It's been 4 days and nothing has happened

It's been 4 days and nothing has happened.

Other urls found in this thread:


Keep doing this, please. Keep doing it when midterms arrive and we're still here.

Twitter is now just openly admitting censorship.

wait until you get your next internet bill..

>they think they are going to tell us when they do something

That was happening even with NN.

It takes time dumbshit. Now they have to deal with all of the lawsuits against them, and get Congress to pass it. Then you'll be fucked in the ass without lube by your ISP.

It's going to look like 2014 soon, just wait.

>starts charging different rates for bits
we've hit max jew
just 9/11 the whole country and put us out of our misery

the only difference is that your internet is now regulated. that includes everything you say


How much time give me a amount of days/months and your logic why?

I'm so scared, Mickey. Just petrified.

Ashit pie just cucked the the whole of burgerlands internet. No more porn for you neckbeard army.


My modem light flickered.

Fuck this guy

they're on to you, you gotta start paying your Sup Forums tax.

You won't notice for a few years, and most effects will be commercial and not consumer side. The tech giants who run the biggest websites will do the fighting, well after everyone's gold fish attention span forgets about net neutrality.

Based Ajit is a great troll

yeah getting jewed is a great troll

Is this you?

who the fuck is this guy?
why has he such a punchable face?
and why should I care?

I gotta admit, I'm quite amused with this constantly smug face of his. It's slightly different to Trump's, but it still screams of "Yeah, you're all threatening to kill me and my family, you're all mass disliking this video and my other one, what of it? Do what you must, I've already won."

Don't worry Conservacuck, something will happen and you'll get your wet dream of paying more for things you really shouldn't have to.

Ajit Pai, chairman of the FCC. He recently repealed net neutrality laws and Reddit has been throwing a collective shitfit, fearmongering and all, for the past week.
Because he's a poo in loo.
As a Norwegian, you shouldn't care in the slightest.

>Sup Forums collectively sucking some shitskin's dick in hopes of a lower cost per bit for Sup Forums
hope it works out lads

he has got that whole immigration thing to worry about anyway

it hasn't even passed into law yet. it takes at least 60 days from the final text being written into law for it to even start.

and that's even if it passes the hurdles of lawsuits and attempts to revert it.

Regulations don't go into effect until early January.

serious question:
how can the US claim to be a democracy, if 3 people can decide against the will of the vast majority of it's population? how can you end up in this situation?

>As a Norwegian, you shouldn't care in the slightest.
Any American sites you use will either have more aggressive advertising (selling your data, mining bitcoins in-browser) or have higher subscription rates.

>Reddit has been throwing a collective shitfit
Maybe we should send them some Kool-Aid as a peace offering.

its sad because when it will actually happen you wont be able to post about here

>decide against the will of the vast majority of it's population?
How do you know it's the vast majority?
There was no vote.
I didn't say anything because I agreed with it.
Leftist are always the loudest whether their opinion is the majority or not.

Constitutional Republic

It's been 4 days since the day everybody claimed would be "the end of the internet". So far nothing has happened, and I will keep posting this thread every day until something happens or I die.

The United States is not a democracy

why do you agree with it?

because everyone in the u.s. is either fat, uncivilized, mentally deranged and uneducated despite being in college debt.

americans really are trash people.

Just like when we were gonna RUN OUT OF INTERNET? Who am l kidding, nobody here remembers the great internet crunch of 2012


My US/DS light has been blinking since midnight that day.
Websites take longer to load.
Places I go normally '404' for no reason.

I'm aware enough to know what's going on.
It's death by degrees.

Minority report is not real.

>an-cap flag
>pro govn't backed monopoly franchises
the state of Sup Forums

You're like an Afghan retard saying "See! It's been three days since 9/11 and nossing get happen! Dey full of sheet!" You're acting pretty damned scared.

>agree with it
meaning I agree with the retraction of NN
The internet thrived before Obama and his team at FCC grabbed more power over the internet by enacting NN.
It will thrive just as well without the unnecessary intervention of government regulations.
>pre 1996 little to no regulation
>1996 assigned to Title I (private companies - standard interstate commerce laws apply)
>2015 assigned to Title II (treated as a utility requiring government approval to operate)
>2017 assigned back to Title I (private companies governed by interstate commerce laws)

For the WHOLE story, read pic related.

The Title Tells The Tale:
Fairness Doctrine (wasn't about fairness, it was about control)
Affordable Care Act (isn't affordable and he didn't care - it's about control)
Planned Parenthood (isn't about parenting - it's about abortion)
Progressivism (isn't about progress - it's socialism)
Antifa (isn't anti-fascist, it's members are fascist)
Patriot Act (isn't about patriotism, it's about spying)
Net Neutrality (wasn't about neutrality - it's about control)

Bill Clinton signed the 1996 Telecommunications Act placing the ISPs under Title I.
(a private entity under some but limited government control)

Obama asked for and got NN so the government (he) could exercise more control over internet content.
This placed ISPs under Title II of the 1996 Telecommunications Act.
(public utilities Licensed By The Government and under more strict control)
On his way out (Dec 24th, 2016) he signed into law an act which provides the means to close down an ISP at the will of the state.
(search for "propaganda act of 2016" sadly, the search engines know what you're looking for)
The law is set to expire on December 24th, 2024. He expected Hillary to have use of it and she and her minions could decide whether to renew it or not depending on the political outlook when the next election was due.

Repeal on Net Neutrality placed ISPs back under Title I control - private companies that still have to follow government regulations for interstate commerce.

Sup Forums told me that there would be more freedom and youtube/twitter would stop banning people..

Why has this not happened yet?

It's nothing that will under a night. It's a process that will take maybe 10 years and will affect certain regions harder.

But sure keep memeing for those "epik liberal tears XD"

Who knows. The law is a strange beast.

It's the loudmouths who get listened to. You don't say anything, you don't exist.

Good fucking thing America isn't a democracy, you retarded faggot. Thank fuck it's not a democracy or the bill would never have been repealed. Democracy worshiping losers are so retarded they don't even understand why this is a good thing.

>hates woke people

this will never happen

you would need to start a dispute going through the FTC
there are too many lolbertarians to enforce private websites not being douchebags as of today


>The laws were changed back to the way they were from 1996-2014.
>Somehow this means the internet is destroyed.

You people are retarded.

It's days like these that I love being European.

No it's not, it's laid out in plain English for all to read. Stop making excuses for your ignorance.

it's not going to happen overnight you stupid nigger shill

You stupid goy. All of your websites have been taken over. If you were 1337 with netstat you would know that this site isn't on the official internet anymore. You've been duped and soon the gulag is coming.

Literally the same argument as doomsday cultist and climate alarmist.

>It's the loudmouths who get listened to
Then why did he/they repeal it when the loudmouths wanted to keep it?
I knew he would repeal it. He didn't need me to tell him I was for repealing it.

Google ACTIVELY SELLS YOUR DATA and has been for years and you're complaining about ISP's doing the same thing?

personal army doesn't change law? Why? We are legion!


net neutrality has nothing to do with abusive administrators. Twitter always could do what they wanted and they did.

furthermore, even if net neutrality allowed them to be more abusive now, they would never want to show it

do tards really still think NN was about censorship?

Wew murrica... enjoy the freedom for ISPs to charge you whatever the fuck they feel like for any reason at all in the future
>inb4 muh bill hasn't changed yet so yeah fuck Obama we're free of NN thanks to based Pai

this truly confuses and amuses me in equal measures

Go back to plebbit.

Actually I think it turned out great for the rest of us
I just find it hilarious how easily the amerimongs fell for the shilling on this one... truly inspirational way to fuck yourselves over voluntarily

everyone got shilled

net neutrality sheep literally walked the streets fighting for netflix to save some shekels



>Netflix got BTFO
yes I agree that is funny... every cloud has a silver lining, Zuckerberg will also get raped by the ISPs and that also makes me smile but overall it was a pretty dumb move for the average consumer

Reddit BTFO?

Your queen

Everyone who says that Sup Forums will be blocked in the US or that the prices will be much too exorbitant is either a fearmongering shitposter or a European's pipe dream that will never come to be. There. There's my argument, britmutt.

>you're already getting jewed, just get jewed some more
please kill yourself my friend

Blocking is irrelevent, this was always about control of the infrastructure and getting the public to pay for the overdue upgrades while locking them into a monopoly situation

yes some websites will be affected, but it's unlikely that Sup Forums would be targeted in the same way as Netflix or FB because Sup Forums hardly makes any money, from now on the ISPs will now get to decide which online services will be successful based on thier new pricing structures (or how much they pay them to keep data costs down for the customer).
I know they'll always find a way to fuck you over but this just seems so blatent and people appear happy about it
this really bluepills my pupils

>Who cares if I'm already getting Jewed? I'M ABOUT TO GET JEWED!
I'm not your friend, Redditor. You'll barely notice a difference.

But it isnt

>You'll barely notice a difference.
Any site that can't compensate for their high data usage / site popularity will be noticeably different, if they'll be able to exist at at. Sites are going to cap the about of users they have because they wont be able to afford the higher toll.


Why would this ever be a good thing.

Because it's not a world-ending thing like Reddit claims it to be.

Neither would an open-border policy. But it does turn the place to shit.

I pay for 30 mbps internet but I noticed I can download from google drive at 120 mbps yesterday. thanks!

nope, it won't affect consumer at all, fb will just have to pay isp's some of their massive profit. and we will probably get faster access to FB out of it. hell I bet all the major phone carriers will offer free fb data soon.

Why should larger websites be subsidized by law? This is what "not being jewed" is to you? Subsidizing Amazon and Netflix?

>being fucked in the ass without lube by your ISP
As if that isn't happening already.

We are a constitutional republic, not a democracy. Anyone claiming we are is stupid and you shouldn't be listening to them.

>Then you'll be fucked in the ass without lube
says increasingly nervous man for the tenth time

>how can the US claim to be a democracy
Austrian education everybody

what is the Internet for 15 years without net neutrality?

>charging the same rate per bit for every website is a subsidy

you think this happen overnight ? your pathetic.

In that case why don't YOU know? Stop making excuses for your laziness.


I hope Trump uses the Propaganda Act to seize Twitter as a public commons.