Pol, post absolute proof that Nazism was a right wing ideology in this thread

pol, post absolute proof that Nazism was a right wing ideology in this thread

>why even be a right wing if it wasnt ?


I don't like the left-right dichotomy, but it basically has been historically considered right wing socialism.

I mean if it happened today this could be proof... but not back then

yes, but is there any solid proof of it ?


This distinction is a burger thing.

Wrong, dummy. It's a French thing.
Using the traditional "left = movement, right = order" meanings, I would say NatSoc Germany lines up closer with order than movement.
I guess if you disagree I would ask you to define your terms. What do you mean my left or right wing?

Nazis where left

this is kind of interesting at the beginning but doesnt provide any facts to back it up

fuck off

>Using the traditional "left = movement, right = order" meanings, I would say NatSoc Germany lines up closer with order than movement.
this makes sense

I tend to define left as more government and right as less government, in which case NatSoc would be left.

but that is a simplistic and inaccurate definition:
Generally, the left-wing is characterized by an emphasis on "ideas such as freedom, equality, fraternity, rights, progress, reform and internationalism", while the right-wing is characterized by an emphasis on "notions such as authority, hierarchy, order, duty, tradition, reaction and nationalism".[15]

less goverment is a modern ideology for the right, it was not started until the golden eras of the US

Ergo Anarcho-Capitalism is the farthest right leaning ideology and the goal of Communism (abolition of the state) is right wing?

that's your thread then, isn't it ?

>no state

I'm just saying that your definition seems to imply that the AnComs in revolutionary Catalonia were right wing.

what is a ancom? and what is revolutionary catalunya? do you mean, separatist catalunya from the present ?

Although I guess more accurately it was alliances of anarchists, communists, and syndicalists. I was referring to the Spanish Civil War.

oh okay
I mean, the civil war was more like a survival type of thing then a ideological thing, but yeah, they were in majority anarquists, spain has one of the strongest and better developed anarquist community, its so strong tha they earned the right to occupy houses that have no apparent owner etc, the movement is very alive


It was a bizarre hybrid of Left and Right wing philosophy, it had to be because it was created out of a democracy. It's hard to say what would have come of it if there hadn't been so many powerful countries so opposed to it. Or if someone more competent than Hitler had risen to power, though I doubt any reactionary government in Europe would have been allowed to survive by the Anglos for long regardless.

I think it's the wrong idea personally, both because of how incredibly unpopular it is now, and because its results, while initially promising, seemed like they were prone to very dumb decision-making by the leaders.

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thank you, this is good