Will you homeschool your children, Sup Forums?

Seems like the only way to avoid poisoning their minds with social justice propaganda and giving them a proper education instead of that common core shit. I'm just worried about the social effects, but I feel like they would be mitigated if you lived in the right environment. I'm fearful they could turn into turboautists like us and that's something I'd really rather avoiid.

Who the fuck has time to homeschool their kids?
Why are you lolbertarians so separated from reality?

I'm black and my white girlfriend was homeschooled by a raging racist. You're going to want to address the current state of the media, which is not an easy problem. Homeschooling doesn't do a damn thing in your favor and might actually make your daughters want to rebel even more.

I will send 2 private skool

My own experiences taught me that of ois wrong to redpill a child.

You need them to experience the hive mind and then later (when they become nihilistic teenagers) you can slowly unplug them.

I speak from my own experience.

This supports my comment above.

I'm not planning on having any daughters

You don't redpill children. You instill good taste in them and they will redpill themselves.

You're absolutely correct.
Let them experience blissful ignorance before you plunge them into the deep dark that is reality.

nice larping if not what are you doing around here boy?

you say that as though you have some sort of choice in the matter.

dumb negroid larper right here.


So not black but jew that wants to corrupt by accessing my childs education

School is only for social interaction with other kids, everything they teach can be found on the internet. Kids are learning more from youtube than school.

>I'll take "planned parenthood" for $800, alex

No, I want them to have social skills.

I will review what they're being taught and teach them to think for themselves. If the school lies to them or tries to teach them bullshit I'll explain to them how and why they are being manipulated. To raise a rational adult you must both teach them the truth and teach them how to distinguish the truth from propaganda.


Denying a child school is as bad as stealing their innocence. It's wrong.

You ever see that movie with Vigo Mortensen?

No, put them in a feral negro zoo. For girls do the same until they're in sex age. 12 years NOT 18 if you wait until 18 will be too late. You have to bring red pilled whites and just think: How many have been redpilles by their parents?

I don't see how my advice is unsound. I could have easily said "I know a guy that... blah blah".

>be of the "master race"
>not recognize good advice
>think Sup Forums is anything but the perfect place to troll the alt right

Housewives have the time. Thou shalt live in austerity and not fall for the consumeristic materialist Jew, lest ye become a small-souled bugman who knows not of the higher things of life, such as having national roots or the value of a family.

double abortion?

(((They))) have made it so that the majority families cannot survive on a single income. Housewives are a thing of the past, unfortunately.

I said austerity. No, your kids won't be watching the electric Jew and they won't eat pizza every week, but they won't be brainwashed.

Nope, I don't intend to have any kids because the white race deserves to die.

I definitely want to home school but I'm concerned about not being good at it.

I know that's silly because teachers hired by public schools are definitely not good at it, and will damn near intentionally teach your kid wrong.


>this one came out wrong. Let's kill it and reroll

Many private a schools cost the same as regular daycare.

Don't be a nigger. Keep paying.

>posting through literal tiers
Jews won user, they can't be stopped.

you can't kill something that has no soul

Well that would be great if I could find an affordable private school that taught good values and real information but I'm not sure the right place exists, at least not locally.
The only way to be sure something will be done right is to do it yourself.

I literally just got engaged an hour ago, so I'm not just shooting the shit on this subject

Nothing has a soul. Ergo, killing has nothing to do with the presence of a soul.

Alma st every established church has a sxhpool. Shop around my dude.


Not having any bit if I did yea I would


Almost... School...

my girlfriends boyfriend put cement in my chastity belt lock

>forever virgin

my kids are resting comfortably in a sock in the hamper
and the rest are swallowed by my bitch
so no

LePort Schools, may or may not be in your area. Founder is an Ayn Randist.