Why is all leftist art patronizing drivel?

Why is all leftist art patronizing drivel?

I don't get it, usually the leftists are the ones saying "not all ______"

Don't worry senpai. I'LL take the case!

Post the not all muslims version

Generalizations of this sort in general are rooted in ignorance

do it do it do it

Guys! I got an idea!
>Make webcomic
>Every single one starts with a silly looking pompous acting strawman representation of somebody who disagrees with me
>Then my totally reasonable androgynous looking lesbian female or trans main charecter bursts in and physically assaults him
>(but its like, a totally REASONABLE assault)
>Then she has a 3 paragraph long rant copy and pasted directly from a womens studies textbook that sounds absolutley NOTHING like normal human dialog
>and it will be the same formula fot EVERY SINGLE ONE FOREVER!
>Also its not poorly drawn at a 6th grade level then retouched, its just in a..... uhhh..... Ummmm..... CHARMINGLY QUAINT AND SIMPLISTIC STYLE!!

Im gonna start a patreon guys, its gonna be totally original and make me tons of money after somebody criticizes it and I report them to the police for rape then start a youtube channel about how I survived cyber bullying.

I see what you did there......

egregiously underrated


How does that argument not also apply to Jews/Niggers/Faggots?


someone should make this with "women, gay people, jewish people"

Turn it around and all hell breaks loose.
Baby's first redpill. In my opinion that's honestly enough, being JUST redpilled enough to unflinchingly vote for Trump and Nehlen. It's difficult living with the whole truth.

When one lacks evidence and argument to support the merits of their worldview, they try to leverage authority and emotions. Lacking any real authority, that illusion must be created in language.

top kek

Why don't they apply that logic to Muslims.

Doing God's work.


All they know how to do is patronize, snark, and adopt a holier than thou attitude. It's revolting and it turned many of us right-wing.


Humans are perfectly capable of a few neat psychological tricks.

First is the ability to believe completeley contradictory things. Like truth suddenly becoming not true as soon as its inconvienient for you to apply that opinion, then suddenly being true again moments later when holding the opinion is useful again.

Next is the ability to believe something even after given irrefutable evidence of falsehood or contradiction. In fact, presenting irrefutable proof something is wrong can actually make about 65% of the population believe it even MORE strongly.

Even worse? It has absolutley nothing to do with intellect, in fact, the more intelligent somebody is the more likley they are to exhibit these traits since thier self confidence and belief in thier own infallibility aggravates these psychological quirks rather than dispell them.

In short, its possible for a highly intelligent person to not only believe a false and contradictory opinion, its actually possible for them to believe an intentionally false viewpoint they fabricated themselves.

This is why critical thinking skills are far far more important than raw intellect. Sup Forums makes a big deal out of high IQ but the reality is anyone with a 100 IQ or more willing to apply themselves towards critical thinking and logical skills arent on that much of an uneven playing ground compared to eachother.

I've done my best, user.

Bump people need this

now you can stick an islamic prayer cap on him, change niggers to muslims, and you have a muzzie version.

For the love god post it.

Nice work

I love you so much right now. No homo, though.

Can someone add a swastika armband?

This is what happens when being mentally damaged and unbalanced is a virture.

inability to see past their all protecting ego; even reality will warp for a time around that. Until it doesn't.

A weak person sees others as responsible for triggering him/her. Hate speech is violence.

A strong person introspects why that triggered them and be better for it. Now thing no longer triggers. Now person is healthier and in better control if the sovereignty of their life.

The left NEEDS damaged people; babies are easier to control.

My man.

Critical thinking is too important for leftists to allow.


A byproduct of hollow beliefs.


I gave it a few minute go on GIMP.

Oh I forgot to edit the chat bubble. Will report with that fixed.

God Bless you user!

Toasting in the best of breads.
Bumping for justice


Critical thinking is more important than intellect. A person with a mensa IQ who lacks it will have every single thing they say oblitorated by a guy with an average 100 IQ who simply posesses critical thinking skills and a 101 introductory level grasp of what logical fallacies are.

This is why (((THEY))) push a Feels-over-Reals version of education today. Kids are being taught to do what FEELS right instead of being taught how to figure out what IS right.

Not all Muslims, see how easy that was?

Fresh new text.

>my dad was white so i will kill all white males

1: you are awesome
2: somebody post this version to the original artist's twitter/facebook/instagram and see what he/she/it does


>"not all..."
>It's too many
>It's enough
Hmmm really send bioelectric signals down my neurons

under rated

they've been evil since the beginning of time

remember: leftism used to be punished by death

Now I just need to edit them to be side by side.

You are a good bloke m8.

Good shit user

Here's to you, user

God bless you user.

what makes me sick is how much more poignant and grounded in reality this one is compared to the OP cartoon

What was he going to say? Not all black people are criminals?

Why does he have such a massive erection?

Is it just me or is Trump winning the best thing to happen to libshits? It vindicates their need to be losers when they were spending so much time riding momentum of Obama and their perceived near win of Shillary.

because it's not art, it's propaganda. Everything is propaganda to them. Music, movies, art, TV, late night comedy shows...

Everything they do is an opportunity for them to either manipulate through subtlety and deception or throw right into your face their shitty emotional political beliefs in an attempt at self-validation.

>being smothered by a redhead
Worth it

>Why is all leftist art patronizing drivel?

because all of their arguments are childish propaganda.

>we will physically stop you from speaking
>we speak for you
>now do you understand sweetie?

This enrages me.

can confirm


Because They have no platform besides fuck tradition



I will remember this, user.

Too crass. Have it say "We know it's not ALL black people, muslims, illegal immigrants, etc.", you'd actually be countering it by still applying their logical consistency while not being so in your face offensive that they can brush it aside by simply calling you a racist.


Somebody made this edit, and the artist was fucking pissed off. She went on full twitter rant about racists and islamophobists when all this edit did was proved how much of a dishonest libcuck she is.