What political ideology was Bane? He gives the power back to the people and settles disputes in courts...

What political ideology was Bane? He gives the power back to the people and settles disputes in courts. Seems like an ancap to me.



hes's a big guy

for you

Lol, he was just a puppet. A Mercenary.

I think the important thing was how the public perceived him with all his talk of "liberation for the people" bullshit.

Anarchy obviously

he was a masketta man

Jewish. Controlled oposition. False flag to give Batman the right to infringe on your privacy and set up a surveilance state.

anarcho-collectivist which is the most based ideology in practice senpai.

i was anarcho-collectivist before trump and the jews attempt to stop him made me realize a period of national socialism was necessary first.

In all seriousness, his primary goal was to purge society of percieved decadence, mainly caused by capitalism/corporatism. He never sought actual political goals or anything, just wanted to fuck up corrupt highups.

Also, Batman is a dumb faggot for defending that societal order.

are you seriously samefagging?

>Gives power back to the people
>By locking them in their homes and patrolling the streets in tanks
>And threatening to nuke them at a moments notice



his true agenda was to completely destroy Gotham completely to avenge R'as Al Ghul so, naturally, he implemented ancom.

Wasn't that just the people who wanted the old Gotham back?

And they patrolled the streets to keep the military out. And the only tanks available were a few of batmans prototype things he drives.

We should implement ancom in Israel then.

Did you even watch the movie?

He explains in great and clear fucking detail that the ONLY reason he did any of that was to give the people of Gotham a false sense of hope PURELY to fuck with Batman himself.

His political ideology (as is often the political ideology of most of Batman's adversaries) is: "Fuck Batman, that cunt."

Now, you could go a bit meta with it and argue batman is a representation of individuality and its capacity to clean up corruption and that representation is what they're truly against, but his motivations meta or not don't rise much higher than that.

I was trying to watch it but some nigger baby kept crying and ruining the experience. There was some weird dude with orange hair that got up and told the baby to shut up or he would whip it like a nigger. All the chimps in the theater started niggering it up and trying to attack him. The guy pulled out a rifle and killed all the chimps like a chad zookeeper. Then I went back to watching the movie as he left. A bunch of gun grabbing liberals stopped the movie and I was like "my disappointment is immeasurable and my day has been ruined."

nihilist trying to be a lesser nihilist, aka commie

he's still a commie at heart