
How would you have rewritten the GER fight if you didn't enjoy it?

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No GER, just the gang winning by exploiting KC's weakness.

what weakness?

Jojo is bad anyway

Polnareff was able to come up with a solution to fight KC after just 1 fight. Wish it was like a Battle Tendency fight where even though the main cast is severely underpowered compared to KC, they actually used their MINDS to fight them. Like what Josuke did in part 4, no OP bullshit. Would also allow giorno to be brought back in part 6 to fight Pucci dince he doesnt have the "I win" stand.

all he come up with is basically GER

What are you talking about? I'm referring to when he used his blood to know when time was erased and move immediately. If Polnareff wasn't as injured as he was, he probably could have put up a better fight. That makes me wonder too, what happened to Polnareff's body, because if it is still there couldn't Josuke fix it? And since the soul of polnareff was still around they could maybe transfer souls to have polnareff back in his body, but the universe got reset before any of that happened.

Fugo coming back

blood trick didnt help him at all, all it did was inform polnareff kc is activated and hes going to die soon

He was able to dodge and slice Diavolo, Diavolo himself said that if he had gotten closer he would have been seriously injured. Only reason it didn't work again was because Diavolo already spotted the trick and they both were falling in the air (If I recall correctly)

Diavolo's ability is already broken as fuck anyway.
Could probably beat other jojo time benders e.g: Dio, Jotaro, Kira, Pucci, etc.

I think Dio beats Diavolo pretty safely. Dio gets The World off and he kills Diavolo, but unless there are spikes he can't kill Dio during KC time, and I doubt he can kill Dio afterwards before he stops time as even with a surprise attack straight into the head Polnareff still barely couldn't kill him.
Jotaro has a harder time being much easier to kill than Dio, I think this one is whoever gets their stand ability off first: Jotaro gets it off he kills him in stopped time, he's just a normal human afterall, Diavolo gets it off and Jotaro suffers the same fate as Abacchio unless he does something like the blood trick or otherwise gets off a time stop nearly instantly after KC ends.
Kira likely just gets obliterated, Bites the Dust is of no use here, and with KC I don't see how he could get a chance to blow Diavolo up
Pucci beats Diavlo easily I reckon; he's still gonna be going fast as fuck in KC time so what can Diavlo do

Posting superior ZA WARUDO.

maybe if Jotaro wasnt a lazy shit and actually trained star platinum he'd be able to stand against people in fights

Pucci can shorten his time skip like he did with Jotaro right? Besides, KC is for setting up ambushes and getting a positional advantage, both of which are hard to do against sanic priest.

Also BtD is used to avoid conflict altogether so it's not really fair to judge it as a combat ability.

With Dio and Jotaro it kinda depends if Diavolo can see what happens with Epitaph during their time stops. If he can, he just erases that time (Since Dio has 9 seconds at best and KC can erase up to 10) and Dio is completely confused, during the time KC can do something to kill him (As chopping Dio up into little pieces would work as it did with that one vampire Dio killed in his mansion). If Diavolo can't see that time with Epitaph. Diavolo will see the time when he "dies" during time stop and he only has to erase that portion. Which would result in both Dio and Diavolo confused as Dio thought he attacked Diavolo, but he is fine and Diavolo wondering how he "died" without seeing a reasonable cause. The winner in that scenario is the person who could figure the other out first. Same goes for Jotaro, except reduce the 9ish seconds Dio gets to only 5. For Pucci, all Diavolo has to do is find out where Pucci will be using Epitaph and since he is ordained to be there, deliver a fatal chop at the right moment to catch Pucci. Kinda ironic that Pucci be defeated by "gravity". This is all just speculation however as it depends on who can use their abilities more efficiently

Now that I look back on JJBA, all the main JoJos with stands had time powers similar to their main antagonist.
Jotaro and Dio can stop time
Josuke can reverse the state in time of an object, which would simulate healing, and Kira can reverse time and hour
Diavolo can erase the cause leaving only the effect and Giorno can erase the effect leaving only the cause (i.e. Giorno kills Diavolo, Diavolo dies. Erasing Diavolo dies would just leave Diavolo being killed over and over again never reaching the effect of a dead Diavolo)
Jolyne and Pucci don't really share the same time ability
Johnny can Valentine can both cross dimensions with their abilities, with the Infinite Rotation being able to pass through Love Train and Valentine's body-switching technique
Too early in part 8 to tell, but maybe Gappy will be able to plunder events from time similar to Diavolo?

>Josuke can reverse the state in time of an object

thats grabbing at straws a little

nigga punches shit then unpunches shit into the shape he wants it to be

perfect example would be the highway star chase -
he can break the bike down and turn it back to its original
but he's also able to break down the wall in the dock and create a new wall from that wall - a wall that was never in any timeline ever there

He's reversing the state of the broken pavement, but putting it in a new place. It would be like breaking and uprooting a mailbox to fix it and turn it sideways

He was breaking the ground and then repairing the broken bits into one big chunk separate from the ground. That said he does have some control over the shape of the repairs like with the guy's face.

yeah, but thats not controlling the "state in time" of the object

controlling the "state in time" would put the wall back together as a wall, on the wall (trapping highway inside the wall)

josuke created a completely new wall, with different dimensions and a different shape/state to its original