It's 2017 and y'all still won't accept the truth that jesus was a black man

It's 2017 and y'all still won't accept the truth that jesus was a black man.

he lived in a hot place,the desert.Who else lives on the desert?The bedouin.That's what they look liek.BLACK LIKE CHARCOAL.

But as usual,you racists ass won't approve this because 'muhhh white race' and 'muhh europe" we're christian for God's sake stop fighting

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Jesus was a Jew.


yeah but jesus was magic and we all know only white people can do magic.


Nice try. Blacks cannot even save themselves, but I'm to believe a black man can save me before God.

Ya'llz weren't hebrewz n shieet.

Except a coastal area like Nazareth is right off the Mediterranean which is um not the desert. I’ve also included a basic geography lesson with it nigger.

The old testament says that the descendants of Ham (niggers) will be fucking retarded forever.

If Jesus were black he wouldn't have just overturned the money changers' tables, he would have pocketed the cash and ran.

He wasn’t a nigger, but a Jew, which is worse

A nigger would just rob or kill you, a Jew will go after your name, your reputation, your family, everything you’ve worked hard for, and when they’re done they’ll end you.

And don’t worry I’m not bumping your thread nigger.

Bedouin are not black retard. They are nomadic camel jockeys. Jesus looked like Mel Gibson.

As middle eastern man dare to call you nigger Jesus wasn't black stop stealing middle eastern north African history NIGGGERS

nice try larper
but we know that the nigger is unable to control itself
is prone to violence and cannot put aside gratification today in favor of tomorrow
so you expect us to believe that a pacifist teacher with super high IQ that deferred pleasure today was a nigger?


and then would have exclaimed that either he "dindu nuffin"
we wuz kangs

fuck replay to my own comment looool

Do not reply to obivious bait post, sage instead.

Work with black who unironically believe this. Don't have the patience to correct them when they believe they ruled Egypt.

jesus was jewish you fucking shill. you make niggers across the world look dumb

>slide thread

Jesus was a Middle Eastern Jew. Not a spear-chucker.

we wuz saints and shiiiet


I'm genuinelly curious how the "we wuz ancient hebrews" crowd copes with the fact some biblical characters like david were redheads?

Jesus is a fictional character created by gaskikes to fool moronic weak minded morons. All religion is a made up fairy story about a bearded sky fairy

>This is what niggers actually believe

A desert hippie without a job. Sounds like a nigger to me.


If by black you mean Type V olive skin typical of middle easterns, then yes Jesus was a black man.

The whole argument is moot though because THE BIBLE IS A WORK OF FICTON MEANING ITS MAIN CHARACTER IS NOT REAL!!

found your pastor

>Judea is the desert


It's possible I mean because his dad acted like a typical nigger by impregnating Jesus' mom and leaving her to raise the kid.

OP is a nigger more likely.

Any picture,painting, or depiction of (((jesus))) was made by the jews.

If anything Jesus was Arabic which are the kings of Egypt which enslaved niggers such as yourself. We wuz kangs n shiet! Are you that ignor- oh OP is a fag ass nig-nog... yeah you think the world centers around hip-hop and timberlands.


Song of Solomon
5 I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon.

6 Look not upon me, because I am black, because the sun hath looked upon me: my mother's children were angry with me; they made me the keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept.