Name a better Pope, spoiler you cant

Name a better Pope, spoiler you cant

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Done. Close though.

nice choice



But... Urban II...



he supported Islam. he was kike-tier



and yet, while he lived war on terror was no nonexistent, muslims were out of europe and everything was really good

>Longest ruling Pope in history
>Patrician look
>Absolute chad
>"Non Expedit" aka Democracy is degenerate
>Last Pope who literally fought a war
>Declared himself infallible
>Hardcore reactionary
>Segregated Jews in Rome and forbid them to leave their ghetto
>Name patron of Pius-Brotherhood

Why can't you just accept Pius IX. was the greatest Pope in modern history?

I concur. Three brands of Christian versus The Evil Empire and they won without firing a shot.

I would put this one

Benedict XV



Popes are satanic prophets. Fuck popes.

>forgives his failed assassin

He'll be the last great pope to ever live.

Ratzinger was the best Pope in recent times.

You're too ignorant to understand why.

He was intellectually and theologically flawless, he was removed as part of Jesuit/Globalist maneuver the Church took.

>tfw shook his hand when I was a kid
feels gr8 having touched an historic figure

he was german and been in Hitlerjugend
bad past no popeworthy

I can't

And jp2 was pedophile.



protestant scum detected


Hitlerjugend was obligatory at the time he was in.

Him going through that experience, and the disaster the Germans, his own Volk have been through, gives weight to his opinions and faith.

He was simply uncomprimising and very shrewd, conservative and a brilliant student of faith.


The best Pope is always the Pope who reigns.

Sanctioned by Christ, now and forever.

>Crtl F
>no St. Peter, the only Jesus-approved pope.
ITT: """""""Catholics""""""""

Not a single Pope was approved by Jesus.

The institution of Pope is heretical and goes strictly against Ecumenical Councils and principles of Christianity.

Adding Dogmas well into the 20th century.

Matthew 16:18 my kebab friend

inb4 all the polish people swarm this thread with a meme they never explaint hat isnt funny

Are you retarded?

What does that have to do with creating the Bishopry of Rome and elevating the Bishop of Rome to the level of an infallible absolute religious authority appointed by God, yet elected by high priests from a rigid hierarchy?

Yes, you are retarded, you're flying the Catalonia flag.

If you had any knowledge you would know that eparchies were instituted because of Hellenisation of Christianity - each Polis had its own religious community.

Only correct answer.

t. prod cuck

Based Pols

Pius X was the best pope of modern times, Pius XII was the last good pope

Emperor Hirohito and Pope discussed about peace of the world in 1981

Fuck off kike!

Stop spreading jewish propaganda!

The pope is only SOMETIMES infallible, you fucking retard!



once you get it ,its pretty funny

>Ratzinger was the best Pope in recent times.

He gave up in the end though. And now he is still issuing commentaries.

>bad past no popeworthy

That's an even worse understanding of Catholicism than Francis has.

Obvious choice