Requesting some soft red pills

I sent pic related to my mom and she agreed that there is something wrong with the fact that europeans cant take pride in the homeland or heitage without being outed as a nazi. She is a center leftist, so i need some easy pills for her to swallow before i turn her 14/88. Any help will be appreciated

Other urls found in this thread:


and that right there is why we will lose.

All "pills" are bullshit meant to control potential dissidents by distracting them and offering a sense of novelty/reward at being clever enough to comprehend it/be in on the secret— A memetic Skinner box that spreads propaganda and disinformation as a fun bonus. The only way to break the cycle of bullshit is to observe and dissect yourself and the world around you with honesty but without bias, judgement, or preconceptions.

Are your thoughts really your own? Observe. If this information is so sensitive or unknown, why is it so prevalent and easily available? Observe. Are you responding after careful consideration or are you reacting on impulse/instinct? Observe. What's the source of your thoughts? Observe. Are you acting of your own will or are you mindlessly being manipulated? Observe. Why does this post unsettle you so much? Observe. Are you really observing, or are you pretending to so you can continue to live in delusion/illusion without having to consciously face that you don't want the truth? Observe the observer.

If you want to break free it starts with one single step: Observe.

You'll thank me later for how clever I am. :)

>think for yourselves guys this redpills are bullshit
>clever i am
goddam desert monkey this is really cringe i hope its copypasta

you dont need permission
you do it, and the traitors have to go
that is what we must do


Is this too soft?


Your mom is not centre-leftist.

The nose



>Can be used to call out black hypocrisy

>When someone says there isnt a Islamic terrorism problem.


>Why you shouldnt mix.


















>1 post by this id


No one is denying bottom right other than young liberal members of the bottom right. To preserve 1488, you have to kill some 1488 first.


91.4% of middle eastern refugees are on food stamps






















Why civic nationalism will never work.


Nice copy pasta; saw it last week.

















they say diversity is good and then one of their ranks like anthony bourdain will travel to germany and tell them whites have to mix to become a middle tan color to solve racism.

so basically he's saying without realizing it that white people have to become brown in order to solve racism from brown people against whites.

the level of unawareness from the left is staggering.

God damn.

This one hits home.




That is a shitty infograph. No y-axis label? No source for data? Try again sweetie.

>Sup Forums in a nutshell


"If white people are so evil then why is everyone clamoring to get into our countries"


>requesting soft redpills

The US was a proud ANGLO nation and steps should must be taken to revive the old Anglo culture in the US if it wants to survive.

>mfw Utah is still majority Anglo
>mfw Northern California, of all places, has the highest concentration of English Americans in the country
>mfw its the most conservative part of the state

I'm not white but I consider myself a conservationist, the US MUST bring up the birth rates of Anglo Americans in order to restore its original demographics


>redpill someone on that there is a white genocide
>"user, who would want to do that? Why are they in control?"

Holy shit.

Is this phenomenon happening because more women are career focused instead of family focused now?

And stupid people's irresponsible actions are subsidized by generous welfare handouts.