How do you accept that the good parts of Medaka Box will never be animated?

How do you accept that the good parts of Medaka Box will never be animated?

Because Gainax is dead.
Because studios will eventually just fuck up the adaptation
Because no one will sub it anyway especially the Jet Black Bride Arc.

That they were so good in the manga that they are complete even without animation, colors, or a soundtrack. Medaka Box is a series that is best as a manga, and my own personal opinion is that it is one of the best manga ever written, although I can understand how people whi didn't get it or how different tastes would disagree, it is extremely hit or miss. Either you get it or you just don't.

Every fucking day I make a blood sacrifice to Bones praying that at least the Minus Arc would get animated

I pray every year that we'll hear something new for this series. An anime, figure, etc.

What makes it so different that Medaka Box didn't show in pic related?


Is it running in a Shounen Jump publication?

This character was terrible.

Yeah, he was the best character in the series.

hand bra jeans > naked apron > everything else

What do you expect from the loser?

Why did they even bother with the first two seasons, goddamn.

The manga was nearly cancelled from it, what were they thinking?

man so many fucking words
fuck I hate Nisiosin


I dont , I'm currently saving cash to get it animated myself

More upset nobody will read it because of a shit anime.

Unpopular opinion time. Even though the first arc was horrible, Miyakanojou Oudo the best villain besides kumagawa, and even that is closer than most people admit

Happy because Medaka Box was fucking garbage.

Gainax was a mistake. They did a horrible job with the anime.

How many fantastic things has the greatest loser said?

A lot.


The threads were great when the manga was still releasing. FRESH

Fuck you

It makes me sad we'll never see Freshmaker animated. How would they do his rubber band trick though? There'd be no words on panel for him to cut

That's why he was the best character.

Oh man look at the number of texts. It is terrifying

It's better as a manga

This actually reinforces the point. Taking awhile to read a lot of text works as a good gag in a manga, because there's a visual element there and the timing is already cut into distinct, static chunks. You can also more quickly read something or even just immediately move on to the next bit on your own time without really disrupting the flow of anything. In an anime, it results in really long lines and nothing much else happening on the screen, which you're forced to sit through to get to the next portion.

This whole sequence here really had the impact it had because of how reading a manga works. You could achieve something similar in an anime format, but it wouldn't be a one to one translation and require more than just making an okay anime cinematography. It's not just going to arise naturally out of the source material.

Have only the two color pages been translated?