Anarchists will kick your fat far-right asses

Anarchists will kick your fat far-right asses

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Heather Heyer certainly proved that.



Didnt' this like JUST happen to you guys

>no guns

Sure you will, sweetheart.

If we need the guns we have it

You larping fags.

If you tried your tactics in the US you'd be dead. Your thuggery only works in other countries filled with cucks. Come down my street... you'd make it a few houses in.


You'll overdose on heroin before we ever meet in combat.

Look how scared they are

literary dumbest thing in existence

>"anarchists" threaten to punch me because they think I'm a Nazi
>tfw they don't realise that I'm looking forward to it because I love a good scrap

You can't threaten me with something that I want

>disorganized, loud, easily fatigued, no trigger discipline or weapons maintenance skill
Yeah, I'm shaking real hard in my prepared firing position flanked with intersecting gunnery lanes with people skilled in everything from gunsmithing to combat first-aid.

Fucking kids would be dead in a month without Faceburg alone.

This picture motivates me to exercise.

>1 beaner vet and 1 numale with a ras47
wow, is this the power of antifa?

fatties with airsoft guns
>muslims AND jews
lol there's no way that isn't intentional

Those are greek anarchists. They're primarily sports hooligans that also chimp out at protests and sometimes take over schools and unis.
They got nothing to do with the emasulated, weak, sheltered soyboys you call 'anarchists' in the US.

Calling me fat, I think those anarcho markos are the fat ones who don't know anything about life.

Today I am doing, 100 chest, 100 bicep, 100 ham, 100 trap (no homo), 100 flute, 100 abs, 1 hour cardio. I start heavy with weights and go down as my sets progress if fail. I do 1 hour cross trainer and I would do 2 if it wasn’t that I want to keep my energy for other things, I do this kind of workout and with all muscle groups 6 times a week. You antifa punks look like the wind would knock you over. You will fail because you don’t have the determination of nationalism. You do not feel the hate we have for you, and I can tell looking at your videos and pictures that you are all scared low-t soyboys who have no discipline and couldn’t handle pain. My weeks are pain, sweat and discipline. What do you do except smoke weed all day and day dream of your silly dystopia for the weak? Hail victory, white power.

Flute’ I mean glute’ fucking auto correction

I also do 100 abs straight holding 10 kilo disc, you couldn’t lift a fucking shopping bag you punks look so brittle

But at the same time we beat the Nazis in Charlottesville, they fled and started crying like little children, asking the police to help them not to be beaten by "evil leftists."
I often notice that the police are protecting the far-rights from anarchists.



Typical typical, all mouth and cowardly tactics such as using improv flame throwers. Do you realise that the police and army could step in at any moment and wipe you out if you provoke them and the public enough with your childish suburban angst? Now fuck off little boy and take your soylent green.

if they didnt protect them it would mean the fash vs antifa struggle would kick off into a new gear. Leading to a rise in right wing paramilitary groups, as the state has proven unable or unwilling to do its job.

I punched an anarchist girl in Charlottesville

Their goal is the same. They want to facilitate the process of Greeks becoming a minority in their own country. Maybe they're mostly too stupid to know that but that's what they're fighting for.

>state backed thugs

Pick only one.

You guys cried on the internet about our guys beating you up and then got the cops to arrest us. We fought against Antifa AND the riot police at the same time.

Pic related one of your boys got knocked unconscious and started snorring

>Anarchists will kick your fat far-right asses.

Dat sweet feels of a bullet in the guts...

Anarchists can suck my big, fat, capitalist norwegian dick

We are against the state
We are against fascism
If we're beating the fascists, this does not mean that we are for the state.

Hows it feel knowing BLM even hates your asses. BTW GG In Arizona lots of ANTIFA skulls cracked that day. You're time is coming, boy.

Nothing would have happened. We would have long ago destroy the fascists scum, but they are under the protection of the state.


Why do we get arrested for beating you up or killing you then?

That's funny cuz Norway is a socially-oriented state.

Because most of them are for reason and not chaos. Unlike you, we have families whose futures we care for. We would rather die than see our children harmed by you faggots. You are like a wild dog and nobody likes those, especially not the establishment or nationalists. We are for strength, preserving virtue and tradition. We have honour.

No. Because the whole fact that most of the right doesnt start paramilitary groups is because they feel like the state will do its job and that they will be safe. "Smashing the fash" would just convince a lot of undecided righties that the state has failed and that political violence is now an ok thing to do. So paramilitary groups. Eventually with guns. The uneasy peace brokered by liberal democracy will give way like it did in germany in the interwar years. Convincing people to militarise

You just fat-shamed you hypocrite!

Based manlet


If you had a job and a rifle I’d take you seriously.

You crowd up like that, and you
anarchist faggots are all getting
plugged by my 12 gauge, please
PLEASE line up like that, it would
be hilarious

What are you talking about? We beat you everywhere, you are afraid of us.

Sweetie, please you are not a true anarchist

Ummm no... WE destroyed facism while you we're crying and holding up your hands for the SS while they demolished your poor little town, freedom fighters my ass. The dam Polish put up more of a fight and they still used FUCKING HORSES. Face it, you're a bigger joke then Hillary Clinton.

some day motherfucker

>that gimp mask
When you wanna be a revolutionary but all you have lying around is fetish gear.

I want to see YOUR arms. Stop substitutions someone’s ability for your own, nigger lover.

Maybe if you get a job you can afford one, just be sure to save up money, taking advantage of the fact that you don’t have to pay rent while living with Mom.

>Says the guys that wear masks, hoodies and shades while pepper spraying young women and beating up old people.

LMAO Shit I've seen city kids with more guns then that.

Anarchists would not like a world without police to protect them. :)


>Right wing = less government
>Anarchists want no government
Kek mate, you're your own worst enemy

I work and have a rifle. I'm not against weapons. I am against the police, the state and fascism. Fascism is not cool. I am for direct democracy and the robotization of production.

more afraid of the state than street violence. State can lock you up for years

>Dat long barrel revolver


the improperly fitted plate carriers suggest you guys have no idea what y'all are doing

What will prevent me from killing off niggers and their apologists if there’s no state?

Are you implying a bunch of broke niggers and poor soyboys are going to have the means to defend themselves?

Then why are anarchist/antifa sponsored by governments across Europe? No Gods, no masters but always police coordination to keep your hooligans out of jail. You wear masks to hide the brown noses on your boot-licking faces. The Man pays you, because you are no threat to the system. A mob of fools useful for dispersing people who want to break the status quo.

Remember to wear proper footwear if you when surfboarding on antifaggots

whats next you gonna tell us your commie star trek fan fics?


Skynet talks.

Let’s see pics of your load out.




I do not know what kind of funding you're talking about. I do not get money from anyone, I'm doing it on enthusiasm.

Who would give a job to anyone that looks like that. I see people like that and I think to myself, “Wow, your life has been plagued by bad decisions.”

I wonder why they intentionally try to make themselves look like freaks.


Top kek
Tear gas sniper


Anarchists are far right, retard, sage

>I am against the police

But, without police you would get your asses kicked instantly.



I just hope they kill eachother off

>direct democracy

Do you live in CA? I hope so. Maybe you can help us Californians use direct democracy to get rid of the gas tax. Some people are out collecting signatures to place it in the 2018, direct democracy in action.


>Struggles to lift the chair
>Too fatigued to even hold his sign properly
>5'8 at most
Lmao Antifags

HI Oliver!
The CTR/Shareblue Shills and Payments:

>God is Dead.

Another catalanfag down.

goddamn that looks painful

We love our marksman, don’t we folks?

We are against the police, since it is needed to protect the state from people. We are for the people's self-defense without the police

>I work and have a rifle.


Kek'd and checked

Everyday We Stray Further From God's Light

>anarchist promoting democracy
What if they don't agree with you? What happens then?

Anarchists are simply props used by authoritarians to pass unpopular laws.

>Dat feeling when you know some PETA Cuck is gonna find this picture and campaign for this little girl to pay for her animal killing ways.

I think this about sums up how retarded you are.

German Police is looking for info on G20 rioters. Pic related is one of them


when exactly did it become 'okay' to be a commie in the US?
>behind every blade of grass you see a rayyciss, a fascist, a NAZI, etc... you will get your asses properly whooped just for being the idiots you are
>you can pull of your childish stunts in the city, but whoa unto you if you try it in the sticks

>From Right-to-Left: "I'm going to do something to piss off these fascist pigs..." "SWEEET CAROOOLINEEEE..."

OP, why do you guys make yourselves look this way?

See:Do you have to make yourself look like a freak to get into the club or something?

These are what normies look like in the South. Makes me proud.

I'm guessing this is from the tornadoes several years ago. I remember there was a convoy of pickup trucks and good old boys with chainsaws going around and clearing roads and driveways. Even total strangers were teaming up to take care of their neighbors. No looting or anything. Even if there had been looting, everyone had a gun in his truck.

Today, I actually think anarcho-capitalism can work, but only if everyone's a redneck.

if you're against fascism then kill yourself, that's one less left wing fascist for us to deal with