boss knows all his emplyees pretty well and fired the bitch because she was just making working there worse for everyone. Lo and behold, once she was fired nothing went missing again.

i'm a psychopath, and I'm so successful that I can get a table at Dorsia anytime. your picture is meme pop-psychology bullshit. people that keep journals (not in a research lab setting) are faggots and women. i want to kill you all

How do psychos get so high up in life all the time? What allows them to get where they want to without any kind of penalty for being batshit insane?

im right in the middle.

those sides should be swapped really, at least with most of the traits.


You're a nigger

>doesn't fly by the seat of his pants
I bet your pants don't even have a seat.

yes I'm an unsuccessful looser

gotta play the cards your dealt, and mine are shit. I wish I could have been born with a silver spoon in my mouth like some of you cunts

huh, nothing on there about actually being good at your job or having marketable skills, I guess you dont need those if you are a woman

>what i tell people I am
>what i really am

its the boomer and now leftists life manual.

>woman successful
>man not

>not biased

kek, into the trash it goes

Honest question: do you have clinical depression or have any psychological disorders that literally, physically depress you? You might legitimately need some help.

If nothing else you're anonymous here. Get something off of your chest. Vent.

What is your idea of success then?

8 vs 7 sounds like a decidedly successful person. Work on yourself while you're ahead.

What if im a cheese tho