Buy my Personality Test

buy my Personality Test

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buy my self-authoring™ program

don't try to proof anything, athiest

>he didn't get it for free

You gotta sort yourself out bucko. It's like I always say - start where you can start. Wash your balls.
The cleanliness of your balls is an externalization of your mind.
And that's that, roughly speaking

clean your father

This guy no longer has any credibility whatsoever.

Tbqh we should've let his cuck university fire him.

postmodern lobster hierarchy

>tells you about how great Western Civilization is
>is obsessed with axiomatic presuppositions
>doesn't realize he implicitly maintains the axiomatic presupposition that Enlightenment Values and Whiteness are separable

the eternal boomer everyone

>he tries to make money off the thing he spends all his time on doing so he has no credibility anymore. He should do this all for free because his intellect is out property!


Yeah fuck boomers, Jews and women. They right and proper killed the west and it only took them 50 years.

>>tells you about how great Western Civilization is
Why do you need anyone to tell you that?
Also take the Varg pill


>capitalism lul

Clean my room

> Clean up your Room.
> Clean up your Local Community.
> Clean up your Nation State.


Clean up Fukushima

Define "buy"
Define "your"
Define "personality"
Define "test"
I wouldn't like to you to box me into some ideology.

God only knows how much money I make. I have a propensity to try and make as much as possible. Clean your room for a small fee.

He looks like a cuck
Sounds like a cuck
Yet Sup Forums thinks he’s the second coming,

What is this personality test supposed to do?

What's wrong with Fukushima?

They make some really good nihonshuu.

cleanse your soul
cleanse your room
cleanse your clay

To unfuck your shit up

Pol is full of the Donald cucks in need of someone to tell them what to think

I did. I found out I'm in 1th percentile for politeness, which is a shock. I say please, ma'am, thank you, hold doors for people. Mostly the test is measuring how honest you are with yourself. Most people are ruder than me, but they don't admit it. Same thing with compassion, where I scored extremely low. Most people tell themselves they're mother theresea, while I admit I don't shed a tear when I hear 30 people died in Pakistan.

submit to jews

Makes sense. It's like those idiot libshits who claim that everything is a social construct. I mean sure, suffocation might be a social construct. Doesn't mean you don't die though.