Memes aside boys do any of you actually deny the holocaust?


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The Math
>pic related

Holocaust as in?
6 gorillion? Fuck off mate
300k typhoid deaths? Oops, sorry

Listen anons since las vegas this board has been taken by CIA/Mossad agents. This thread is spammed once every day. Do whatever you want up to this point. I'm not your dad yo tell you what is better for you. And BTW the holocaust happened, but that 6 million number was pulled out of your asses!

but more than 300k died on the eastern front alone via the Einsatzgruppen

This document is presented as evidence of the complicity and approval of Adolf Hitler ("Meldungen an den Führer" means report for the Führer), regarding the murders that took place during the Holocaust. It tallies the Nazis' death toll exacted on armed partisans, as well as their arrest of non-Jewish and execution of both non-Jewish and Jewish partisan accomplices in Eastern Europe between September 1st to December 1st, 1942 in Southern Russia, Ukraine and Bialystok.

The tally? 363,211 Jews executed in autumn 1942.

If Himmler was trying to artificially inflate numbers to impress Hitler, the first thing he would have done is raise the rather pathetic looking list tallying the number of defectors as a result of German propaganda.

The original is now in file NS19/291, Bundesarchiv, Koblenz. Likewise in the literature you find the following archive reference for the reports: BA, NS 19/2566

On a similar note, the Korherr Report is a 16-page document on the progress of the Holocaust as reflected in the dwindling numbers of Jews in Germany and German-controlled Europe. It was written by the chief inspector of the statistical bureau of the SS and professional statistician Dr Richard Korherr under the title die "Endlösung der Judenfrage", in English the Final Solution to the Jewish Question.

You can read the entire Korherr Report in the German original here:

Why are you faggots so touchy on this subject? You can have honest discussions without getting so easily triggered when someone has a differing point of view

cry more faggot

New Hawk Jews would call official Soviet version holocaust denial had it been translated into English.

It's just a tribal issue with them and a national holiday. Pls remember and celebrate how much did we suffer.

Yea nah you're just a gullible cunt who believes everything Sup Forums spoon feeds you

If I were to believe every single holocaust story about Dr.Mengele, then Josef Mengele would be an interdenominational being who had a personal experience with every holocaust survivor. Josef would have been at every camp even though the facts say otherwise. He would have also had the power to turn anyone into soap or a lampshade at will.

The east was to be depopulated, jews were not to be spared as well.
Indiscriminate killing i could not care less about.

but more than 300k died on the eastern front alone via the Einsatzgruppen

>This document is presented as evidence of the complicity and approval of Adolf Hitler ("Meldungen an den Führer" means report for the Führer), regarding the murders that took place during the Holocaust. It tallies the Nazis' death toll exacted on armed partisans, as well as their arrest of non-Jewish and execution of both non-Jewish and Jewish partisan accomplices in Eastern

>Europe between September 1st to December 1st, 1942 in Southern Russia, Ukraine and Bialystok.
>The tally? 363,211 Jews executed in autumn 1942.

But killing partisans just means killing terrorists basically, people who don't fight under a "Flag" and back then that actually meant something, so you would just be executed or the locals who didn't give them up would have reprisals taken against them.

Whether they were Jews or non-Jews, which you're claiming the documents says they were both, is immaterial. They were simply killing enemy combatants, not Holocausting anybody.

yes. the germans didn't have the resources, and there weren't that many jews there at the time.

Openly and in public.

He answered your question. One day soon you'll be in an oven

so what about the other 5 million?

Did you read the Barbarossa Decree? Their definition of partisan was pretty all encompassing

Well 5-6.5 million Jews were missing from Europe after WW2, if not killed in the Holocaust where did they go?

>millions of documents found after the war
>not a single one ordering or even referring to any plan to kill jews

>”gas chambers” that physically couldn’t have been used for gassings
>senior Auschwitz officials(today) admitting on camera that the gassing holes were built after the war
>6 million dead and no bones, bodies, or ashes ever found

And don’t even get me started on the impossible crematoriums that burned 75 jews a second or something, and the fake chimney that isn’t even connected to the ovens.

cry? who is the one bumping this thread like a fucking jewish shill? why dont you tell your mossad cronies to remove me from planet earth then? cry....cry salty tears for me for you 6 gorillion

>"where did they go"

>>not a single one ordering or even referring to any plan to kill jews

On 27 March 1942, during the height of the war, Goebbels wrote into his diary one of the most explicit recorded references to the Nazi genocide of the Jews:

«The Jews are now being pushed out of the General Government, beginning near Lublin, to the East. A pretty barbaric procedure is being applied here, and it is not to be described in any more detail, and not much is left of the Jews themselves. In general one may conclude that 60% of them must be liquidated, while only 40% can be put to work. The former Gauleiter of Vienna [Globocnik], who is carrying out this action, is doing it pretty prudently and with a procedure that doesn't work too conspicuously. The Jews are being punished barbarically, to be sure, but they have fully deserved it. The prophesy that the Führer issued to them on the way, for the eventuality that they started a new world war, is beginning to realise itself in the most terrible manner. One must not allow any sentimentalities to rule in these matters.»

May 30, 1942 (II.4.406)
[...] Therefore one must exterminate (liquidieren) the Jewish danger, cost it what it will. Given how few Jews can in reality adjust themselves to Western European life, one sees that, where they are led back into the ghetto, they quickly revert to form. West European civilization represents only an external coat of paint to them. There is also the Jewish essence, which works with a dangerous brutality and vindictiveness. Therefore the Führer does not at all wish that the Jews should be evacuated (evakuiert) to Siberia. There, under the harshest living conditions, they would undoubtedly develop again a strong life-element. [...]

No, as much as Sup Forums jokes about it literally everyone here supports the criminalization of holocaust denial.

I had family stationed in poland during WW2 who deny that Hitler was exterminating jews so I grew up hearing about how it was BS. Never cared until the last few years, started hearing more and looked into it.

People's belief in Hitler and his principles isn't coupled with or reliant on the "holocaust didn't happen." Its just the first thing normies find out when they start making the 1488 transition.

There were camps, but the death toll, targeted people and methods on those camps have been grossly lied about.

Oh is that why you replied? Just to show how not mad you were? Fucking clown

>1488 transition

Keep trying to pass your insecurity and confusion off as a political stance my dude

Drumpf voters typically haven't graduated high school so I don't see why there wouldn't be a significant portion of them that does so

>mfw this is the best $18billion gets you.

I'm the pope himself telling you to get off the internet and finish your middle school homework kiddo

It took place. You can write anyone off who denies it as a white nationalist 1.0 kook idiot who doesn't know anything about history.

This guy


Do I think it happened? Yes.
Do I think the Jews over play it a little? Yes.

Damn I can see your nose from here

>asks question
>gets answer
>"ad hominem"
ha, fuck you too

That's 1.459 bodies PER MINUTE for TWENTY FOUR hours straight. It took me much longer then that to just get my cat cremated at a cremation chamber.

This. That insecure retard sounds like if he had been around furries instead of ww2 vets he would be transitioning into a woman right now

i dont care if it happened or not desu.

I don't need to deny something as long as there's insufficient proof supporting it.

Listen to OP. 6 gorillion died. Your grade school/middle school/high school history books wouldn't lie to you would they? I mean, it's not like they got anything else wrong amirite?

>Memes aside boys do any of you actually deny the holocaust?
Can't deny that which didn't happen.

That's why we're revisionists. We're revising the falsehoods of history.

sure, if you come down from Canada and pay my mortgage

Is that what you call the fine your parents got because you broke equipment in your middle school's science class? LOL!

Prove that's an image from "da shoah"

If you wanna go against the word of the German designers who created the damn thing feel free

>We're revising the falsehoods of history.

Yea what the historians who dedicate their whole lives to the subject know? The real answers are found on a Mongolian image board

>transitioning into a woman right now
Speaking of which...

Where do you think all those filthy gypsies came from?

keep posting, are behind a proxy at least? and mad about what, you are still projecting user.

>opa in europe
>american flag
Do the math faggot

>Evil Nazi scientist making his own harem of traps
This could be a good doujin desu, don't tell shadman tho

>Yea what the historians who dedicate their whole lives to the subject know?
They're not allowed to be holocaust revisionists otherwise they'd lose their jobs and freedom.

> The real answers are found on a Mongolian image board
Yes, because we can speak the truth here without being punished by the Jews for it. Unlike in academia and in dozens of countries.

Don't get your pussy wet faggot

>This could be a good doujin desu, don't tell shadman tho
You think that's bad...

>Don't get your pussy wet faggot
Don't get blown up like a jew balloon.

You do realize there was more than one muffle, right?

There is literalloy no evidence the holocaust happened. The so called "gas chamber" was used as a shower room until altered to be seen as a gas chamber. The gas was used to disinfect clothing, hair shaved to prevent lice. And yeah sure some alot of the prisoners were starving near the end of the war because Germany simply couldn't afford to feed them. And it would be nearly impossible to remove and dispove of that many bodies in such a short ammount of time not even considering the war effort going on at the time. And one of the largest peices of evidence is the havaara agreement that shipped out thousands of jews to palestine, hitler not only supported this but helped move the jews to palestine, if Hitler wanted to destroy the jews why would he ship them to Palestine?

>They're not allowed to be holocaust revisionists otherwise they'd lose their jobs and freedom.

You act as if they'd be revisionists if they weren't beholden to their jobs.

>Yes, because we can speak the truth here without being punished by the Jews for it. Unlike in academia and in dozens of countries.

There's quite a bit of evidence collected since WW2 for evidence of the Holocaust. You'd be hard pressed to go through every single piece of evidence to discredit it

Damn user my mind is filthy, throw in some dogs. Fuck it throwing in a commission.


It is is literally illegal to question the official Holocaust narrative in several countries. That fact alone should raise skepticism.

>Yes, because we can speak the truth here without being punished by the Jews for it. Unlike in academia and in dozens of countries.
So you speak the "truth" because you said you do? Sure kid

>Posting JPGs you found on Sup Forums from exaggerated accounts not even historians take seriously

Yep 100% sure fire evidence Holocaust was faked case closed. You are a clown

>You act as if they'd be revisionists if they weren't beholden to their jobs.
Well it's not like they have the ability to think for themselves. What with the utter vilification of anyone that questions, disagrees with and criticizes the official holocaust narrative.

>There's quite a bit of evidence collected since WW2 for evidence of the Holocaust.
No, there isn't. There's zero evidence for the Holocaust.

>You'd be hard pressed to go through every single piece of evidence to discredit it
Most of it is such bullshit it can be dismissed out of hand. Pic related.

>It is is literally illegal to question the official Holocaust narrative in several countries.
You can say the exact same thing about Soviet atrocities in a lot of ex-Soviet states. Do you apply the same skepticism to those?

fuck you, translate this bitch

>So you speak the "truth" because you said you do? Sure kid
We speak the truth because we have the evidence to back up our claims, unlike the holocaust proponents.

Pastebin related

>Yep 100% sure fire evidence Holocaust was faked case closed.
That would be in this link

Dozens of books and dozens of documentaries.

I just use images like that to show just how ridiculous the holocaust claims really are.

Take the nuremberg trials for example.

>You are a clown
Said the person literally defending the kikes on Sup Forums of all places.

Why do so many liberal jews deny the genocidal atrocities of Communism. Better yet, why aren't they condemned for it?

>Well it's not like they have the ability to think for themselves

lmao what do you mean exactly?

>There's zero evidence for the Holocaust.

What about all the pictures?

>Most of it is such bullshit it can be dismissed out of hand. Pic related.

Feel free to discredit pic related. The Sonderkommando Photos

>Listen anons since inception this board has been taken by CIA/Mossad agents


I sincearcly doubt you've read anything you linked. Most of it isn't even cited

Such as?

Not going to bother translating the header

>Herr Obersturmführer Krone calls to say he was summoned to meet with Brigadeführer Kämmer and to report on his inspection of the crematorium in Auschwitz, whence he had returned yesterday. He could make nothing of the facilities at Auschwitz and wanted therefore to inform himself on how many muffles are in operation there at this time and how many ovens with muffles we are building there and are still to be delivered.

>I told him that at this time 3 double-muffle ovens are in operation, with a capacity of 250 per day. Further, currently under construction are 5 triple muffle ovens with a daily capacity of 800. Today and in the next few days, 2 eight-muffle ovens, each with a daily capacity of 800, will come on consingment, redirected from Mogilew.

>Mr K said that this number of muffles is not yet sufficient; we should deliver more ovens as quickly as possible.

>Thus, it is appropriate that I come to Berlin Thursay morning in order to discuss further delvieries with Mr K. I should bring documents on Auschwitz with me, so that the urgent calls can finally be silenced once and for all.

>I have agreed to the visit for Thursday.

I grew up on the northeast and I have attended private schools and universities. I’m not a back woods racist idiot. Still, there are many things that are being claimed about the holocaust that are simply logistically implausible. How could hitler have gathered more Jews than existed in Europe? How could they burn a body every 2 minutes for 5+ years? There are questions that need to be asked.

Yes. Fuck the kikes and their tendrils in media and banks.

>lmao what do you mean exactly?
If they could think for themselves they wouldn't be in academia. If they could reason for themselves they wouldn't be allowed in academia.

>What about all the pictures?
There are zero pictures of the Holocaust as it actually happened. That picture doesn't prove the "Holocaust"

Also, pic related.

>Feel free to discredit pic related. The Sonderkommando Photos

Wikipedia Editing Courses Launched by Zionist Groups

thanks, that's definitely a fake document tho

Only neckbeard virgins deny the holocaust

>I sincearcly doubt you've read anything you linked.
Of course you do because you're too much of a coward to investigate it.

>Most of it isn't even cited
Which proves you didn't even check it out. All the books have citations. Many of the documentaries are cited.


And you're basing this assessment on what exactly?

Are you serious? Do I have to go down the list of communist sympathizing jews? Have you had your head up your for the last decade?

You go and ask the professionals _today_ if that is even close to possible now, or was possible back then.

They will laugh you out of their office.

Don't deny it as much as I realize that Jews are destroyers of civilizations and deserved any treatment they may have received.

>If they could think for themselves they wouldn't be in academia

What? There's tons of historians who have researched the Holocaust independently and came to similar conclusions. Being in academia does not mean they can't think for themselves

>There are zero pictures of the Holocaust as it actually happened

What? How about and you did not disprove the Sonderkommando photos. Wikipedia is not the only source for them

Professionals today are not trying to render bodies into ash ASAP, they do things like

>Clean out the ovens between cremations
>Start each one cold
>Often burn the casket along the body.

You had under 1 hour cremations per body all the way back in 1875. (page 125 if you're interested). I've never heard any of the professionals today put in bad marks for Mr. Eassie's pamphlet.

Money was given to who, for what, count the dead, problem. It's possible. Communication is biased in WAR.

>Memes aside boys do any of you actually deny the holocaust?

I think a fair number of details we as society are told as fact are really propaganda.

The number "Six Million" had been circulating decades before Hitler's reign.

However, I believe Hitler really did round up Jews among others, place them in camps, use them as slave labor, and allow them to die of typhus/starvation.

Hitler also considered Muslims and Nippon more "Aryan" then Slavic people and had plans to genocide them.

Hitler wasn't a "White Nationalist" quit idolizing him.

He was a failure that ruined Europe.

>Which proves you didn't even check it out. All the books have citations. Many of the documentaries are cited.

No they are not

>Of course you do because you're too much of a coward to investigate it.

I'm not about to go through books and books of denial as it's not practical just as you won't read any of the evidence here:

If there is anything scandalous in your link post them in the thread you pussy

That kid is so dark i thought he was getting a danshoku driver

Not considering it "the worst kind of crime", though.However, Hitler overdid it, and got the actual kikes away to America while providing them enough martyrs to support their chutzpah.

Stalin was an example of dealing with JQ properly: don't sperg on Jews being jews, but instead fuck them over by exposing them as enemies of the people and deal with them slowly, but effectively.

Your claims aren't self evident, if there is a substantial number of historians who deny the Holodomor feel free to post them

it happened but it is obvious that it didn't kill 6 million "people". the cremation of one body takes an average of 1 hour and.this number would imply that they killed a huge amount of jews every hour without stopping during the whole war

million dead and no bones, bodies, or ashes ever found

When there will be bones presented for 60 million soviets died from Stalin, mate?

>What? There's tons of historians who have researched the Holocaust independently and came to similar conclusions.
Because if they didn't, they wouldn't be in academia anymore.

>Being in academia does not mean they can't think for themselves
Then why isn't free and open debate allowed?

>What? How about
What? You think because there's a picture of a guy with a "gun" pointing it at someone that proves the holocaust happened?

>and you did not disprove the Sonderkommando photos

>Wikipedia is not the only source for them
So you're saying I should trust Jewish sources even though they offer no real evidence?

Exactly show me one document of Stalin ordering the Holodomor? Can't find it? That means it didn't happen obviously. If this sounds retarded it's cuz it is

Yes, I do.

As a general rule of thumb, you should question ANY official narrative.