Pick one

Pick one.

All 3 but I want to taste that Ui ass first.


Ui lookin thicc

I like my Azusa well-done

bitch needs to stop sampling the keiki

I want Jun to sit on my face and pee in my mouth.


She would be a god tier wife and mother.

the brown whore


My cute, color-changing wife, of course.

I want to protect Azunyan from the horrors and reality of the world!

Left or right?

Asuza is African?

Think I'd enjoy Ui if her body matured just a little bit more.

Ui if she was older,
Azusa for now.

One true OTP

Marry Ui, befriend the other two.

She is already more developed than Yui

Is Yui a good sempai?


Ritsu is best

Fuck Azusa, Marry Jun, Kill Ui.

Me too except all the keions back to back until my belly expands


Is this the K-ON fap thread?


hair down ritsu

>Kill Ui
Not if she kill you first.

god tier

It's only one Ball in the picture.

sidetail>hair down


This is just awful taste I'm sorry.

Azusa is worst of the main 5
Jun is SHIT even worse than Azusa

Ui is a good girl

It's so hard for me to choose between Ui and Azusa, but I think I'd go with Azusa.

Hair down Ritsu is amazing, but the forehead gives you so much more room to work with.



Left is ready for a hard dicking

Best girl

a shit

bad post

What would the first time with the different K-ON's be like?


no she is mine


No it's the K-On BRRAAAAP thread

Is this from later in the manga?

Make tender love to ui's butt

the one with the FAT ASS

Why is Azusa a nigger now?

Left for sure

it is a tan


Jun best butt

I choose Mugi

You choose... poorly.

Jun and azuka are just meatholes. Ui is waifu material

They all have the same face so I'll go with the best body.

Nice digits but I don't think so

Yui sister's seems pretty THICC

I want to be Azus@ttacked 4 times.

Little to no Tsumugi? How can you NOT waifu this?

She lacks appeal

The choice is between Ui, Jun and Azusa, you salted mackerel.

Mugi is perfect.

She's evil.

holy shit what a bitch

They are all evil.

You never will.


>Sup' Mugi

>muh moe muh shy
literally a non character

Azusa is clearly the choice when it comes to fucking.
I fucking hate Ui's character, so I'll pass her.
Jun is okay, especially when I imagine her doing kinky shit with Azusa.

Every K-ON character is mostly defined by its mannerism and archetype, I still think Mio is better than Mugi though

Which K-on has the best farts then?

Ui is a shit mary sue

It can be


Reminder that Azuz Attack 4 is out.

Which K-On butt do you want in your lap or on your face?

Mugi and Mio

Either Azusa or Mio, maybe the former on my lap and the latter on my face.

Better idea, which K-ON would you share with Sup Forums?

>not Yui

Plebs she has that stealth phat ass

Yui is my favorite character, but I just can't see her in a sexual way. Azusa and Mio are better for lewd

I'd rather be Mio in the scenario

But that would mean your upper and lower mouths would be almost perpetually occupied by user's smelly cocks.

>Plebs she has that stealth phat ass
Ritsu has the best butt no other keion comes close, really.

>sexualising the keions

I don't know why, but tanned girls give me a lewd feeling. Like, I instinctively think that it gives a slutty feel to the girl

>looks like a boy

Who would get pregnant the most?

You mean who I want to impregnate the most or the one who would most likely get pregnant first?

The choice is simple, azunynan.

why Azunyan is such a slut?

Got more in that style?

You have some shit taste, bro.

>he doesn't want to fuck a tomboy in the butt
Fucking faggot

tanned Azunyan is God-tier, user