This will be the biggest fuck you to the NFL

fuck the nfl

you're retarded. Also look what good that alt right boycotting did hahah

I read that on drudge last night and fucking lost it!

Knowing how close Vince and Trump are and how much XFL is missed among aging millennials now combined with the fresh hate for the SJW-NFL it would be a huge hit!

>you're retarded

no u

remind the NFL why they are worth billions? Because of the season ticket holders and all the people who watch it? Nobody wants to see ur liberal shilling, we want football

bring opie and anthony back... or chip and anthony

YES loved the XFL. Hope they make a new blitz game too

lets do this

bill burr pre show plz



This, imagine if Vince supports Trump publicly and his fan base the NFL would be doomed. But expect sexual allegations towards Vince if he relaunches the XFL the NFL will do everything to spear him.

Smear not spear lol

If i can bet daily fantasy style I'm down.

Fuck you, cruel world.

"XFL" is such a stupid edgy name though.

>Hope they make a new blitz game too
This. Also new madden. Those games are so based. Rn I jus play minecraft, dota 2, and based call of duty

He should bring it back without trying too hard to be different. I was only 11 when the XFL happened, but I remember some meme shit like radio communication in their helmets and such. But certainly change the rules up a bit, and that ball rush thing was cooler than a gay coin toss.

Blitz is love. Blitz is life.

I still play that shit on the N64 along with Blitz 2000 on the Dreamcast and Blitz: The League on the PS2.

This is sad.

Everything else about this thread is money.

suplexing people in an nfl game was pretty dope ngl

its all about money. if its there, it'll work. if its not, its a waste

fuck that faggot

just cuck my shit up senpai

quit employing degenerate niggers


>Trump reveals he's had a higher power helping him as President
It was me, America! It was me all along!
t. Vince