Republicans have lost the popular vote in six of the last seven presidential elections

this is a grave sign for the health and long-term viability of the GOP, especially as the minority share of the voting population continues to increase. donald trump managed to run the table and secure pluralities in the states he needed to win despite his popular-vote loss, but the odds of this occurring again are increasingly unlikely. how does the GOP reverse this seemingly terminal decline? and if they don't, when's the last time it's realistic for the to win a presidential election? i'd say 2020/2024 are the last hurrah for the republicans barring some seismic changes.

>inb4 "p-popular vote doesn't matter!!"

Implement voter ID

the only people who fear a voter id are those who can not obtain one, fpbp as always

Develop a good economic policy that is supported by whites, blacks and hispanics. Racial tensions are exacerbated when the various groups think they are competing against each other for limited prospects. Broaden the prospects and the best in each group will purse success.

Make driver's licenses/IDs double as voter ID, have the state eat the cost to prevent whining about MUH POOR PEOPLE, boom.

Dems will fight it tooth and nail because they know the reality that illegals vote in droves. GOP needs it badly because it will combat the momentum that illegals have.

I don't get American elections. In my country you have like 10 parties, only 2 or 3 are relevant. There is a pre- election for each party to pick a candidate, then the national election to pick a party with the correspondent candidate.

Based on your description, it sounds exactly the same, except with less parties. There are typically only 4 who get any votes and of those only republicans and democrats get enough to matter nationally.

More papers won't fix demographics.

It at least delays the issue.. Overall of course white people need to have more children if they want representation but discounting illegal votes in the meantime at least buys time.

good thing the dems imported all those low IQ brown people into the country to vote for their hair-brained policies

but how is that deal about the electoral college?

The electoral college allows for wind on a per state level. Each state has a certain number of delegates based on their representation in Congress and based on how the voters of the state vote for president the electoral votes are allotted. Most states have a winner take all set up, but a few allow for splits based on %votes in the state.

It sounds complicated, but it essentially breaks the election down into 51 separate contests (including DC) with each state having a different number of votes based on population. That is why Democrats can get almost half the votes with only 1/3 of the states. Whoever wins enough of these contests and gets a majority of the points is president. The popular vote typically follows the winner since most states are fairly evenly divided, but recently democrats have been getting excessively more votes (+20% or so) in high population states which makes it a less accurate indicator of who will win the electoral college.

Overall, it is not perfect, but it does prevent large cities from controlling the outcome of elections and allows for more diverse input into who the president should be.

The black pill: we are only holding back the eventual left based destruction. It is inevitable like death.

To add to your point, some states already give illegals DLs, voting status would need to be marked explicitly.

2 things will happen, either the GOP will become a minor party and right wingers will create a new party that has a clear white agenda. Or, the GOP will go further left to get minority vote. You can already see that the GOP is doing the latter. Last presidential election they had 2 Hispanics and a black guy as their stars. Already they switched to pander to Christians of any race. Already they try to pander to minorites by throwing whites under the bus.
The way I see it, once minorites become the majority the US will either be like South Africa or whites will start fighting back. Pretty sure we will be like South Africa though.

I'm guessing you're not posting from inside the U.S., you know, since we don't use the popular vote. This has been repeated 300 times but you just dont get it. Cities have more people than suburbs and small towns, cities vote mostly liberal = most of the votes are for liberals...but we don't use popular voting, we use a better system that balances out the entire country so cities don't get to permanently vote their way for eternity. I swear you guys are mentally ill you just dont understand anything

Unless whites act like niggers and have 8 kids they can't support, they can't compete. What needs to happen is the state needs to lower the burdens they put on middle class families and married couples. 2-3 kids are fine.

Pretty much.

Lol have you ever voted for anything ever? I literally cant think of a time iv voted for anything local or otherwise where i didnt need a drivers liscense minimim

see the flag you stupid nigger? popular vote in all fifty states elects the electors. continuous GOP loss in the popular vote means their states will continue to fall to the democrats. only a "special" someone could argue that popular vote doesn't matter.

eat a dick you fucking monkey.

Have you considered that it's a problem for the Democrats that too many of their voters are in Jew York and Mexifornia?

The GOP is more of a national party. That's why it can win elections despite losing the popular vote.

This; and this.

sure it's a problem. it's why the democrats lost in 2000 and 2016. but for them, it's not insurmountable.

it should be a troubling sign for the GOP that they lost virginia last year. that means the south is no longer solid. that means their one major advantage is being nullified. the republican states outside the south are largely empty (montana, wyoming, north/south dakota, etc... only 3 electoral votes each).

Normally, we would expect the political system to fracture into ethnic-based bloc voting. Since it is a two-party system, those blocs will be the "white" party (the GOP) and the nonwhite party (the Democrats).

The problem is that the GOP has refused to assume this role, which means that the white vote is split between the two parties. Trump managed to scrape together enough of the white vote to win by using populist rhetoric (border security, infrastructure, even hinting at things like national healthcare). But the "mainstream" GOP is strongly anti-populist, and mainly cares about its wealthy donors along with neocon foreign policy.

If Trump doesn't start going populist again, the GOP will almost certainly get wiped out in 2018, and Trump himself will be hamstrung by endless Congressional investigations until the 2020 presidential election. Basically, the Paul Ryan Heritage Foundation/Chamber of Commerce agenda is unpopular with a lot of whites, which prevents the GOP from embracing what should be its natural destiny as the white party.

A majority of the electoral college votes are based off population. As California, New York and other large cities expand their ghettos, they will take house members from red states due to outgrowing them. This will lead to a further concentration of power into a few states.

best post in the thread. this is the path forward for the GOP but i doubt they will take it. sheldon adelson, koch brothers et al. contribute too much money.

They probably don't have to take the populist path in order for most of their office-holders to remain in power. But "most" is still going to be far short of a majority, and it won't include the presidency itself. That is the GOP's future if it "stays the course" with its traditional corporate cocksuckery and foreign "adventurism."

its a sign of the health of the fucking country. liberalism is spreading like mad and its only going ot get worst. once the whole country has the disease, humanity here will end.

Two states make up this "popular voting majority". I would like to know how many illegals voted in the last few elections, and how much fraud was involved. Pro tip: a lot.
