Why are feminists so resentful against the West?

Why are feminists so resentful against the West?

They're paid actors. Antif is almost all actors. Most of the salt right is too. The media is gaslighting everyone

I know some tumblerinas personally. They definitely exist.

They hate the West because Western society values beautiful women and treats them the best (they don’t have to work they’ll be pampered by men). But feminists aren’t beautiful, they’re usually borderline dykes and their ugliness and low estrogen makes them incompatiable with the west so they seek to destroy it

Because being an activist is an easy career with no real work or skill involved.

Because they are unfucked virgins.

If I was a younger man I'd pound all those blue haired maidens. Wish they'd have existed before my prostate troubles :(

OPs pic is so disgusting im just going to post this and leave the thread

Come on dude, be realistic. Even that whale in the OP gets fucked. If you have a vagina you'll be able to find someone willing to stick it in. Maybe not Chris Hemsworth but stil.


Because they feel that they are not part of the Wests future: inferiority complex.

>Why are feminists so resentful against the West?

Good question. We're the only civilization to grant them rights and equality. I guess they must hate that. Isn't gratitude the secret ingredient to happiness?


>They hate the West because Western society values beautiful women and treats them the best

But this is true of every society, yet we don't see the Tumblrinas raging against Russia or China or Brazil.

Because Feminism was designed by jews specifically to dismantle the West and install Communism.

>activist is an easy career

Careers have paychecks. Most activists look homeless.

Do you feed them like the beta you are?


It's weird because the average burka wearing muslim broad isn't resentful against her oppressors. Fuck, some actively shill for other women to be oppressed as well.

Thats the problem, the only men wanting to fuck them are nowhere near as attractive as Chris Hemsworth. They’ve always been told they deserve a tall, dark and handsome guy with a six pack and more money than Bill Gates regardless of what they do. And they become such babies whenever they’re rejected by the guys they’ve been told they will get and deserve.

They're all, in effect, screaming "fuck you dad!".

Haha that fat slob is crazy. Look at her stupid face.

What kind of retarded question ist that? Do you think I make propeller noises trying to shove spoons with lard into their mouth?

because we allow them

No qt bf.

Western Civilization hasn't given them the reality-warping superpowers they think they deserve, so western civilization must be destroyed and replaced with something that will.

> nothing will
> so they will replace western civilization with nothing

Because they are part of cultural marxism and the real goal of cultural marxism is to destroy western societies.
If you look up the main ideologists of feminism, they are usually Jewish and marxist.