This is absolutely politically related as it involves the Law as it's written today

I would like to, first, clarify, that I have worked in conjunction with law enforcement as a private contractor to crack into online pedophile rings to locate them and I have assisted in the prosecution of over a dozen degenerate producers of underage pornography.

I would like to propose a thought to you. This is going to be highly controversial, even for Sup Forums;
I am here to try to sway your opinions regarding the legal status of possession of such materials and to argue that legalizing possession would be a net positive.

First. The thesis.
Banning possession of underage material DOES NOT STOP THE PRODUCTION. It simply doesn't.
In my work we have created a database and I can assure you with the fullest certainty that the vast VAST majority of materials circulating are up to decades old.
I would also like to elucidate as to the way the "market" works and how materials actually are produced.
The "market" is actually incredibly, INCREDIBLY small when it comes to actual production/distribution of NEW materials. The way it works is like this; One of two ways
1: An individual will pay one of a few very small knit "companies" an extremely large amount of money to produce specific "films"
2: An already deviant, sick, deranged individual will create the material and distribute it for free.

It is important to understand this to understand the flaw in the "Supply/Demand" argument used to rationalize the law against possession of these materials.

Other urls found in this thread:

Limiting the supply does NOTHING to halt the "demand" which is actually initially incredibly limited as it were.
In other words. Trying to control the supply does NOTHING to limit the demand.

The reasoning is this: It takes an incredibly sick individual to even conceive of producing such disgusting materials. The threat of prosecution has not stopped them.
(Secondly, most of the modern production occurs outside our jurisdiction when it comes to the "real" players, only the producers who distribute their home "films" for free are the people we have caught so far)

The second/third point is simple and will be explained simply.
I live in an area where you can get medical pot with any excuse, and yet I have never smoked weed legally or illegally in my life. Access to something does not mean everyone will participate.
Likewise. There is no law against possessing homosexual pornography, which I'm sure many of you will agree is equally as deviant and perhaps even more disgusting.
How many of you who are not homosexuals have homosexual smut saved to your computer/magazines/dvds/etc. I would venture to guess that none of you do.

To recap:
>Controlling the supply does nothing to curb the demand. The demand exists, and people have gone to extreme measures to fulfill their sick "needs"
>Legality of a material/object does not mean people who are not previously interested in said material/object will then participate just because they can do it now without consequences. (I can smoke pot, but I know that it causes mental instability and turns people into babbling hippie degenerates, so I choose not to smoke it even though I can)

So what is my solution then? Total legalization?? Fuck. No.
Law Enforcement already has a MASSIVE database, and we track downloads to the best of our ability.

What I propose is simple. A decriminalization of the possession of child pornography and, instead of using it as bait, to institute a branch of the State to regulate it's distribution to people who are willing to submit their address, their zip/postal code and a piece of their Government issued ID so they can be processed into a database and that they agree to random searches and monitoring. That they immediately become barred from all playgrounds, all schools and all places where children are common and if caught they will be arrested and sentenced to a very severe prison term, possibly life, maybe even the death penalty. (People MUST be held accountable for their choices.)

Secondly. ONLY the material which is contained within the database will be considered "legal for possession" and can ONLY be acquired through a state run/state monitored website (as described) anyone found with ANY material, however small in quantity which is not under the domain of the State will be subject to the same punishments as I've described.

To ensure that no one tries to skirt these rules. Those found with material while NOT being monitored will be arrested and executed within 48 hours without appeals.

What will this accomplish?
#1 It will create more jobs as people have to monitor and perform searches
#2 I believe it will drastically reduce the rate of sex trafficking.
#3 It will allow genuinely sick people to indulge in their activities without putting children at risk of harm (material which already exists means that a child has already been hurt, you cannot unhurt that child.)

What do you think?


I should mention that this would ONLY be viable in Nations without a private prison system, like Canada.
Right now, our tax payers are forced to nanny degenerates for what essentially amounts to a victimless crime. Watching a crime that has already happened shouldn't be illegal, the producers are the ones who must be stopped, and I believe that in using this database we can
#1 track and sort any NEW material which has been produced after the database goes live.
#2 possibly establish safe connections with deviants who may be willing to testify against known producers as they are no longer at risk of incarceration themselves.

what did the paedo say when he got out of jail?
i feel like a kid again.

the state has to pay those jobs
execution without trial is unconstitutional
and it does nothing to stop the production of cheese pizza

a failure on all three accounts

fourth failure, you're legitimizing state-run pedophilia distribution, state run child brothels are never a good thing, privately run child brothels are bad enough, but we can kill those fucks if we find them

>The state has to pay
In canada we piss away 35 billion dollars a year to feed niggers and other even more unmentionable things (600 million to the Clinton foundation... Trudeau should be executed too)

>Execution without trial is unconstitutional
What is National Socialism?

>Does nothing to stop the production
Nothing will. That's the problem. Throwing people away for looking at a crime that's already happened does nothing but drain Canadian tax payers even more.

>fourth failure
To make an omelette you have to break some eggs. I would rather have a small demographic of potential informants whose only crime is looking at pictures than dead men who tell no tales.

If I had it my way, we'd execute every prostitute, every drug user, every drug dealer, every pedophile, every mentally challenged person, and every non-European in my country.
But unfortunately hookers often snitch on pimps.
Users often snitch on dealers.
I think child porn consumers will snitch on producers. The people looking at the material, as disgusting as it is, it really is fucking disgusting, are not guilty of harming a child. The basis of prohibition is the idea that cutting off the supply will somehow decrease the demand, the opposite is true. With alcohol there were speakeasies, with drugs there are underground cartels and dealers on every corner.
Creating a black market product is as simple as banning it.

Fifth failure, you assume I tolerate National Socialists.

Of course, how could I be so foolish as to think an American knows anything.

this macro has been getting a lot of mileage lately

My get trumps your get therefore I'm correct.

You foolish fool, those who get got must PRAISE or else not get for until the day is dark and the crows come calling.

Hello mister pedo. Lets get a few things straight
1. Child pornography is not legal for the same reason drugs are illegal, and so decriminalising will not have the same affect.
Drugs remain illegal because the prevailing attitude that "drugs harm you, so nobody should be allowed to have them, even if they know the risks". In effect its true nanny state stuff, to protect you from yourselves sort of thing. In this the idea that the adult individual in incapable of making their own choices, and so decriminalising drugs is essentially rebuking this idea, and in doing so eliminates crime from drug trafficking. The drug is illegal for the consumption of it, not how it was made. This is not the same with child pornography. Child pornography is viewed as a sexualisation of a non sexual thing, who doesnt know what they are doing and what reasons they are doing for. In effect the child in child pornography is the victim, not society at large. Having child porn illegal means that no more children have to be sexualised and exploited. It is not the media itself that is the cause of it being illegal (unlike with drugs) but it is the fact that creating the media necessitates an exploitation of a child. The pornography is illegal because a child has to be exploited to make it. As such 40 year old child pornography is preferable to that made last week, even if there is far more CP out on the market, as it means that no children have been exploited recently. Decriminalising will have literally the opposite effect, making it entirely legal to exploit children and defeating the entire purpose of cracking down on pedophiles.

Also your point about monitoring and barring peeps from certain areas if they have anything to do with CP creates a massive legal crisis. In which doing things that are legal makes you banned from certain places and activities. Taking a massive dump on the idea of law.
Your attempt at rationalising your desires are lazy

Nothing to do with my "desires" everything to do with mine and my countrymen's tax dollar.
For every ONE producer which we have put away, we have put away 5-10 consumers. I have assisted in prosecuting over a dozen producers, so conservatively that is 80 consumers.
I do not like that our tax dollars are used to house, feed, and care for people who have done nothing intrinsically wrong beyond witnessing a crime which has already taken place.

Well your tax dollars can suck a dick. Decriminalising will make child exploitation legal, which is the sole purpose of anti CP laws. Not to mention the constitutional crisis you would have be barring law abiding citizens from doing certain things available to the rest of the public

I should mention that the average prisoner costs the Canadian tax payers 113,000 dollars. EACH ONE, PER YEAR.
Our social infrastructure is falling apart, our roads are shit. Our hospitals are under staffed, we piss away billions to feed niggers and the 5 year term for possessing child pornography is 113,000 x 80 x 5. Millions.

We're pissing money away like it grows on trees and I'm sick of it. I'd rather either increase the prison term and decrease the standards of living or arrest fewer people and pay less money. One of the two.

When it comes down to it, I think that deviants who have no reason to fear would work more readily with Law Enforcement to rat out actual producers. The people doing the actual damage.

How would decriminalizing the material that already exists make child exploitation legal? You can't unexploit the children who have already been damaged by retroactively arresting anyone whose caught looking at the end result.

Production MUST be illegal. The filth that already exists is already in a state controlled database anyway. The least the pedofucks can do is pay the state for access to material that already exists.

As for barring law abiding citizens.
If you committed an act which would put you on the sex offenders registry (by accident or on purpose, drunk or sober) and you followed the law and turned yourself in, surrendering yourself for the crime, you would be placed on that list all the same, and you can be a law abiding citizen for the rest of your life after the fact, you'll be branded for life.

I don't see why people shouldn't be accountable for who they are. If they are sick, and pedophilia is a sickness, then they should be registered.

It basically amounts to a drivers license and proof of insurance! You don't seem to understand, but what more can I expect from a convict's son.

Because decriminalising stuff that already exists creates a problem where people produce it illegally anyway and claim its from the 80's. De facto making it even more widespread and even harder to convict for, allowing more children to be exploited. Once again defeating the purpose of the law

I've never seen them up so close that thing looks like the fucking devil.

Sex offender registry is its own problem that needs to be fixed, but in this case it is because you have committed a crime and are being branded for it. If CP is legal then you have not committed a crime and are being branded for it.

Bodyslam a nazi! Don't worry, it's okay if they're racist!

>I have worked in conjunction with law enforcement
Honestly, I stopped there because you're a fucking rat.

Hey pol, woman here (i know, I know). How does pol feel about the rape of women/girls? Also post tor handbooks k??

I don't think you're understanding here... we know and have a database on I would say 99% of what actually exists (it's less than you think) the State monitors this as I've said and tries to track the downloads.

We KNOW what exists. Did you not read any of the other posts?

maybe white women want to vote for someone who keeps their people's interests at heart, not some anti-white monkey faggot who would support not giving her son a job for his skin color.

white women are smart.

also, liberals beat their women. John Lennon, dykes - just to name a couple off the top of my head.

Hi yes but you cant prove that you have all of it. And that proof is needed to convict, not just "yeah its probably recent". Thats how the law works. You would be unable to prove that it wasnt created in the past, and so have no case for conviction.

Bullets instead of rope.

We have a very good idea as the producers have all been caught and arrested, we can cross reference the individuals, the dates they were made, etc. Anything that exists outside of the database would be banned, I think you missed that part

Hey girl! What's up? Let's talk tampons and cycles! What does it take to keep up with a kardashian?
These guys are so eww..
I'm tots like um, no sweetie!

Only a fucking Leaf would try to find a way to be nicer to pedo non-humans

Fuck this leaf and sage, pedo goalpost movers get the gas and then ovens

You cant reference black market shit, because its black market. Its underground, distributed anonymously, often via the darknet and peer to peer networks and produced god knows where by god knows who. You are basically larping now. You have no case, as none of your laws either function cohesively or are airtight. Allowing more children to slip through the cracks, and your claim that "the government knows all the dudes" is on the same level as "my dad works at nintendo"

They are guilty of tolerating, encouraging and promoting a child being harmed, which is just as bad.

>53% of white women love their white men
Not bad after all they have been forced to absorb from high school to Hollywood to MSM.


In fact the white women that are still on the white mans side, are clearly of a superior character. Sometimes it is necessary to cull the herd to rid ourselves of the weak and mentally sick.


>I have worked in conjunction with law enforcement as a private contractor to crack into online pedophile rings
>closet pedo baby-fucker can indulge his fantasies and get paid

This has nothing to do with politics, you can't just say something "involves the law" therefore it has to do with politics.

It's like me creating a thread called "Should it be legal to walk naked in the street? Debate." and then say this belongs in Sup Forums because there's laws against walking naked in the street.

Sup Forums is not Sup Forums

thats not the problem. The problem is that hes a pedo trying to find a way to legalise CP. And of course as an added bonus he does it by being the eternal boomer "muh taxdollars" who'd sell his own mum for a taxbreak

Basically no one would submit themselves to such invasion of their privacy, or risk being put down for accidentally finding themselves at a park. The result of this would remain to be the current status quo: people do it in secret despite the risk of arrest, because the possibility of getting on trouble is still more appealing than the certainty of losing all of their privacy and potentially getting imprisoned or put down, anyway.
You're trying to reinvent the wheel.

We all know he's a pedo trying to legalize cp but what I said is obviously a problem because the only reason this thread should be able to get so many replies is because not enough people mentioned this has nothing to do with politics. There's a reason why he started by saying this has to do with politics, it's probably the most common way his daily cp thread gets shut down.

>Trudeau should be executed
Would love to see him swinging from the end of a crane or thrown off the tallest building.

>you're not following it to the ultimate conspirators:
LEAs. They get cheap results to showcase to the public, and increase their budgets/prison industry cronies. Nobody dares to complain.
>Lesson to be learnt:
cops are always race traitors who gleefully will murder you, shoot your dog of and burn alive your families of white women and children for no more reason than personal power and a comfortable pension.

>We all know he's a pedo trying to legalize cp
Hebe detected

stop being such an ozcuck. accusing any opponent of secretly harboring what he's criticizing is exactly the faggot tactic that fudgepacking cocksucking gaylords do.
>why such an asswipe?







kys newfag

saying "sick filth" every few words gets kinda noticeable after a while, and the shaky reasoning and frantic appeals to "muh tax dollars" arouses suspicion

okay, but that doesn't dilute his point


the shaky reasoning, really counterproductive alternatives and "muh tax dollars" does.


so what's your counterpoint - that it's okay with you to fatten police powers/budgets to bust pervs who DL pictures?
>typical eurocunt who will never understand Constitutional protection of personal rights

I want my tax dollars going towards
>Creating infrastructure.
>Creating industry
Canada still ships 100% of our oil to Texas to be refined and we buy it back at a net loss.
For the money we spend on people who have seen video evidence of a crime that's taken place we could build refineries right next to our oil fields in alberta and create jobs. I'd rather that than some autistic NEET rotting in prison for 5-10 years for being a socially awkward takeaseat.

>This has nothing to do with politics
Your low IQ is showing, Pedro. Now stfu.

Can you find the place in the Constitution where it says that the government does NOT have the right to search your computer without your consent for information?



>Trying to control the supply does NOTHING to limit the demand.
OK, but kiddie diddlers still belong in jail. Legalization will only embolden companies to produce the stuff. We've seen this with everything.

I don't think anyone thinks that making something illegal will make it stop. Should we legalize murder? People murder each other regardless.

>I can assure you with the fullest certainty that the vast VAST majority of materials circulating are up to decades old.
you just proved yourself wrong

I don't know at what point you came to the realization that I suggested in any way shape or form that legalizing "kiddy diddling" was a good idea.
I have said time and time again that the producers, that means THE KIDDY DIDDLERS should be executed without a trial. The by product of their crimes shouldn't then also put other people who may have found a 20 year old video of a person who has already been caught, I don't see how that creates more harm.

Like I've said. These people may even feel safer knowing there are no legal ramifications for viewing the material that they may report producers.

>Legality of a material/object does not mean people who are not previously interested in said material/object will then participate just because they can do it now without consequences.
I don't believe that's the case at all. Prohibition cured all sorts of problems related to alcohol.

>whoops wondered into a park after agreeing to have my 14th amendment rights waved
>whoops got caught with child porn after having my IP logged on a honeypot website and being monitored by a team of investigators for a few months
Hard choice for pedos, I'm sure.

>but kiddie diddlers still belong in jail
who said they didn't in this thread?
we're talking about harmless perv DLers in their basements and dens looking at pics, not anyone who has ever touched a kid.

what do you say about that, chickenhawk?

>"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,[a] against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.[2]"
And where is the internet mentioned?
>"persons, houses, papers, and effects"

>judicially sanctioned by probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation

>probable cause

Accessing regulated, decriminalized but not fully legal content which forces you to agree to such searches (like restaurants HAVE to agree to random health inspections) is not a violation of your 4th amendment rights when you willfully allow the search.

If you are a degenerate accessing the database I proposed, then there is probable cause to suspect you of dealing in things which are not sanctioned by the State and therefore illegal, I'm not a lawyer, but if people can randomly inspect and search a private property that sells food whenever they want, I'm sure we can randomly search people who avow themselves to be pedophiles.

I genuinely don't understand why this is hard for you to understand. I mean... I know you're American... but....

>Those found with material while NOT being monitored will be arrested and executed within 48 hours without appeals.
This should be happening already. But you can't just randomly accuse people and execute them. Judge Dread is a nice idea, but it's impractical in real life. We have due process for a reason.

>#1 It will create more jobs as people have to monitor and perform searches
It will also create more jobs in the porn industry.
>#2 I believe it will drastically reduce the rate of sex trafficking.
Yea, because that would have to be legalized in order for child porn to be created.
>#3 It will allow genuinely sick people to indulge in their activities without putting children at risk of harm
Yes, let's allow you sick fucks to run free. Great idea.

You're just a kiddie diddler trying to convince people that his sick fantasies aren't as disgusting as they really are.

Why are you wasting time shitposting when you could be out hunting pedos you twat? I suspect that you are actually a pedo yourself.

>And where is the internet mentioned?
Covered under "effects" I would guess as a non-lawyer. The "Internet" is just ones and zeroes. The images assembled on your PC that you DL aren't created by you, rather they they are displayed on your private property, the PC.
it's the exact same thing if I'm walking down the street and a cop asks what I have in my wallet.

>What is National Socialism?
If this were NatSoc America, you would be six feet under.

Why do leftists defend pedophilia?

>I suspect that you are actually a pedo yourself.
Yea, I can't believe I believed him for half a post.


right? by definition they can't be older than 17 years!
nigger thinks we're stupid...



The only fucking things children at that age should be educated on is fucking BUGS and DIRT and fucking ABCs you fucking idiots.

When they're old enough to ask questions themselves then you give them APPROPRIATE SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION THATS FUCKING IT

and No.

Production would still be illegal and I suggest the death penalty for people who produce those sorts of things.

As said this thread is talking about downloaders. People who sit in their basements because they're socially defective and look at pictures.

We're not talking about creating MORE child porn, did you not read or did you not understand? The stuff that ALREADY EXISTS NOT NEW STUFF. You're like the 3rd person in this thread to make this assumption. I thought my 4000 character original posts would have made that very clear.

>I suggest the death penalty for people who produce those sorts of things.
Then kill yourself.

Again. I have never once suggested that fucking a child was permissible or a good thing, I don't believe children can comprehend consent, I don't believe they should be sexually active or bothered with or molested or any such action that would cause psychological harm to said child. At no point have I said anything which would infer anything contrary to this. I do not support such behavior.

I spitballed an idea, that's all I did. Decriminalizing people who view the material after it's been produced. That is all. Regulating it. Putting them on a registry and making sure they don't hurt people.

Is there a way for me to block all American IPs? Your negroized and judaised race has long since bred away any European intelligence you might once have had.

I retract my previous statement by 50%. my autism was at full overdrive and I may have made assumptions. Lets put them all on vancouver island and they can have as much CP as they possibly want while they fight fucking bears and cougars and fuck eachother in the ass.

That's actually kind of sensible. Vancouver Island is full of hippies and hipster faggots.

tl;dr criminalizing possession of CP makes it easier for pedophile rings to silence people and prevent information about their crimes from spreading.

Imagine if you couldn't post photos of murder scenes or you'd get 15 years in prison. Doesn't matter if it shows Mr. Senator murdering someone, it's illegal and possessing it, let alone sharing it, means you go to jail. Mr. Senator can now use that, along with police at his beck and call, to keep people in prison who might have this kind of incriminating information on him. Apply that to CP, ensure that only Mr. Senator's police can handle the incriminating evidence, and that's the current state of affairs in the west.

And I very strongly believe it was deliberately done this way to help cover up criminal acts.

But decriminalizing CP possession won't go anywhere. It would be impossible to convince people the above holds true and that legalized possession would actually help end CP rather than spread it. I don't blame people - it sounds like a slimy trick in the first place, but the logic holds true: You can keep it a crime without making possession of the evidence of the crime illegal.

Mot things classified as CP are not even close to a video of a 5yo getting fucked. These materials are oftentimes so mild (erotic stuff, actually) that it seems to me the exploitation argument goes wrong even with them, It's somehow okay to dress your 7yo daughter as a rel hooker and send her to parctically do strip dancing at fullly legal natinal dancing competitions, but a nude photo in the shower is CP. In many countries, even drawings are considered CP and their possession entails imprisonment. No real children are being exploited in creating drawings, but in most of the EU and Russia, they have been banned and labelled CP as well.

This is even more ridiculous given the fact that videos of real violence are totally legal. Just think of it. A video of a child bayoneted to death? Meh, it's okay. A video of a child burnt alive? Meh, it's okay. A video of Anatoliy Slivko hanging and dismembering kids (he filmed everything)? Nothing special, you can possess it and distribute it freely. A video of a 20yo rubbing a 12yo cunt gently? Or just a nude photo of a 10yo? Holy fuck!!! The worst evil on earth! A zillion years in prison, a thousand death penalties! This literally makes no sense, guys. one has to be a madman to defend this lunacy,

Real murder of kids on video is legal to possess, while a drawing of a fictional character is not. Explain yourselves, pedofighters.

Why don't we just put those convicted on a prison island and study them?
And those who haven't been caught, (yet) or do not offend, give them the offer to participate in a program studying them, (while safeguarding their information). We can better establish links and see if there are any consistent differences between those who offend vs those who don't, and see if they're victims of abuse themselves continuing the cycle or just a selfish asshole. Honestly, why do we not study them more to understand why they are the way they are? Killing them doesn't stop the problem, identifying and attacking the root of the problem will.

Because... honestly, I don't particularly give a shit what people look at as long as it glorifies the best, idealistic traits of our race.
There are hundreds of paintings from the 1100-1500s that feature naked children, they're aesthetically perfect, like everything the great masters painted. So this glorifies a racial aesthetic. As long as people aren't looking at negros or asians. I genuinely don't care and I don't think they should be punished.

On top of that

Everything this user said.

No way. People get tired of even the best porn - they'll want fresh stuff. There's no, 'ok, this far, but no further' -- people always want to go further.

As an addendum, I have said it a hundred times now. I DO care that people produce it. The producers are the ones who need to be sent to camps to have chemicals tested on them until they die.

That's a fair point and I'll admit that the database thing was just me spitballing an idea. I still think that simple possession of it shouldn't be a crime. Just like Ivan here said.

Such enlightened stance will never find sympathy with the vast majority of stupid emotion-driven philistines. The media and politicians have been spreading a real moral panic targeting pedos for the last 40 years. The average person has grown up with this shit and absorbed it uncritically. We live in a world where people are so ignorant they believe caressing a 10yo's butt is worse for the child then murder or mutilation. And 'children' here include randy 16yo teens, who drink, smoke, and fuck habitually and actively jump on older guys cocks themselves.

Basically, it's the witch hunt of our day. And it is about as based on facts and reason as the witchhunt in the 16th century was.

Just stop being pedos you stupid fucks. Stop watching porn and stop bitching about it.

The irony being that 30 year old men were marrying 12 year old girls and they'd even get a few sheep out of it as a dowry back in the 16th century.

Up until 1929 it was legal to marry a 12yo in Austria. In 1885, the age of consent was 7 in Delaware and 10 in the rest of the US. Pedofighters true to their doctrines have to label their ancestors pedos worth a death sentence, Especially, given the fact that kids back then were truly kids at 10, whereas the kids of today become pubescent years earlier. Somehow, however, as the age of the onset of puberty has been decreasing, the age of consent has been only raised. What is it gonna be in the future? Age of consent set at 25 while kids de facto start fucking at 12?

This user has a really good point. How do you prove when black market movies or pictures were created? What proof do you even have that the materials you and your colleagues have are anywhere near the actual amount that exists? I see what your method is trying to accomplish, (focus resources on the manufacturers, and stop spending tons of money and manpower on going after people whose conviction does little to attack the more serious problems) but it does open the door to many problems other anons mentioned in the thread. You cannot have the state making money off of legal access to material that would otherwise be illegal and then put serious legal restrictions on people who use that government service. They actually haven't committed a crime in this scenario. The monitoring and random checks could fly if someone says it's equivalent to restrictions put on someome who uses a government welfare program, but the most you could maybe do at that point is not allow them access to it anymore, and you're then stuck with your original problem.

OC or not, excellent meme material

all it would take is one "tough on pedophiles" president to use the database to execute everyone who conveniently gave up all of their details
also there are certain (((alphabet agencies))) that are not above planting this stuff on people so it could be used maliciously right out of the gate